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by Jacqueline Burt 5 hours ago
Well, another season of Sister Wives has come to a close! Can you even believe it?? We've been watching this motley crew of Mormons for four entire seasons now, witnessing such huge life changes as the addition of a fourth wife, two new babies, a major geographical move, and much, much more. And after all that, what does the world at large care about? What's the only Sister Wives related issue the Browns' faithful audience really, really cares about??
Well, actually there are two:
1. Are the wives jealous of each other?
2. Are they ever gonna add a fifth wife?
Yup, essentially the same questions that everybody's had for the Browns since Day 1 (or since after Robyn became the official fourth wife, anyway). So of course Kody, Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn addressed those questions while on the couch during the "Sister Wives Tell All" segment of the show, and of course their answers were the same as they always are:
1. Yes, sometimes the wives get jealous of each other but that's to be expected and it's just something they all deal with and blah, blah, blah.
2. Um, well, Kody's not actively seeking another wife but then again he didn't go out looking for Robyn, either, and she just happened and, um ...
Personally, I don't think the Browns will be tossing another wife into the mix anytime soon -- or anytime, ever, really. (Not from the look on Christine's face when the idea came up.) Plus, now that TLC already has that My 5 Wives show lined up, what would be the point?
Anyway. Not a whole lotta cliffhangers going into season 5, but maybe that's okay. Maybe we'll just tune into Sister Wives as a way of checking in on old friends instead of getting our vicarious plural marriage kicks. On that note, check out this clip of the kids saying nice stuff about their nice parents:
Do you think the Sister Wives will add a fifth wife in season 5?
Image via TLC

has written for numerous magazines, newspapers, and websites. She is easily bored and often tired, so she requires constant entertainment to keep her awake. Dance, Monkey! Dance!
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