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Cinta de sexo de Monica Lewinsky a Bill Clinton hará daño sólo 1 persona

Penulis : Unknown on woensdag 31 juli 2013 | 23:08

woensdag 31 juli 2013

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por Julie Ryan Evans hace 1 hora

Bill Clinton and Monica LewinskyHoy llegaron noticias de que un picante, nunca antes escuchado cinta de sexo Que Monica Lewinsky hecha por Bill Clinton ha surgido después de todo estos años. Aparentemente el National Enquirertiene un asimiento de la grabación de audio (gracias a Dios no hubo iPhones entonces!) en que Lewinsky intenta convencer al Presidente que conocerla para un "rapidito" o lo que quiera.

Cuando el escándalo estalló se pensaba que la cinta, que fue supuestamente hecha meses después de su cita final alegado en marzo de 1997, había sido destruida, pero según el Enquirer un limpiador no destruirlo, y ahora aquí está... en todo su esplendor explícito.  En lo que al parecer sólo puedes escuchar la voz de Lewinsky. "Podría quitarme la ropa y empezar... "Espero verte luego y espero que siga mi guión y hacer lo que quiera, dice, según un extracto escrito publicado por Radar Online. Entonces ella continúa... y sobre.

Ofrece a todo tipo de sugerencias y logística en cuanto a lo que pueden hacer, de ver una película o haber boxeado cenas para tener "una buena visita para, ya sabes, 15 minutos o media hora. Lo que quieras." Ella fue por mendicidad:

No me rechazas porque soy demasiado lindo y adorable y pronto no estaré aquí ya para ir. Soy muy persistente, pero um... Realmente quiero verte.

Como impactante como lo fue cuando sucedió, esto es triste. Lo demuestra cuán desesperado Lewinsky fue, y ya lo sabíamos. Su vida ha sido definida por este incidente, y mientras tanto ella y Bill Clinton fueron la culpa, es ella quien ha sufrido las repercusiones de la mayoría y es la que esta cinta de sexo contamina aún más (si es posible).

Algunos dicen que esta nueva cinta podría frustrar las ambiciones políticas de Hillary a correr por la casa blanca. Una fuente dijo a the Enquirer:

Los Clinton creía que esta cinta de sexo fue muerto y enterrado. ¿Si esta cinta y otros materiales están apareciendo ahora, imagina qué más debe estar ahí? Esto podría ser sólo la punta del iceberg y el más embarazosa 'erupción bimbo' de todo para los Clinton.

No creo que lo hará tal cosa. Esto es noticia vieja con un nuevo giro. No es nada por lo menos no imaginamos antes, y francamente no es tan impactante que aprender ahora. Todo el lío no destruir a Bill Clinton antes, y ni siquiera poner una abolladura en él o Hillary ahora. De hecho, si acaso, puede ayudar a Hillary.  La única persona que está sufriendo esta nueva bomba es Lewinsky, y eso tampoco es nada nuevo.

¿Crees que esta cinta lastimará posibilidades de Hilary en la Presidencia?

Imagen via National Enquirer

Haga clic en "Me gusta" para más en temas que son importantes para las mamás. Julie Ryan Evans Acerca del autor Julie Ryan Evans

puede encontrar escribiendo desde cafés donde quiera que estén. La calidad de sus días es ampliamente influenciada por el asiento que atrapó y si un plato de proteína está disponible.

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'True Blood' Spoiler: Ben vs Billith será la mejor batalla alguna vez

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por Jacqueline Burt hace 1 hora

sookie ben¿Si hay una cosa que ha estado desaparecida desde esta temporada de True Blood (y honestamente? No se ha perdido mucho), es un buen anticuado enfrentamiento entre rivales románticos. Un smackown! Incluso, un duelo. Y por un tiempo, parecía que nunca íbamos a conseguir uno--es decir, que quien podría ser desafiante para cuya mano?! El proyecto de ley/Sookie/Eric triángulo es lejos más allá de la etapa de fracaso, y ninguna de las otras relaciones son remotamente high stakes lo suficiente. ¿(Pam y Tara? Alcide y esa chica desnuda?) Pero según Rob Kazinsky (Ben/Warlow), podríamos conseguir ese enfrentamiento todavía!

Aparentemente los sentimientos de Ben por Sookie son súper fuertes--y también son intensos sentimientos de Sookie para Ben. Así que cuando su unión se ve amenazada por alguien más, dice Kazinsky, las "cadenas de voluntad que sostiene con una especie de moho y romper".

Ruh-roh!! Y luego está esta Sinopsis Episodio 9, "Cuestiones de la vida".

"Un desesperado Bill (Stephen Moyer) intenta ferry Warlow (Rob Kazinsky) lejos del hada llano, pero Sookie (Anna Paquin) va a tener nada de eso. Mientras tanto, Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) llega al campamento de vamp, mirando para infligir graves daños humanos. En Bon Temps, amigos y familia tomar turnos emocionales recordando a un vecino caído. Bill siente el tirón de Lilith (Jessica Clark) sirenas. "

Tal vez veremos en lugar de Ben y Bill peleando por Sookie, Sookie y Ben vs Billith??

¿Crees que Sookie va a terminar con Bill o Ben?

Imagen via HBO

Haga clic en el botón "Me gusta" Si amas a los vampiros! Jacqueline Burt Sobre el autor Jacqueline Burt

ha escrito para numerosas revistas, periódicos y sitios Web. Es fácilmente aburrido y cansado a menudo, así que requiere constante entretenimiento para mantenerla despierta. Baila, mono! ¡ Baila!

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Comportamiento Justin escandaloso, tarde en la noche seguramente molestará a Selena Gomez

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por Nicole Fabian-Weber hace 4 horas

justin bieberEntonces, espera. ¿Creo que Justin Bieber y Selena Gomez fueron juntos de nuevo? ¿Es decir, los dos se han visto juntos tanto en la vida real y vida Instagram Recientemente, así que no significa que están "en"? ¿No es como los niños hacen estos días? ¿"Salgo" cuando están saliendo? Aparentemente no, o al parecer tiempos han cambiado, porque de acuerdo a testigos, Bieber fue seduciendo a todo tipo de señoras durante un reciente viaje de NYC. De hecho, él supuestamente festejaron con una morena hasta 6 la otra noche... después de una rubia lo rechazaron.

Eso no suena como comportamiento cordial relación.

Según una fuente, el lunes por la noche, Justin fue "rodeado de rubias" en captura de club nocturno en Nueva York. Al parecer una de las chicas pidió su número, y le dijo que se largue. La chica dijo: "estaba muy sorprendido cuando le dije que no y me dijo, 'no quieres pasar el rato en la fiesta?' Pero ya era de 2. Me lo miró y dijo que no, se rió y luego a la izquierda con mis amigos. Entonces, la noche siguiente, Justin fue visto llegando a 1oak night club a 4 (4!!!). Al parecer tiene particularmente acogedor con una morena que llevaba un "apretado vestido blanco con detalles en negro", antes de llegar a su hotel a 6

Lo más sorprendente de esta historia, además del hecho de que Justin primero llegó a un club nocturno a las 4:00 de la mañana, es que realmente creía que él y Selena estuvieron juntos. Es decir, que acaba de publicar un semi-sexy, en una especie de ansiedad adolescente de manera, foto junto el 4 de julio, junto con el hashtag #heartbreaker. "Sólo amigos" no hacen eso. Y recién roto a las parejas no hacen si no es absolutamente, positivamente no pasa nada.

Bueno, si ellos no terminaron, aseguro que será una vez Selena viento de travesuras de Biebs. Oye, quizás a leer este post y encontrar así! Si es así, lo siento Biebs. Pero, hey, genial para mí!

¿Qué opinas de las acciones de Justin?

Imagen via Justin Bieber/Instagram

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Aterrador Video sobre extraño peligro muestra nuestros chicos están demasiado confiado (VIDEO)

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por Adriana Vélez hace 3 horas

predator testSi un desconocido intentó atraer a su hijo alejado de la zona de juegos y dentro de una camioneta, su niño sabría mejor que seguir a él, ¿no? No estés tan seguro. En "The Predator Test," una próxima América elevando especial sobre HLN el viernes, Kyra Phillips pone a 20 niños a prueba. Un productor trae a su perro a un parque infantil, dedica a cada niño uno por uno y trata de atraerlos hacia su coche (con permiso de los padres, mientras miran). Tiene éxito con varios de ellos. Incluso tiene un niño para meterme en una jaula en la parte trasera del auto de extraño"".

Es terrible para un padre ver--y ese es el punto. La madre de ese chico que se mete en la jaula admite que no hubiera suficiente con su hijo hablaba de tratar con extraños porque no quería asustarlos. Pero algunos expertos dicen que debe asustar a tus hijos-- asustando a veces es necesaria y eficaz para mantener seguras a sus hijos.

A diferencia de muchos otros informes noticiosos asustar a la bejeezus de los padres y luego pasar a la siguiente historia, levantando América promete también dan a los padres que las herramientas para mejor preparan a sus hijos por supuesto peligro desconocido. Rebecca Bailey, terapeuta a secuestro sobreviviente Jaycee Dugard, dará a los padres consejos, incluyendo el nuevo idioma que se utilizará cuando se habla con sus hijos por estar segura con "personas que no saben".

Muy bien, necesitamos preparar a nuestros hijos para enfrentamientos con extraños. Pero la mayoría de los asaltos y secuestros son cometidos por alguien que sabe del niño. El principal sospechoso en el asesinato de Alanna Gallagher es su vecino. ¿Qué pasa con eso? Bueno, el especial contará también con niños consejos de autodefensa se pueden utilizar en cualquier situación, ya sea con un desconocido o con otro adulto que de repente se convierte en una amenaza.

Tengo que admitir, no he hecho mucho para preparar a mi propio hijo acerca de tratar con los adultos que no saben. Le he dado un par de conferencias, pero eso es todo. Espero que este especial me dará algunos consejos importantes para prepararnos para algo que espero que nunca, nunca tendrá que enfrentar.

"La prueba del depredador" en América criando con Kyra Phillips se transmite sobre HLN el viernes, 2 de agosto, a las 12:00 E.T.

¿Sientes que tu hijo esté preparado adecuadamente para enfrentar una amenaza de un adulto no saben?

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Adriana Velez Sobre el autorAdriana Vélez

es un escritor de personal que recrea en alimentos, crianza, noticias, Entretenimiento, biología molecular y nada más que lo que aparece en su cabeza. Ella vive con su hijo de edad escolar primaria en Brooklyn, tierra de granjas urbanas y artesanal todo.

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Sharon Stone nos hace todos quieren crecer vieja como ella (VIDEO)

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por Julie Ryan Evans hace 2 horas

Sharon Stone Sharon Stone es f * cking caliente. Lo siento, pero cuando te 55 y mira como lo hace ella, que merece una bomba eff para dar énfasis. Recientemente ha estado haciendo las rondas de promoción de su próxima película Lovelace, y nunca ha lucido mejor. Por supuesto, no es nunca parecía peor tampoco.

Estamos acostumbrados a ver a celebridades que no parecen que la edad, pero piedra es el único que ha mantenido su rostro impecable y figura sin la ayuda del bisturí de un cirujano. No, realmente. Dice que mientras los médicos han intentado hablar con ella en cirugía plástica en el pasado, ella no ha estado dispuesta a ir allí.

En una entrevista con la revista nueva, ella reveló su refrescante views en cirugía plástica y envejecimiento en general.

He venido cerca – pero, francamente, creo que en el arte del envejecimiento es bueno ahi esta sexualidad a tener esas imperfecciones. Es sensual.

Fácil decirlo cuando no tiene ninguno, pero tomo nota. Ella continuó diciendo que cree que no hay nada malo con procedimientos cosméticos, pero no cree que la gente se debe distorsionar. También cree que debería haber un requisito de la FDA que la gente tiene que reunirse con un terapeuta antes de la cirugía plástica. Dado algunos de los casos locos, demasiado entusiastas que hemos visto en los últimos años, en realidad no es una mala idea.

En cuanto a su cuerpo desafía a la edad, dice que viene por eso naturalmente también. Dijo la gente además de Pilates y levantamiento de pesas, tiene otro ejercicio secreto:

Me pongo dance mixes y realmente bailar mis sesos en casa porque me gusta eso. Ese refrán – 'danza como nadie está viendo' – lo hago. Bailo como nadie está mirando y bailo duro hasta que sudo y creo que eso es muy bueno. Es bueno para la mente y el cuerpo.

Claramente, está funcionando. Quiero ser ella cuando crezca.

¿Sorprendida por la actitud de Sharon Stone de la cirugía plástica?

Imagen via ABC

Julie Ryan Evans Sobre el autorJulie Ryan Evans

puede encontrar escribiendo desde cafés donde quiera que estén. La calidad de sus días es ampliamente influenciada por el asiento que atrapó y si un plato de proteína está disponible.

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Chica caliente pide extraños para tener sexo con ella y consigue algunas reacciones escandalosamente divertidas (VIDEO)

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por Sasha Brown-Worsham hace 4 horas

men asking for sexGeneralmente el estereotipo de los hombres (incluso de hombres) es que duermen con cualquier cosa que se mueve o respira y se adapta a su persuasión sexual. "Cualquier mujer puede tener sexo " cada vez que ella quiera, mi marido es aficionado de decirme aunque siempre mantengo, es no es completamente cierto.

De hecho, he oído historias de muchos hombres de rechazar a las mujeres. Si era porque estaban demasiado borrachos o demasiado hacia adelante o no eran simplemente que en ella, sucedió y sucede más a menudo de lo que nos gustaría dar el crédito por hombres.

Un hilarante video "experimento social" en el cual es una con poca ropa, joven muy atractiva se acercó a los hombres al azar y les pide sexo, produjo algunos resultados sorprendentes. De hecho, los hombres son más exigente de lo que parece. Vea a continuación:

Claro, existen los tipos que estaban como: ¿Cuándo y dónde? ¿Ahora? Cool. Pero cerca del 50 por ciento de los hombres le rechazó. Ahora, parte de eso es porque era raro y extraño y que en la tierra creería que era de verdad. Pero parece que una porción significativa de los hombres dijo que no hay razones reales.

Sus novias estaban al lado de ellos o porque, francamente, es una pregunta extraña y torpe. Claro, sería diferente si ella estaba en un bar y estaba coqueteando y había un contexto diferente, pero por lo general, los hombres no son los animales que les hacemos a ser. Incluso los hombres quieren saber en realidad una mujer antes de frotar las partes íntimas del cuerpo juntos.

Mira, sexo casual está bien si está investigando y por todos los medios, seguir y hacer lo que haga flotar tu barco sexualmente. Pero la mayoría de nosotros quiere una conexión con la gente que nos acostamos con en algún nivel. Si no es uno que dura para siempre, entonces por lo menos es química y algunos chase básica que conduce a una mesita de noche.

Esto es demasiado...  Raro. Y puedo entender por qué los hombres le rechazó totalmente.

¿Te sorprende por las reacciones de estos hombres?

Imagen vía YouTube

Sasha Brown-Worsham Sobre el autorSasha Brown-Worsham

No puede decidir si ella es una madre, escritor o corredor, pero es generalmente los tres en algún punto cada día. Ha escrito para docenas de revistas impresas, periódicos y sitios Web. Rara vez escribe en las paredes del baño.

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Kanye Supposedly Begged Kim Kardashian's 'Frenemy' Beyonce to Visit Baby North

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by Adriana Velez 4 hours ago

beyonce jay zEngland has its royal family, and we have ours: Bey and Hova. And a visit from them is about the most exciting thing that could happen to anyone, even a Kardashian. Well, that happened. A couple days ago, Beyonce and Jay Z visited Kim Kardashian and Baby North. They stepped down from their gilded cloud long enough to spend a couple hours with Kanye's family, a privilege that no doubt thrilled the Kardashians. (Kanye was not around to enjoy the visit -- he's apparently in Milan at the moment.)

Can you imagine? And yet, there are those who would pooh pooh the grand occasion. Rumor has it that Beyonce cannot abide Kim, and visited only under duress, at the insistence of Kanye. Really? Come on. Even if there's a little truth to that rumor, I think Bey and Jay Z would want to see their friend Kanye's baby anyway.

And if Kim gets on Beyonce's nerves, I think having a little baby around would neutralize that. Beyonce could focus on North, giving Kim motherly advice and cooing over how cute North is. Babies are a well-known tool for a detente. As long as you keep the visit short and slip out before they get fussy, the baby visit can be a great peace-making opportunity.

Besides, how annoying could Kim really be to Beyonce? Maybe they just didn't have that much to talk about before. Well, they do now. Kim and Beyonce can bond as fellow mothers -- or, failing that, they can at least swap stories and photos. (We hear Bey and Jay Z didn't bring Blue Ivy, which was probably a smart move.)

Plus they sent Baby North some insanely lavish gifts -- Dior baby booties and a silver engraved Elsa Peretti Padova baby set. Now why would you spend around $7,000 on a baby and not want to also visit that baby and her mother, too? I think the feud is overblown, and I see a friendly relationship brewing between the two families.

Do you think Beyonce and Jay Z visited Kim and North because they wanted to, or because they "had" to?

Image via Pacific Coast News

Click the "Like" button below if you're Krazy for the Kardashians! Adriana Velez ABOUT THE AUTHOR Adriana Velez

is a staff writer who dabbles in food, parenting, news, entertainment, molecular biology, and anything else that that pops into her head. She lives with her elementary school-aged son in Brooklyn, land of urban farms and artisan everything.  

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'Terapia de pareja' Recap: Catelynn y Tyler revelan conmovedores relatos de sus pasados

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por Jeanne Sager hace 2 horas

Catelynn Lowell Tyler BaltierraSi quieres una palabra para describir el episodio de esta noche de Terapia de parejas, aquí está: beep. Las f-bombas volaban tan furiosamente que durante unos cinco minutos, el sonido del censor era prácticamente todos que hemos oído. Como de costumbre era Flavor Flav y novia Liz plus Girls Gone Wild fundador Joe Francis y novia Abadía Wilson causando la mayor parte del drama.

Pero vivir con todo este drama parece ser especialmente duro para las estrellas Teen Mom Catelynn Lowell y Tyler Baltierra.

Después la policía tuvo que apresurarse a la casa a la novia embarazada de Flav Liz Trujillo para entrar en una ambulancia para tratamiento de convencer, terapeuta de celebrity Dr. Jenn Berman sentó toda la casa para charlar. Su primera preocupación era cómo Tyler y Catelynn estaban retrasando.

Algunos de los detalles de que los miembros más jóvenes del elenco habían revelado desde su infancia llevaron Bermann preocuparse que la lucha entre Liz y la policía podría traer los problemas de inundación atrás.

Más de la conmoción: Catelynn Lowell & de boda cancelada de Tyler Baltierra no suena tan cancelado

Resulta que tenía razón.

Esta noche tenemos otro recordatorio de por qué era tan inteligente para estos niños a elegir la adopción de la hija Carly y lo increíble es que están parados en sus propios dos pies haciendo tales decisiones inteligentes para ellos hoy.

Catelynn dijo:

Tengo un montón de recuerdos de los novios de mi mamá a llevar a la cárcel, la policía siempre corriendo en mi casa, sé derribando puertas para entrar.

Confesión de Tyler fue similar. Recordó que alguien alumbrando con una linterna en su hogar, luego viendo a la persona misteriosa--que al parecer buscaba su padre adicto drogas--romper la ventana de su casa y en el lado notando.

Corrí a mi hermana, y una especie de sostuvimos mutuamente mientras ellos estaban saqueando la casa.

Y pensaste que era malo cuando la mamá de Catelynn dio una paliza por el padre de Tyler en Teen Mom. Eso fue sólo la punta del iceberg, amigos. Estos dos han pasado por algunas cosas hardcore, y episodio de esta noche demostró que incluso hoy en día, incluso con lo lejos han llegado, ellos pueden fácilmente lanzar allá.

Nosotros estamos todos atormentados por una cierta cantidad de equipaje de nuestro pasado, sea físico o emocional. Pero mientras que algunas personas gastan infancia lamiendo paletas y chapotear en los charcos de barro, para que otros que los años formativos son chock lleno de tanto trauma adelante es casi imposible.

Cada vez que Tyler y Catelynn revelan otro pedazo de su pasado, es difícil no maravillarse con cómo se las arreglan para separarse del drama que les rodea. Si no era caer presa de la vida plagada de escándalo de algunos de sus co-estrellas de Teen Mom o no permitir que ellos mismos ser lanzado apagado por Flav y Joe, estos niños continúan sorprendiéndome.

¿Tuviste una infancia dura? ¿Algún consejo para Catelynn y Tyler sobre cómo trascenderlo?

Imagen via VH1

Haga clic en "Me gusta" para la última de las madres adolescentes. Jeanne Sager Sobre el autor Jeanne Sager

escribe artículos para el revolver por día, mata monstruos de armarios y límites a través de cuentos con su estudiante elemental por la noche. La banda sonora de Phineas y Ferb reverbera a través de su cerebro.

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8 Women Share How They REALLY Feel About Guys Who Wear Socks During Sex

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by Maressa Brown 4 hours ago

socks on during sexIf one thing's true about sex, it's probably that no one thing is true for everyone across the board ... Even some things that you were under the impression were totally cringe-worthy are kinda NBD to others and vice-versa. Take, for example, wearing socks during sex. Haa! Just reading that phrase probably feels like nails on a chalkboard to some of you out there, right? I know it totally skeeves me out! And it's funny, because everyone seems to have a passionate opinion on the subject -- whether they're debating pro or con!

Here, eight women's varied, hilarious reactions to the idea of sex in clothed feet ...

"Maybe if we were living in Antarctica or doing it on top of Everest. But otherwise NO!!!!""It's not the sexiest, but I'm all for it. Sometimes your feet get cold!""Honestly, I think people who care about this haven't had kids yet. Once you have kids, you realize that any chance you get when the kids are quiet and not bugging you, you don't waste time, you make good on it. If that means you don't have time to take your socks off, well, hey, what's more important? Orgasm or footwear?""My ex almost always wore socks in bed. I couldn’t help wondering: If you have no problem putting your hands all over my body, then what is it about your feet touching me that skeeves you out? Normal. Really.""It depends what else you (or your partner) is wearing. Like if you are wearing a camisole or boxer shorts to bed and it just 'happens,' it's not all that strange. But if the rest of you is buck naked, yeah, that's weird.""This is actually the one thing I demand NEVER happen during sex. I'd rather a guy wear a hat. There is just something that screams 'lazy' about it. Like, ok, I'm going to do my duty here and have some sex, but as soon as I can, I'm going to put on my shoes and get the hell out of here.""I would say it depends on the socks … but I gave that some thought and I really could not come up with any socks that would be sexy. I would say maybe if it’s really cold, and you have a short blanket, it might be acceptable, otherwise NO.""EW. No. Totally unsexy."

What are your thoughts on the matter?

Maressa Brown ABOUT THE AUTHOR Maressa Brown

has enjoyed reporting and writing for a variety of entertainment and women's magazines and websites. More often than not, you'll find her blogging, hitting the gym, reading, researching something on her iPhone, laughing, chatting at an above-"normal" volume, or getting her caffeine fix.

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¿' Dexter' Spinoff rumores calor... pero qué personaje hará Rock?

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por Sasha Brown-Worsham hace 46 minutos

DexterDexter es uno de los mejores shows en la historia de la televisión, y a partir del final de esta temporada (temporada 8), sería no más. Para los fanáticos como yo, esta noticia es muy triste, de hecho. Ahora, hay rumores de un spin-off Dexter y son lo suficientemente alto como para hacer me pregunto si habrá algún mérito a ellos, después de todo. ¿Pero lo queremos?

Se rumorea que el spin-off se centran en Deb y ahondar más en su nueva carrera como investigador privado y tal vez (tal vez?) su nueva relación con su jefe.

Por supuesto, Deb no es el único en este espectáculo que podría tener un spinoff vale la pena verla. Aquí están algunas otras ideas:

Hannah McKay: Se rumorea que va a volver en el próximo episodio y oh boy! No puedo esperar. Ella mantendría un spinoff interesante, fresco y lleno de matanza. Además ella es solo sexy y divertida. Totalmente vería un spin-off con ella en el centro.Masuka: Nunca me ha gustado este personaje, compañero de trabajo de Dexter y compañera constantemente caliente. ¿Pero tiene una historia interesante esta temporada con su hija de la donación de esperma, y también, tal vez podamos encontrar que también es un asesino en serie? Eso sería un giro para añadir especias.Deb: Esto es más probable el spin-off, y no tanto como me gusta, sólo puedo realmente imaginar este trabajo. ¿Cómo llevaría todo un show? Tendría mucho más interesante trabajar sobre ella todo un show. ¿Tal vez ella se convierte en un asesino? ¿Tal vez algo grandes cambios en ella al final de esta temporada? Dios mío. ¿Tal vez muera Dexter? ¿Eso es cómo termina esto? Espero que no!Batista: Esto sería un festival de snooze. Una temporada y está hecho. Garantizado. Batista no es tan interesante. A menos que tenga grandes esqueletos en su armario, no hay mucho allí.Quinn: Inclinaciones de Quinn para mujeres y bebiendo toda la noche podrían fácilmente llevar a un spinoff fascinante. Podría haber menos carnicería, pero habría un buen drama. Y eye candy. Siempre eye candy.

¿Quién te gustaría ver llegar un spin-off?

Imagen via Showtime

Sasha Brown-Worsham Sobre el autorSasha Brown-Worsham

No puede decidir si ella es una madre, escritor o corredor, pero es generalmente los tres en algún punto cada día. Ha escrito para docenas de revistas impresas, periódicos y sitios Web. Rara vez escribe en las paredes del baño.

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Simon Cowell Expecting Baby With His Friend's Wife ... Can We Judge HIM Now?

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by Kiri Blakeley 3 hours ago

Eternally critical and grumpy Simon Cowell is going to become ... a Daddy! Yes, believe it or not, stalwart bachelor Simon, a guy who said he never wanted kids because they might "draw on [his] walls," has a bun in the oven of a beautiful brunette socialite named Lauren Silverman. Small catch? Lauren is married ... to Simon's good friend. I'm trying to think what snarky thing Simon could say to himself right now. Maybe something like, "That was corny and desperate ... knocking up your friend's wife ... really, keep your day job ... zip it, please ... that's two minutes of my life I will never get back ... pack your suitcase ... utterly atrocious!"

Lauren is still "technically" married to Simon's friend Andrew Silverman, but reportedly when their marriage began to fail, she turned to good pal Simon for comfort ... and, well, you know how these things go.

Simon had been a long-time fixture in Lauren and her husband's life -- attending their holiday parties and vacationing with them -- so I wonder how hubster feels knowing Simon swooped in and signed his lady to an 18-year baby contract.

A source told US Weekly:

Lauren and Andrew have been unhappy in their marriage for some time, and their divorce has been in the works for a while. As their marriage deteriorated, she and Simon became close.

There is nothing like having your friend comfort your wife while your marriage hits the skids, amiright?

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how Simon does with fatherhood, considering he's said he never wants kids. He once reportedly said in an interview:

God, no. I couldn't have children. If I had them here drawing on the walls I'd go nuts. With kids, you've got a routine you can't escape from. You've got to be up at a certain time. Got to listen. When all you want to do is sit in a corner thinking.

Ah, who knows. I bet in eight months time we'll be hearing how much fatherhood has changed him, and how he never knew the meaning of life until now, blah blah blah. I just hope he doesn't stand around lobbing snarky remarks at his kid's poopy performances. Something like, "That ... is ... disgusting! Good-bye!"

Do you think Simon will be a good dad?

Image via WLNtube/YouTube

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Former 'Bachelor' Star Has a Baby on the Way!

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by Mary Fischer 1 hour ago

Andrew Firestone wife IvanaWell, it looks like congratulations are in order for a former Bachelor we couldn't get enough of during his season!

Andrew Firestone's wife, Ivana, is pregnant with baby number three, so their two kids, Brooks and Anja, who are 4 and 2, respectively, will be gaining a sibling sometime this winter. He told Us Weekly, "We are really excited. Ivana and I feel so blessed to be pregnant and to add another child to the family."

And it sounds like Andrew's kiddos are pretty pumped about the new addition to their family as well. He added, "Brooks and Anja are already arguing as to whether we will be having a boy or a girl, and who gets to hold it first!"

Hmm. Something tells me they'll be singing a different tune once that baby arrives and becomes the center of attention, but still -- it's sweet that they're looking forward to having a brother or sister.

Sigh. Andrew Firestone. (Where the hell was he when I was single?) I've had a soft spot for that dude ever since his season of The Bachelor, and I have to admit -- I was bummed when things didn't work out between him and Jen Schefft.

But it's obvious that his TV romance just wasn't meant to be, based on how happy and in love he and Ivana are and what a beautiful family they've created together. Isn't it funny how things have a way of working out the way they're supposed to?

Congrats to Andrew and Ivana -- we can't wait to "meet" your new little bundle of joy!

Are you surprised that Andrew turned out to be such a family man?

Image via Jason Merritt/Getty

Click the "Like" button below if you're a fan of The Bachelor(ette) Mary Fischer ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mary Fischer

is the writer behind The Mommyologist, and the mom of a future famous comedian. Her current loves include cosmopolitans, reality TV, and shoes that don't pinch her feet.

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Kate Middleton's Parents Will Likely Be Closer With the Baby Than Charles and Camilla

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by Nicole Fabian-Weber 1 hour ago

kate middleton babyThere's a ridiculous rumor going around, saying that Prince Charles and Camilla are "furious" at Kate Middleton right now, because she's letting her parents hog baby Cambridge. The Duke, Duchess, and little George Alexander Louis have been spending a good amount of time at Kate's parents' Bucklebury home, which is a big deviation from how other royal babies have spent their first few weeks. And which means Kate's parents are getting to spend more time with their new addition than Will's are.

Now, like I said, I seriously doubt Charles and Camilla are "furious" with their daughter-in-law over this, but if you believe the ol' "where there's smoke, there's fire" adage, there very well could be some truth to this. And isn't this something lots of couples deal with?

Royals. They really are just like us.

In my experience, it seems to typically be the case that one set of grandparents is the eensiest bit closer (or a lot closer?) with their grandkids than the other set. Growing up, I was a bit closer to my mother's parents than I was with my father's, really for no good reason at all. And in the case of my daughter, she's a bit "closer" with my father (my mom has since passed) than my in-laws simply by default. My husband's parents live a plane ride away, where my father is about an hour drive. And I've noticed the same thing with my friends, as well. I'm yet to see an instance where one set of grandparents is super close with the kids and the other not at all, but there's usually a slight noticeable difference. And, I don't know, from what I've seen, it kind of seems like the mom's parents tend to be the ones who are slightly closer. Maybe because, usually, mom is with baby more often than dad? (Or if dad's with baby more often, maybe baby's closer with his parents?) I realize it's not that way in every case, but does anyone else feel that way?

I'm sure on some level Kate Middleton and Prince William feel guilty that her parents are "getting all the fun". I know I do in my situation, but there's really nothing I can do about it, short of moving. The fact is, my daughter will likely grow up being closer with my father than she will with my in-laws. It's a bummer for everyone involved (even my dad feels bad!), but right now, here's where our lives and our jobs are. It is what it is.

In the case of Will and Kate, though (and many others), they are all close, proximity-wise. So it will be interesting to see how things play out. From what I've heard, Kate is extremely close with her parents -- hence, her bucking royal tradition and spending time at their place -- and she'll likely be spending a bit more time with the baby than Will. So if the Middletons got to see George a bit more than Charles and Camilla, I wouldn't be shocked. I also wouldn't be shocked if it annoyed them a bit. Furious seems like a bit much, but annoyance? Totally believable.

Is your kid closer with one set of grandparents?

Image via Carmen Rodriguez/Flickr

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Kristin Cavallari Has an Easy Trick for Enjoying Lunch Dates With Her Baby

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AppId is over the quota
by Mary Fischer 3 hours ago

Kristin CavallariIf her transition to motherhood wasn't already seamless enough -- get a load of this photo of Kristin Cavallari having lunch with baby Camden at a restaurant in L.A. She looks relaxed and not the least bit anxious about her little guy throwing a fit and ruining her meal.

Yeah, yeah -- I know she's a celeb mom and they make pretty much every aspect of being a parent look easy. But take a closer look at the picture. Kristin obviously has a simple trick she uses to make sure going out to eat with her baby doesn't turn into an experience from hell.

It may sound like a real no-brainer, but see how Camden is eating out of that little blue bowl? Yep. That's it. Kristin has figured out that as long as you bring snacks along in your bag, lunch dates with kids can actually be pretty enjoyable.

When I had my son, it only took one instance of going to a restaurant and waiting for a grilled cheese sandwich to arrive, letting it completely cool, cutting it into bite-sized pieces -- and listening to my little guy whine and squirm during the entire process for me to realize I had to pack snacks to tide him over. (I know. What a dummy.)

Babies can't be expected to sit there and wait for their food without their little tummies rumbling. From that point forward, I always had a dish of Cheerios or a can of those Gerber puff things in my diaper bag. And besides serving as an appetizer, I found out fairly quickly that serving snacks doubled as a distraction for my son. It gave him something to do instead of just sitting there strapped to a high chair while getting all bored and fidgety.

And there's one more huge plus to Kristin bringing food from home for Camden. This way she can control what he eats instead of serving up restaurant stuff, which may not be the best fit for him as far as nutrition goes. Considering she fed him goat's milk as a young infant, it's clear that she wants to give him more natural choices as opposed to typical restaurant fare.

Whatever she's giving him, she's obviously doing something right. Camden certainly appears to be one happy and mellow baby!

What kinds of snacks do you pack for your baby when you go out to eat?

Image via Splash

Mary Fischer ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mary Fischer

is the writer behind The Mommyologist, and the mom of a future famous comedian. Her current loves include cosmopolitans, reality TV, and shoes that don't pinch her feet.

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Esposo cuya esposa contrató 'Hitman' matarlo llama su 'Maravillosa' y 'Divina' (??!!)

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por Kiri Blakeley hace 36 minutos

Una madre de dos hijos, quien fue arrestado por contratar a un asesino a sueldo para matar a su marido y que fue captado en video planeando cada detalle ha sido sentenciado a prisión. Aunque la única preocupación de Julia Merfeld mientras que tramar la muerte del padre de sus hijos era cuanto podía mover su novia... su esposo, quien intentó matar, la llama una "mujer piadosa". ¿Me pregunto lo que Dios está hablando?

Julia dijo el encubierto policía que filmó su complot de asesinato a sueldo que matar a su marido, Jake Merfeld, era "más fácil que el divorcio" y que ella quería el asesinato a realizarse en otro lugar para que no "estropear" su casa. Pero Jake piensa que Julia no es sólo una mujer "piadosa", pero que es "maravillosa". Jake, creo que tienes un diccionario raro que nadie más está usando!

Jake le dijo al juez en la sentencia de Julia:

Conjunto hardheartedly de perdonar a mi esposa por todo lo que ha hecho en este acto de odio. Sé que mi esposa es una persona maravillosa. Ella es una mujer piadosa.

No importa que cuando Julia, que reía y sonreía a través de su plan de asesinato, admitió que ella ni siquiera quería que su marido muerto porque ella no le gustaba. Dijo que la policía encubierto:

No es que nos llevábamos bien, pero era más fácil, tan terrible como suena, era más fácil que divorciarme de él.

Sí, listo para matar a su marido y padre de sus hijos porque es conveniente para ella --más conveniente que el divorcio! Suena piadoso conmigo. Como tal vez Si adoras en la Iglesia Bautista de Westboro.

Esposo de Julia pidió clemencia al juez, y no está claro cuánto gastará en la cárcel. Fue sentenciada a entre 5 y 20 años.

Hola, soy todo para el perdón. Pero hay una delgada línea entre perdonar y ser un idiota total.

Entiendo que estos dos tienen hijos juntos y hay pocas razones para andar por ahí con odio en tu corazón. Pero este hombre parece que sólo quiere a barrerlo todo rápidamente bajo la alfombra y no procesar lo que pasó, todo en nombre de "perdón". Espero que no lo ha dicho a sus hijos como "maravillosas" mamá es o seguramente están aprendiendo algunas lecciones de vida extraña.

¿Que opinas sobre lo que dijo el marido?

Imagen via ABC News

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Woman Fleeing Sex Attack Survives 12 Days in Wilderness on Berries and River Water

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by Ericka Sóuter 1 hour ago

wildernessImagine you are on a road trip with a group of people when the car breaks down on a rural road in Alberta, Canada. While some go in search of help, you are left alone with one of the men, who suddenly attacks you, breaks your jaw, and attempts to rape you. Chilling, isn't it? This sounds like a creepy horror movie come to life. Fortunately, the victim got away from her attacker and fled into the brush, where she managed to survive in the wilderness for 12 days until she was found. It's amazing to hear how she came through this alive.

After running into the woods, she got lost and disoriented and was unable to find her way out. So she roamed for nearly two weeks, drinking river water and foraging for berries. She was eventually spotted walking down a dirt road and was treated at the hospital for exposure and the broken jaw.

This woman's survival skills are astounding, aren't they. I can only imagine how cold, hungry, and scared she must have been. Not many people would have known what was even safe to eat out there in the middle of nowhere. Plus, without shelter, she had to contend with temperatures dropping overnight and wild animals. Though the most harrowing part of this ordeal must have been not knowing if that sexual predator was still after her, possibly lurking in between the trees or somewhere in the darkness.

The alleged attacker had told investigators that he had no idea what had happened to her. However, now he is being charged with sexual assault, aggravated assault, and obstructing a peace officer -- thank goodness.

Do you think you could survive in the wilderness that long?

Image via Joseph Kranak/Flickr

Ericka Sóuter ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ericka Sóuter

is a veteran pop culture and celeb news writer. That experience boils down to two things: she knows way too much about the Kardashians and she dominates on Trivial Pursuit's arts and entertainment questions.

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Teresa Giudice Will End Up in Jail Unless She Ends Her Marriage

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AppId is over the quota
by Ericka Sóuter 2 hours ago

teresa giudiceTeresa and Joe Giudice's latest legal troubles make everything else they have endured the last five seasons look like child's play. The Real Housewives of New Jersey stars are facing 50 years in jail for 39 counts of fraud against the IRS. Now fans fear that Teresa won't be willing to do the one thing she could do in order to save her well-dressed hide.

According to the folks over at Celebrity Dirty Laundry, Teresa's best chance for getting off with just a slap on the wrist and going home to her four daughters is to divorce "Juicy Joe" and testify against him. As long as they are married, she can't be compelled to testify, nor can anything he told her be used against him.

But anyone who watches that show knows that is unlikely to ever happen. Teresa will go down with that ship. She has too much stubborn pride to admit that Joe did something bad and has essentially ruined her life. Even after cameras caught him chatting up another woman and calling Teresa a c**t, she stood by her man. Not that she should just cut and run when things get tough. The vows are for better or worse, after all. But at some point, she will need to do what's best for her children.

If Joe were to take the fall for this mess, she wouldn't have to worry about jail time. Problem is, people just don't think he's that selfless, especially if it means more time behind bars for himself. It's a tough situation for Teresa, to be sure. She must be scared to death about what will happen to her family. Anyone in that position would be.

What do you think Teresa should do?

Image via BravoTV

Click the "Like" button below if you're a fan of Real Housewives. Ericka Sóuter ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ericka Sóuter

is a veteran pop culture and celeb news writer. That experience boils down to two things: she knows way too much about the Kardashians and she dominates on Trivial Pursuit's arts and entertainment questions.

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Kristen Stewart parpadea su sostén otra vez porque funcionó tan bien la última vez

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por Mary Fischer hace 51 minutos

Kristen StewartUy--Mira esta foto de sujetador expuesta de Kristen Stewart en esta camiseta slinky con las mangas de corte. ¿Quién necesita usar camisas que cubren toda tu mid-section si tienes un gran cuerpo sin un gramo de grasa en él?

Ciertamente no Kristen--especialmente teniendo en cuenta esto no es la primera vez que ha flasheado su sostén y no ha sido al menos un poco de vergüenza.

Ella fue primero ver luciendo la mirada hace un par de semanas, y esta vez decidió que era el atuendo perfecto para disfrutar de una cita para almorzar con sus amigos y su nuevo perro. (Sí, has leído bien. Ella sacó al perro a comer con ella.)

Más de la conmoción: Kristin Stewart muestra su sostén en la tapa del tanque de Sexy pero no ir a intentar esto en casa

Y mientras las zapatillas negras, jeans delgado-guarnición y hacia atrás gorra de béisbol no son nada nuevo en lo que respecta su estilo, lo abierto tank top parece ser el nuevo look de firma de Kristen.

Tal vez mantiene su fresco en las temperaturas de verano en los Ángeles. O tal vez en realidad llevaba un bikini debajo de la parte superior, no un sujetador--que lleva en caso de pase a terminar en la playa. O tal vez sólo prefiere un aspecto relajado, casual con un cierto elemento de sexy arrojados a la mezcla de especias un poco las cosas.

En cualquier caso, se ve muy bien, y esta tendencia particular definitivamente parece que le conviene.

Sería diferente si no tenía la figura para ello o si estaba haciendo lo de la teta de lado en lugar de usar un sostén, pero el camino que une el conjunto realmente hace parecer genial.

Por otra parte, ella es Kristen Stewart, así es como ser cool es algo que tiene que trabajar muy duro en.

¿Qué opinas de la tendencia expuesta sujetador?

Imagen via Splash

Si eres un fan de Kristen Stewart, haga clic en el botón "Like" más abajo. Mary Fischer Acerca de la autora Mary Fischer

es el escritor detrás de la Mommyologist y la madre de un futuro comediante famoso. Sus amores actuales incluyen cosmopolitas, reality TV y los zapatos que no pellizcar sus pies.

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Sucio Anthony Weiner canción de Kristin Chenoweth es el más gracioso Slam todavía (VIDEO)

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por Emily Abbate hace 44 minutos

Kristin ChenowethNo hay nada como un poco de Kristin Chenoweth ponerte de buen humor. Ok, déjame decirlo. No hay nada como un poco de Kristin Chenoweth dando un consejo amistoso a Anthony Weiner a través de la canción para hacerte reír incontrolablemente. El Glinda original de Broadway smash Wicked hizo una interpretación épica de la canción "Popular" en The Tonight Show con Jay Leno del show anoche, y decir que es curioso es una gran subestimación.

Sí Sí, se pone un poco risque a veces (leer: ella hace referencia a su "sala de chat chubby"), pero es en la buena diversión. Vamos, Weiner actualmente en cuarto en las encuestas, el político puede usar todos los consejos que pueda conseguir! ¡ Y no te preocupes, Kristin también tiene algunas palabras sabias para esposa de Weiner Huma.

Ver a Kristen asado Anthony Weiner en su versión especial de "Popular", aquí:

No se puede. Parada. Riendo! ¿Qué opinas de la parodia de "Popular" de Kristin?

Imagen via tonightshownbc/YouTube

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Missing Oregon Boy's Mom Forced to Give Up Chance to Find Her Son

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by Jeanne Sager 2 hours ago

Kyron HormanUgh. Kyron Horman's mom has been dealt another horrible blow. Remember the sweet-faced little boy who went missing sometime after attending a science fair at his Oregon elementary school in 2010? The then 7-year-old is still missing, and now a lawsuit against stepmother Terri Horman is dead in the water.

Kryon's mom, Desiree Young, has officially pulled the $10 million suit against Terri, the woman Young suspects knows what happened to her little boy. Kyron's mom says she can't move forward unless cops release information necessary for her case. The problem? The cops can't release that information because it's part of the investigation into Kyron's disappearance.

Talk about a catch-22!

Terri Horman was the last person to see Kyron alive. Kyron's dad, Kaine Horman, has allegedly filed for divorce because he too thinks she was somehow involved in the child's disappearance.

And Young has said her lawsuit wasn't about the money. It was about getting answers about what happened to Kyron.

But she can't get answers because the police can't give her information. But the police can't give her information because they don't have the answers either!

Jeez Louise, can this woman catch a break? I'm not questioning the cops here; they're just doing their jobs. I don't really know that they can do anything BUT what they're doing. They just need a break in this case so they can help this family.

That's what makes this so frustrating. The cops, the professionals, can't get anywhere in three years.

A lawsuit seemed like Desiree Young's last chance to actually get answers about what happened to her little boy. Now that chance is gone.

Quite frankly, the only chances that remain are someone screwing up and getting caught -- which is pretty unlikely after three years -- or that the new attention to the case from the dropped lawsuit will prompt someone, somewhere to come forward. That's probably just as unlikely, but for Desiree's sake, for Kyron's sake, I hold out hope.

There's only so many devastating blows a mom can take.

Have you followed Kyron's case? What's your hunch?

Image via National Center for Missing and Exploited Kids

Jeanne Sager ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jeanne Sager

writes articles for The Stir by day, slays closet monsters and bounds through bedtime stories with her elementary schooler by night. The Phineas and Ferb soundtrack reverberates through her brain.

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5 Awesome iPhone Photo Tricks Every Mom Needs to Know About

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by Nicole Fabian-Weber 3 hours ago

kaleido lens appOdds are, the thing you use to take photos with most is your iPhone. Particularly if you're a mom who has to lug around a ton of extra stuff for the little people in your life, bringing a big, bulky camera everywhere you go is just out of the question. It's kind of a bummer, because nothing beats the quality of an actual camera (especially a DSLR one), but fret not -- iPhones can take really beautiful pictures, as well. And the effects and apps are bar none.

Here are 5 iPhone photo apps and tricks every mom needs to know about.

1. Shapely. Shapely is an app that allows you to frame your photos pretty much with any kind of shape you want -- hearts, circles, stars. You also can add text to your photos, which makes it perfect for sending to grandparents via text or hard copy after printing them out. And it's free.

2. The LifeProof case. The LifeProof case protects your phone from everything short of a nuclear explosion, so feel free to take it into the ocean or pool -- and go underwater with it. Yep, you can get cool, artsy, underwater pics of your kids swimming around if your phone has the LifeProof case on it. Pretty rad.

photo apps

3. Kaleido Lens. This free app lets you play around with the photos you've taken, making them appear as if they were taken with a kaleidoscope. No, you wouldn't want to do this to every photo, but once in a while, a pic just lends itself to this feature. And totally not something you could do on a regular camera.

4. Path On. Like Shapely, Path On lets you add text to all your photos. But this is their specialty. Arrange words any which way you like across photos. "Happy Father's Day!" across a cute pic of your kiddo? Grandpa says, "Yes, please!"

5. Facetune. Sadly, we're all critical of how we look in photos. But with Facetune, we needn't be. This app allows you to "fix" your appearance (even though you don't need to) any which way you want. Whiten your teeth; hide your laugh lines; banish your blemishes. All at the touch of a button.

What photo apps do you use?

Image via Kaleido Lens

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5 Reasons Men Have Serious Grocery Shopping 'Issues'

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by Sasha Brown-Worsham 1 hour ago

men grocery shoppingLast week, I sent my husband a grocery list that was explicit in its detail. I needed hamburger buns. The next night I went into the bread box to make the hamburgers and there, waiting for me, was a full pack of whole grain ... hot dog buns. Really, honey?

My husband is a man with multiple higher degrees, a scientist who is at the top of his game professionally, and yet a simple trip to a grocery store leaves him utterly flummoxed. He comes home with zucchini instead of cucumbers and cumin instead of cinnamon and fat-free cheese instead of low fat.

The second he steps into Whole Foods, it's like he has a lobotomy or something. Sorry, honey. I love you and think you are incredibly capable in so many other arenas ... but the grocery store? Not so much. I asked around and found that, while some lucky ladies have husbands who are all about the food and know the difference between grass fed beef and the regular kind, there are many, many other women in my boat. Why? Here are some ideas:

1.) He's blind: Sometimes I think this might be true, but then I remember that he somehow manages to do his job and lead a group of 40+ engineers. So then I have to assume he is merely TEMPORARILY blinded by all the fluorescent lights and sale banners.

2.) He's stupid: But it can't be! He managed to finish all the work toward his PhD and get a great job on a high level. He is a well respected scientist who has been published in journals. And yet ... somehow ... lettuce escapes him? Tell me how this works?

3.) He is immune to branding: This is his excuse. Why buy the BRAND I SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED when you can buy the cheap knock-off one (with the hole punched in the top where sour cream is leaking out) for 50 CENTS LESS?!

4.) He just doesn't care: This is the most likely culprit. In my hubby's case, he is just not a foodie. To him, low fat and reduced fat ARE the same.

5.) He is subtly rebelling: The hubs isn't the biggest fan of grocery shopping. This is kind of like that Shel Silverstein poem from back in the day when a girl wanted to stop doing the dishes, so she would -- oops! -- drop one on the floor. Yeah. Like that.

Why do you think so many men (not yours, I am sure) are terrible at grocery shopping?

Image via Polycart/Flickr

Click "Like" if you love your husband! Sasha Brown-Worsham ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sasha Brown-Worsham

can't decide whether she is a mother, writer, or runner, but is usually all three at some point each day. She has written for dozens of print magazines, newspapers, and websites. She rarely ever writes on bathroom walls.

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Lea Michele Steps Out With Touching Reminder of Cory Monteith (VIDEO)

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by Kiri Blakeley 2 hours ago

Lea MicheleSince Cory Monteith died so suddenly and tragically, we've all been wondering how his girlfriend and Glee costar Lea Michele is doing. From the looks of it, she is holding up and was photographed yesterday for the first time since his death as she traveled in a car with a friend in Los Angeles. The most touching part? Lea was wearing a necklace that said "Cory."

Lea had her hair up and sunglasses on as she chatted with the driver, a female pal. Her silver "Cory" name plate chain was around her neck. Her only public statement about Cory was on Twitter, where she said:

Thank you all for helping me through this time with your enormous love & support. Cory will forever be in my heart.

The necklace, worn near her heart, is a tangible reminder of her love. She has been photographed wearing the necklace many times -- including in the photo above, taken before his death -- and it appears to be her favorite piece of jewelry. Still is. Now even more so, I imagine.

Having something to wear that reminds you of a lost loved one is a wonderful way to keep that person close to you. Considering that Cory and Lea were always together and were reportedly going to move in together after he got back from Vancouver, she must have a bunch of his things at her place.

One of the most difficult things anyone who loses a loved one has to do is decide what to keep and what to part with that belonged to the loved one. Depending on how you grieve, you may find his things comforting -- or depressing.

But it looks like Lea is finding comfort in this reminder of Cory.

She also looks strong and together -- though I'm sure it's a different story inside.

Have you ever kept a remembrance of a loved one?

Video via Splash/Daily Mail

Image via Getty

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Sinfully Sweet Chocolate Cupcakes Recipe With Pink Strawberry Frosting

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chocolate cupcakes with strawberry frostingWhile not every flavor of the rainbow pairs well with chocolate, there are a bevy of fruits, spices, and herbs that do make for a fantastic taste combo when paired with perfect chocolate cake. I'm a major fan of mint with my chocolate. But my second choice would have to be a juicy, tart red berry -- like raspberry or strawberry. Hence why this awesome chocolate cupcakes with pretty pink, strawberry frosting recipe is calling my name. And probably yours, too!

Check it out ...

Chocolate Cupcakes With Strawberry Buttercream from

Chocolate Cupcakes
2 cups all purpose flour
2/3 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1 2/3 cup sugar
3 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups water, room temperature

Preheat oven to 350F. Line 18 muffin cups with paper liners.

In a medium bowl, sift together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.

In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar until light and sandy. Beat in eggs, one at a time, followed by vanilla extract.
With the mixer on a low speed, blend in 1/3 of the flour mixture, followed by half of the water. Add another third of the flour mixture, followed by the rest of the water. Stir in remaining flour mixture just until no streaks of dry ingredients remain. The batter should be fairly liquidy.

Divide batter evenly into prepared muffin cups.

Bake for 20-25 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out clean and the cakes spring back when lightly pressed.
Turn cupcakes out onto a wire rack to cool completely before frosting and filling.

Makes 18 cupcakes.

Strawberry Buttercream
1 cup butter, room temperature
1/2 cup strawberry puree
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 1/2-3 cups confectioners’ sugar
A few drops red food coloring (optional)

Combine all ingredients except the sugar in a large bowl and beat until very smooth. Gradually beat in the sugar until the frosting is smooth, thick, and fluffy. Add a few drops of food coloring, if desired, to enhance color.

Put about 1/2 of the buttercream into a piping bag or a large zip-top bag with the corner snipped off for filling the cupcakes. Leave the rest in the bowl for frosting.

Take a cooled cupcake and, using a small paring knife, cut a cone of cake (1-inch across by 1-inch deep) out of the top. Trim off the pointy end of the cone, leaving a flat circle of cake. Set aside and repeat this process for all the cupcakes.

Take the strawberry frosting set aside in a piping bag and squeeze a tablespoon or so into each cupcake cavity, filling the hole up to the top with filling. Top off with a flat circle of cake to plug the hole and keep the filling in place.

Dollop some more frosting on top of each cupcake and use a small knife or offset spatula to spread it into an even layer.

Image via sunshinecity/Flickr

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Gwyneth Paltrow Is Moving Her Kids Back to America -- For Now

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Gwyneth PaltrowIncoooooooming! Gwyneth Paltrow está moviéndose hacia los Estados Unidos, y ella va a traer a los niños con ella! Nine-year-old Apple y Moses 7-year-old tendrán la oportunidad de aprender lo que es ir a la escuela con los niños que hablan más a mamá que papá.

Pero ellos no te acostumbres. Gwynnie al parecer no ser dejando sus hijos ir a la escuela secundaria aquí en América. Se dirigen a jolly vieja Inglaterra cuando llegue el momento para eso.

Sí, tienes razón. Paltrow está moviendo a dos niños en todo el mundo, haciéndolos dejar atrás amigos y empezar en una nueva escuela, sólo para recogerlos y hacerlos hacer todo de nuevo en unos pocos años.

Y no puedo ayudar pero siento un poco mal por sus hijos.

Soy bien consciente de que los niños mueven todo el tiempo. Mira a los niños en las fuerzas armadas. Tienen suerte si consiguen dos años en un solo lugar.

No estoy aquí para decirle a una mamá militar que es mala en lo que hace. Ella está haciendo lo que tiene que hacer, y es mi sombrero a ella (y a los papás militares también, por supuesto).

Pero Gwyneth Paltrow no es una mujer cuya vida depende de mover cada dos años. Ella es una mujer con un millón de dólares a su disposición que podría muy, muy fácilmente permitir que sus hijos se queda en un lugar por mucho tiempo.

Y todo lo que he leído sobre niños moverse con frecuencia indica que no debes hacerlo a menos que absolutamente debes.

Las frecuentes pueden afectar todo, desde la autoestima del niño a su capacidad de llevarse bien con otros niños, de su éxito académico a su capacidad de formar relaciones por el camino.

No digo esto para asustar a los padres, pero lo digo con cierta autoridad. Por lo menos un adulto que sé--podrá llamarlo M--fue movido mucho, incluyendo alrededor de los años de Apple y en el comienzo de la secundaria. Ya en el lado tímido, los movimientos fueron agonizantes, el efecto sobre sus relaciones un problema permanente. El problema con los movimientos en estas etapas en particular es que es bastante difícil ser una interpolación y entonces un adolescente, añadir en ser el chico nuevo, y en serio puede traumatizar a un niño.

¿Harías si no tuvieras que hacerlo? ¿Si usted no se mueve por algo absolutamente necesario?

Gwyneth se muda a Los Angeles con los niños a estar más cerca de sus padres de crianza, sus abuelos--una razón totalmente comprensible, pero su razonamiento para volver a Inglaterra en unos pocos años, según informes, es porque la educación es mucho mejor.

¿Como si ella no puede permitirse contratar a tutores para sus hijos aquí en los Estados? ¿Como si ella no puede encontrar alguna manera para no desestabilizarlos todo otra vez?

Confieso que no me muevo como un niño. Mis padres aún viven en la casa que compraron antes de que mi madre quedó embarazada de mí. Así que admito un poco de un sesgo contra móviles.

También admito que la historia de M y los de otros niños que se mudó con frecuencia, junto con los datos que he leído durante años acerca de cómo mover los niños, ha hecho me tomo muy en serio la idea de lo que la próxima década o así será como con mi hija. Si puedo evitarlo, no nos movemos.

No somos ricos... no Gwyneth Paltrow y Chris Martin ricos seguro... pero al menos por ahora las razones sólo mi marido y yo pudimos ver para moverse son acerca de nuestras propias comodidades personales y deseos. Para nosotros, eso no es suficiente.

Los adultos necesitan moverse a veces, pero necesitan pensar seriamente a través de sus razones para mover antes de caer algo tan enorme e inquietante en sus hijos.

Francamente, yo no ser fragmentación en Gwyneth aquí si ella decía que estaba mudando a los niños una vez. Es que ya tiene planes para moverlos atrás que realmente me puso en alerta.

Esencialmente está diciendo no echar raíces, no para hacer amigos o estrechas relaciones porque, lo siento chicos, tendrás que dejarlas en un par de años y pasar por el mismo trauma exacto de que has sido a través sus hijos.

Para los adultos, es bastante difícil. Para los niños, eso es cruel.

¿Te mueves con frecuencia con tus hijos? ¿Cuántas veces has transferido?

Imagen via noticias de la costa del Pacífico

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'Teen Mom' Star's New Baby Name Is Earning Him a Whole Lot of Hate

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AppId is over the quota
by Sasha Brown-Worsham 2 hours ago

Chelsea HouskaChelsea Houska is a fan favorite on MTV's Teen Mom while her baby daddy Adam Lind is ... not. In fact, he is probably one of the more hated dads given how he treated Chelsea after their daughter Aubree was born. But now he is having a new baby with his girlfriend Taylor, and the two of them have revealed that they plan to name her Paislee. Cue the Internet crap storm.

It seems most of the judgment around the name comes from the use of the double E as it's similar to Aubree's name. But hey, maybe it's a compliment. Could be, right? They are sisters. Maybe Adam is trying to make sure the two names go together.

There is also some judgement just about the name itself. It makes perfect sense why so many new parents keep the names quiet. People are SO judgmental about names. It's kind of awful.

According to family legend, when I was born, my grandmother told my mother my name sounded like a "goddamn DP" ("displaced person" after World War II). My aunt also had some snarky things to say about my daughter's name soon after I had her (despite the fact that she named her kids the most bland, boring, trendy American names you can think of). So yeah. There is a lot of name judgment.

Hell, even the Duchess of Cambridge is not immune. I heard a lot of grumbling last week over Kate's name choice (George). "It's boring!"; "It sounds like an old man." Here's an idea: Shut up!

I mean, really. Choosing a name for your child is a big, big deal. It's a big responsibility and a lot of work. As an expectant mom myself, I feel that pressure and basically never want to reveal the name we are thinking even though it's TOTALLY AWESOME and I LOVE IT.

Most of the time, names end up suiting people. And while it's true that what we name our kids does reveal a lot about our past and our upbringing (for instance, Kate wasn't going to name her baby Jayden), it's still up to each parent to choose their own name. So judgy people, shut your traps.

Did people snark on your baby's name?

Image via Twitter

Sasha Brown-Worsham ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sasha Brown-Worsham

can't decide whether she is a mother, writer, or runner, but is usually all three at some point each day. She has written for dozens of print magazines, newspapers, and websites. She rarely ever writes on bathroom walls.

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Stomach Bug Outbreak May Be Linked to Bagged Salad: All the Details

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AppId is over the quota
by Maressa Brown 2 hours ago

saladHundreds of people in Nebraska and Iowa are sick with a stomach bug, which health officials claim is probably linked to something we all assume is super-healthy: salad! Specifically, a "prewashed," prepackaged salad mix -- containing iceberg, romaine, red cabbage and carrot -- that was distributed nationally to groceries and restaurants. Health authorities think it tipped off this outbreak of Cypress 4, or cyclosporiasis, an intestinal illness tied to a rare type of parasite called cyclospora, which was reportedly blamed for at least 250 people falling ill in 13 other states! Loooovely, eh?

About 80 percent of the at least 145 cases in Iowa could be traced back to the salad. Meanwhile, at least 78 people have come down with the bug in Nebraska -- and five have been hospitalized as a result. Health officials say new cases are being reported daily. And 122 cyclospora cases in Texas might be related, too, that state's department of health services said. Gross! And so scary!

The CDC says it's not clear if the salad is to blame for the cases previously reported in Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, Illinois, New York, Georgia, Missouri, Arkansas, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Ohio. But in the meantime, the FDA is reportedly investigating what people in states affected before Nebraska and Iowa ate, but they say it's "labor intensive and painstaking work, requiring the collection, review, and analysis of hundreds and at times thousands of invoices and shipping documents." Uh huh ...

State and federal authorities are also still trying to determine exactly where the product was sold or under what brand name, according to CNN. So, there's no recall in effect just yet. Fantastic. The Nebraska alert noted that it "came through national distribution channels" and that "locally grown produce is not part of this outbreak." Well, that's certainly a case for being a locavore, right? Then again, I guess contamination happens to all sorts of produce! So much for all greens bein' nothin' but good for ya!

Does this freak you out?

Maressa Brown ABOUT THE AUTHOR Maressa Brown

has enjoyed reporting and writing for a variety of entertainment and women's magazines and websites. More often than not, you'll find her blogging, hitting the gym, reading, researching something on her iPhone, laughing, chatting at an above-"normal" volume, or getting her caffeine fix.

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Weiner Aide Calls Ex-Intern ‘Slutbag’ and Worse in Rant Sure to Sink the Doomed Campaign

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AppId is over the quota
by Adriana Velez 1 hour ago

new york daily newsOh Lord, the burning ship formerly known as Anthony Weiner's mayoral campaign flames on -- but I had no idea it would go this way. Now it's the ladies who are misbehaving publicly. After intern Olivia Nuzzi went rogue, spilling campaign dirt to the New York Daily News, Weiner's communications director went Real Housewives on her ass. In what is being called an "epic rant" with Talking Points Memo, Weiner aide Barbara Morgan called Nuzzi a "slutbag" -- and worse.

Put on your mud suits, everyone. Helmets on. It's about to get ugly around here. Here's what else Morgan said about her former intern.

I’m dealing with like stupid fucking interns who make it on to the cover of the Daily News even though they signed NDAs [non-disclosure agreements] and/or they proceeded to trash me.

Fucking slutbag. Nice fucking glamour shot on the cover of the Daily News. Man, see if you ever get a job in this town again.

It’s all bullshit. I mean, it’s such bullshit. She could fucking — fucking twat.

You know what? Fuck you, you little cunt. I’m not joking, I am going to sue her.

Okay, the worst is over. You may now wash off. Phew, that was rough. Kind of reminds me of this guy. (NSFW -- put on your headphones!)

Only not quite as witty. Work on your filthy metaphors, Babs. Work on those metaphors.

Morgan claims she said all of this off the record, but come on. She was talking to A REPORTER. Morgan also said of Nuzzi, "She sucked. She like wasn’t good at setting up events. She was clearly there because she wanted to be seen. Like it was, like, terrible and I had to like -- she would like, she would just not show up for work." All of which is much more relevant to Nuzzi's work history, though she could have left out all the "likes."

Now. I can understand Morgan's frustration. Not only is she playing for the losing team (did I mention Weiner's campaign manager just quit and he's in fourth place for a primary?), but her former intern openly mocked her in a big city paper. I would be furious, too.

But I'm just so very uncomfortable with this infelicitous name-calling, especially how misogynist she got about it. It makes Morgan look bad ... worse. I mean, if you've already got someone calling your credentials AS A COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR into question, maybe you should work extra hard at communicating effectively and not pull out a revolver and shoot your own foot about 50 times as if to prove her right.

Morgan issued an apology, but the damage was already done, alas. Nuzzi accepted it. But she also changed her Twitter bio to "Slutbag, twat and cunt."

You know, I just hate it when women attack each other in public like this. Yeah, Nuzzi attacked first. But Morgan missed an opportunity to come out as more mature, thoughtful, and professional. Man, I guess we'll see if she ever works in this town again, either.

Do you think we're ever justified in calling each other names like this in public?

Image via New York Daily News

Click "Like" for more on issues that are important to moms. Adriana Velez ABOUT THE AUTHOR Adriana Velez

is a staff writer who dabbles in food, parenting, news, entertainment, molecular biology, and anything else that that pops into her head. She lives with her elementary school-aged son in Brooklyn, land of urban farms and artisan everything.  

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Pregnant Mom Answers Ad for House Cleaning Job and Ends Up Dead

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AppId is over the quota
by Jeanne Sager 4 hours ago

Deanna BallmanIf you think it's hard finding a job in a rough economy, try being pregnant and looking for work. It's a scary world out there. And the murder of pregnant mom Deanna Ballman, who answered a Craigslist ad to clean a doctor's house last year, doesn't make it any easier.

Ballman was working odd jobs until she gave birth, when she hoped to find something steady. But that never happened. Deanna Ballman was raped and murdered with an injection of a lethal dose of heroin. Her unborn baby, Mabel, also died that day.

Ballman left behind two older children.

Her sister, as executor of her estate, is now suing the doctor who allegedly killed her, along with Craigslist and the hospital where the doctor worked before his medical license was suspended, for $40 million. The money could take care of her kids, kids whose mom was killed in part because of the work that she was doing to care for them.

Not that any of this is Deanna Ballman's fault. Not by a long-shot.

Cops say that is on Dr. Ali Salim who is charged with two counts of murder as well as rape, felonious assault, corrupting another with drugs, kidnapping, tampering with evidence, and abuse of a corpse.

But the choices she was stuck with, that she was so desperate for work, certainly hurt her in the end.

Whether her alleged killer -- Dr. Salim's case is still working its way through the criminal courts -- was able to overpower her because of her pregnant state or not, we don't know. But there's no doubt here that her pregnancy played a role in her death. It made her desperate, desperate enough to take a job in a private house, a job that wasn't tied to an agency or service.

There is ALWAYS a risk when you work in someone else's home. You're on their territory, for one, and you're in a private place, where things can go on sight unseen. Going in on your own, without the backup of some agency, makes it riskier. There's less of a paper trail making the client feel like they could get caught.

Not to mention the client could be anyone -- there's no one taking a credit history back at the office.

Not every Craigslist ad is suspect. There are hundreds (thousands?) of people making transactions every day on there that are perfectly safe and good for the economy.

But the more desperate you are for work, the more willing, it seems, you are to take risks ... risks that could put you in a Deanna Ballman-like situation.

Have you ever taken a job in someone's home without being sent there by an agency? Would you do it again?

Image via police

Jeanne Sager ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jeanne Sager

writes articles for The Stir by day, slays closet monsters and bounds through bedtime stories with her elementary schooler by night. The Phineas and Ferb soundtrack reverberates through her brain.

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