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Stranger Who Helped Woman Deliver Twins After Car Accident Gets Touching Reward

Penulis : Unknown on maandag 23 september 2013 | 16:20

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by Michele Zipp 3 hours ago

pregnant bellyThere are so many things that can go wrong when in labor and Jessica Stanley, a Florida mom pregnant with twins, experienced one of the most terrifying incidents when it was go-time. The car she was driving in crashed into another car while she was in labor. Jessica's fiance, Antavian Milton, was driving her and their three other children to the hospital because Jessica's water broke. Another car pulled out in front of them and Jessica remembers hitting her head on the windshield and then she blacked out.

Within seconds Betty Horne, a gastroenterology tech at Baptist Hospital, who was in the car behind them, ran to help. Horne had no idea what would happen next would change her life forever.

The panicked dad Milton jumped out the car when Horne approached yelling, "I'm gonna have a baby, she's gonna have twins." Horne reportedly looked in the car and she saw one baby already crowning. She grabbed a towel from her car and caught the baby as he was being born. He wasn't breathing. She swiped the back of the baby's mouth with her fingers to clear the airway and baby started crying. And what a beautiful sound that must have been amidst all the chaos.

New mom Jessica was alert and Horne passed her the baby boy. They named him Antavian II and he weighed 7 pounds and 13 ounces, which is very impressive for a twin. The paramedics arrived and took Jessica to the hospital to deliver baby number 2 by cesarean. That little bundle weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces and was given the name Antavian III! How very, very sweet -- both named after proud papa. I wonder what their nicknames are going to be!

Horne calls the experience "amazing" and was welcomed just like family there in the recovery room cradling the baby she helped deliver. "I don't even know what a hero is," she said when someone told her that she was one. "I tell you, I don't feel like a hero. I feel that that's something that we all got to do for each other. We all got to help each other."

The family honored Horne for being an amazing human being by asking her to be Antavian II's Godmother. What a beautiful gesture for a beautiful woman who sprang into action to help strangers, and whose actions helped bring a baby's life into this world -- a baby who is healthy and doing fantastic along with twin brother and mom.

Congrats to all!

Do you think you would know what to do if you witnessed a woman in labor? Have you feared being in a bad situation when ready to give birth?

Image via Aaron McIntyre/Flickr

Michele Zipp ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michele Zipp

loves vintage and will defend skinny jeans to the death though she is highly superstitious and "death" is probably a bad word choice. She has a touch of the hoarding disease and enjoys sleuthing, the worst reality shows, and wearing high heels, even at the playground. She's an AP mom of twins, slightly crunchy but with a pedicure.

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