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Will Ferrell Drags His Kids to the Emmys Because He Can’t Find a Sitter (VIDEO)

Penulis : Unknown on maandag 23 september 2013 | 15:54

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AppId is over the quota
by Adriana Velez 3 hours ago

will ferrell emmy awardsPoor Will Ferrell. Called into work at the last minute, couldn't find a sitter, and ended up having to bring his kids with him. All three of the Ferrell boys! We've all been there, right? Oh -- except in this case, "work" was presenting at the Emmy Awards. Did you catch it? Will Ferrell dragged his three boys onstage, all of them (including Will) in sloppy t-shirts and shorts. "I couldn't find child care, okay?" Farrell said defensively.

For parents it was probably the most painfully funny moment of the Emmys -- though obviously it was just an act. I mean, who hasn't scrambled at the last minute for childcare, given up, and ended up dragging their kids with them to work? It happens!

In fact, there was a handful of kids here at the CafeMom office one day just before school started. There's this awful gap of time where most of the day camps are over, but classes haven't begun yet. And if you're not already hooked up with a daycare center or a babysitter, you're just kind of screwed. You're either working from home in the Kid Zone (and feeling oh-so-productive) or you've got a kid or two hanging out in the lobby, playing Angry Birds.

Will Ferrell doesn't have that option, though -- he can't exactly let his kids play Angry Birds while they're still on stage. They have to wait. I loved his whole spiel on what their day was like. "We had a soccer game, there was a neighbor's birthday party, a nut allergy. I didn't have time to do my hair! It doesn't matter, it's great to be here." Sounds like a typical Sunday to me. Especially the part about not having time to do his hair.

Don't you love how there's no mention of his wife? Apparently whatever she's doing, it's more important than presenting at the Emmys. I think that was my favorite part.

No, this was my favorite part: "You have to go to the bathroom?! I asked you backstage if you had to go to the bathroom. So you're just going to have to hold it. This is the Emmys. Don't blow this for me!" Of course someone has to go to the bathroom. With three kids, isn't it a given that at least one of them has to pee at any moment?

Oh Will! Bwahaha, ouch. Thank you for illustrating the bind we all face: You're either a crappy parent or a crappy employee, sometimes both at the same time. At least, it feel like that sometimes. Glad we could all have a healing laugh over it.

Have you ever had to bring your kids with you to work at the last minute?

Image via WorldStar!!/YouTube

Adriana Velez ABOUT THE AUTHOR Adriana Velez

is a staff writer who dabbles in food, parenting, news, entertainment, molecular biology, and anything else that that pops into her head. She lives with her elementary school-aged son in Brooklyn, land of urban farms and artisan everything.  

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