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Farrah Abraham Got Physical With Rehab Nurse, Says D-List Celebrity Who Witnessed It

Penulis : Unknown on maandag 29 juli 2013 | 11:54

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by Nicole Fabian-Weber 1 hour ago

farrah abrahamIf you have an abundance of time on your hands, or don't have many interesting things going on, you've probably been following the recent goings on of Farrah Abraham. If not, I'll catch you up: After her big porn debut and a weird public fight with Charlie Sheen, Farrah checked herself into rehab -- not because she had "like, an actual issue," but because she simply wanted to become a better person. But before the Teen Mom star made this insane declaration, it was made public that she was actually kicked out of rehab for out of control behavior. The end.

But now it's coming out that "out of control behavior" actually meant Farrah "got physical" with a nurse. This, according to random and surely rock solid source, Michael Lohan.

Lohan, who is a spokesperson and interventionist at The Lukens Institute, recently called in to a radio show to talk about Farrah's behavior while she was there. He said: "She would go on tirades. She was very abusive towards staff, especially the nurse at our place. She physically cornered the lady."

Now, I realize that everything Michael Lohan says and does needs to be taken with a grain of salt, but if this proves to be true, looks like Farrah's "real" intention behind rehab was a bust. If she was cornering nurses and going off on tirades, her ploy to attend rehab simply for the therapy didn't work. Shocker. And side note, why would anyone attend a rehab facility that Michael Lohan works at? And side note on top of my side note, why is Michael Lohan disclosing patient information on morning radio shows?

If Farrah truly wants to become a better person, she should enroll in an anger management course on top of regular ol' therapy. And, if I may, I'd like to recommend a facility that doesn't employ out of control dads of out of control actresses. Just a suggestion.

What do you think of Farrah's behavior?

Image via Farrah Abraham/Twitter

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