AppId is over the quota
by Julie Ryan Evans 1 hour ago
When I think of children sneaking out windows, I think of teenagers who are setting off to do all sorts of things that give me nightmares. A toddler in Brooklyn, however, recently made her own daring escape, and it should make all parents look more closely at their windows.
According to ABC, it happened last Friday. The 18-month-old girl's grandmother, who was watching her, didn't even know she was gone after she crawled out a second-story window and fell to a store's awning below. Shocked neighbors saw the child crawling precariously close to the edge and jumped into action.
Qing Chen, who was working in the pharmacy across the street, told Eyewitness 7 News:
She was crawling back and forth and to the edge she was about to fall off. And that's when we yelled at her and crawled back to where the letter 'O' was and she sat there. We screamed at her [and] said "Don't move" and she started crying and she just sat there.
They tried to use a ladder, but it wasn't tall enough. Then Chen ran up to the apartment and knocked on the door. "I'm like, 'Your baby is outside, she's about to fall, I need to get her,'" he told the station.
The windows wouldn't budge open, but he was able to crawl through a small space where the air conditioning unit was and got out there to rescue her, while other neighbors waited below, ready to catch her if she fell. While she was taken to the hospital for observation, she didn't appear to have any injuries.
So phew. But the fact is we've seen too many of these stories before -- of small children crawling or falling out of windows. Not all of them have endings as happy as this, and sometimes it means injury or even death for children. Not only is it a reminder that toddlers need to be watched at all times, it's also a reminder about the dangers windows can present -- especially in these hot summer months.
So if you haven't already, please check your windows. Make sure they're secure and have any necessary alarms and locks in place to prevent incidents like this from happening. When they're crafty teenagers, however ... lord help us all.
Has your child ever tried to escape your home? Are your home's windows secure?
Image via NBC
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Julie Ryan Evanscan be found writing from coffee houses wherever she may be. The quality of her days is largely influenced by the seat she nabs and whether a protein plate is available.
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