AppId is over the quota
by Jacqueline Burt 15 hours ago
Okay, guys, I don't want to jinx anything here, but I think ... I think ... Lindsay Lohan just might be getting her mojo back. For realz this time! The formerly troubled starlet (yeah, that's right, I said "formerly"! Cause let's try some positive thinking for a change!) made an appearance on Jimmy Fallon last night as a guest on the Wayne's World-esque tween girl talk show "Ew!" and guess what? She was really, really funny. Really! I mean, remember last year when she hosted SNL and it was supposed to be a big "comeback" type thing and it was more of a "come again?!" kind of thing? Well, all of that weirdly nervous, unfocused, I'm all messed up and I don't know why/feeling kinda freaky and that's no lie energy was gone last night, and in its place was vintage LiLo.
Hmm, could this be a good omen for our favorite morgue janitor?
HELL to the YES, I say!! Let's think about this for a minute: See, Lindsay Lohan used to be an actress, remember?? Before she became a pro car crasher/Ambien taker/jewelry thief, girlfriend was an actress -- and a good one at that. (I hate to drag out ye ol' Mean Girls reference, but how awesome was she back then??) So now that she's back to kicking ass as a performer, she'll start remembering how great that feels (a better high than any drug ... right?? No, seriously!) and want to keep kicking ass again and again. And she must know by now that too much gypsy-punching does not a successful acting career make.
Check out this clip if you haven't seen, and you'll see what I'm talking about:
Was I right or was I right? LiLo is BACK, bitches!
Do you think Lindsay Lohan's Jimmy Fallon appearance was a good omen?
Image via latenight/YouTube
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jacqueline Burthas written for numerous magazines, newspapers, and websites. She is easily bored and often tired, so she requires constant entertainment to keep her awake. Dance, Monkey! Dance!
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