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Scott Disick Replaces Toilet Paper With $100 Bills Because Apparently He Just Can't Help Himself (PHOTOS)

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 17 september 2013 | 17:49

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by Mary Fischer 1 hour ago

cash toilet paper rollDude. What the heck is up with Scott Disick posting photos of $100 bills accompanied by strange, disgusting, and completely egotistical comments?!?

No, you aren't hallucinating. That's a picture of a bunch of $100 bills on a toilet paper roll. Want to hear how Scott captioned it? "I know y'all didn't think I would actually use toilet paper!"

Yes, he said that -- for reals.

As if he actually thinks we're dumb enough to believe that he has replaced Charmin or Angel Soft or whatever with a roll of God knows how many perfectly legitimate Ben Franklins. (At least they don't appear to be counterfeit.)

Oh, and the fun didn't stop there. Nope. Here's another beauty of Scott using his endless supply of cash as a phone.

Scott Disick money

With this one, he seemed to be making fun of those less fortunate than himself by saying, "Hello, peasant's is that u? #fucku"

Way to keep it classy, Scott.

Um, who the heck does he think he is -- a freakin' king or something? 

Just when I was finally starting to believe that Scott might actually be a pretty cool guy that people tend to misread based on how he's depicted on TV -- he goes and pulls a stunt like this. Now I'm convinced he is, indeed, one of the world's biggest asshats.

Either that, or he's just so damn bored and figures everyone already thinks he's a complete jerk. So he decided it couldn't hurt to go ahead and give people yet another reason to beg Kourtney Kardashian to come to her senses and run for the hills.

But if he was the least bit serious in flaunting his money and poking fun at people who aren't mooching off the Kardashians as well off financially as he is, maybe Kourt should consider kicking him to the curb and making him get a job to support himself for a change. Something tells me if reality were to hit him smack dab in the face, he'd switch to generic toilet paper in a heartbeat.

Do you think Scott was joking around or rubbing his wealth in people's faces?

Images via Instagram

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is the writer behind The Mommyologist, and the mom of a future famous comedian. Her current loves include Pinot Grigio on ice and Harry Styles -- in that order.

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