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Lindsay Lohan's Interview with Oprah: 8 Mind-Blowing Moments

Penulis : Unknown on maandag 19 augustus 2013 | 02:54

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by Kiri Blakeley 5 hours ago

Lindsay LohanFour days out of her sixth rehab stay, The Canyons star Lindsay Lohan stopped by to chat with Oprah Winfrey for her show Next Chapter. Where else would you go, right? Lindsay looked better than she has in a long time. Her skin was glowing. She's back to her red hair (goodbye to that godawful platinum). And whoever did her makeup did a really good job! That said, Linds was there to purge her demons. Confession is good for the soul. And Oprah is a celeb's favorite confessional. She's the high priestess of celebrity-gone-wrong atonement. So what did Lindsay have to say? Let's get to it, shall we. Here are eight watercooler moments from the interview.

1. Her jail sentence. Lindsay was sentenced to 90 days in jail back in 2010. Although Linds said this wasn't her full wake up call, it was like a half wakeup call. Kind of like the phone rings and you hear it, but you're really sleepy, and so you only half wake up, and then you roll over and go back to sleep. Only Lindsay rolled over and then went back to party. "I was terrified," says Linds of her time in the clink. "But not terrified enough to stop what you were doing?" asked Oprah. "No," said Lindsay. She also added that, subconsciously, she "wanted" to go to jail. Just to "get some peace." Dang, life must be rough when jail seems like a good way to relax.

2. Lindsay is an addict. Oprah came right out and asked if Lindsay was an addict and she said "Yeah." So that's settled.

3. Lindsay is addicted to alcohol. Asked her drug of choice, LiLo said alcohol. Though she admits that she wouldn't have turned down a nice Adderall/cocaine/martini cocktail. But that's all in the past.

4. Why this time is different. Sixth time is the charm for Lindsay. She's now feeling "spiritual," and "ready to get honest." She is also "exhausted by the chaos." She'd also like to get back to something close to the proximity of the acting respect she used to enjoy. But, you know, one day at a time ...

5. Lindsay blew all of her money. At one point, Linds was making $7 million a film. She has no idea where it went. I assure you I don't have it.

6. Her parents. Lindsay says she is still very close with her parents, Michael and Dina, despite all of the dysfunction and drama they caused her. "I hate what a bad rap people give my parents," she said. "But I've asked that they keep our life private, please." Hear that, Michael? No more selling your private phone calls with your daughter, 'kay?

7. Lindsay knows she could be dead. Lindsay acknowledged that her lifestyle could have ended tragically, as it has for so many others. "I've got some serious guardian angels," she said. True, but guardian angels get worn out too. No one should count on them for too long.

8. Lindsay won't be going to Europe thanks to Oprah "Buzzkill" Winfrey. When Lindsay's plans to head to Europe for a yoga and meditation retreat leaked to Oprah, she basically forbade Linds to go, worried it would topple her resolve to not party. Because, you know, there's so much partying in those darn meditation retreats! Those stinkin' monks are always getting wasted! Anyway, two days after the interview, LiLo cancelled her trip. Oprah Winfrey: World Mother.

So, that's a wrap, folks. Lindsay sounds like she's serious this time. Lindsay is no dummy and she's got a certain vulnerability about her that makes you root for her. Her insistence that she wanted to be back on top of her career again was a little unsettling -- career success is not the gateway to serenity. But we shall see what happens.

As Oprah said to Lindsay, "I want you to win." I think we'd all like her to win. But sometimes the only way to win is not to play.

Did you watch the interview?

Image via OWN

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