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What You Don’t Know About Common Fruits May Surprise You

Penulis : Unknown on maandag 23 september 2013 | 16:15

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by Rebecca Stokes 1 hour ago


Whenever I'm down, I know full-well that eating fruits and veggies will improve my mood almost immediately. This isn't just because of how fruit nourishes your brain, but also because fruit is just plain delicious!

When I'm not eating fruit, I don't give it a lot of thought. This does nature's dessert a major disservice. Because -- excuse me while I geek out over here -- fruit is fascinating! Don't believe me? Read on for 5 facts about your favorite fruits that will absolutely surprise you. They also double as great dinner-party small talk. Yay, social skills!

1. Bananas

Not only delicious, filling, and the bane of all carb-avoiding dieters, this "fruit" is hiding something. It's actually an herb! The world's largest, in fact. It is in the same family as lilies. Only people seldom comically slip and fall on lilies. That we know of, anyway.

2. Apples

Yes, yes, they'll keep the doctor away -- but did you know apples also have enough natural sugar in them to keep you more awake than your morning cup of joe? I'd say this changes everything, but my caffeine addiction can't hear you.

3. Grapefruit

Sure, fruit is excellent for you, but be wary of grapefruit if you're on certain prescription drugs -- otherwise, this gentle citrus could become your deadly nemesis.

4. Cranberries

This tart and scrumptious berry has a secret -- not only is it good to eat, it's also fun to play with. Thanks to a natural air pocket in each berry, cranberries BOUNCE!

5. Strawberries

You guys. Prepare to have your world rocked. Strawberries? Arguably the most delicious of all the berries? Is. Not. A. Berry. Technically, it's not even a fruit! It's like we're in the Matrix or something. Whatever, they are still delicious.

Do you know any other surprising fruit facts?

Image via honey-bee/Flickr

Rebecca Stokes ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rebecca Stokes

Rebecca is a writer who lives in Brooklyn with her cats. She is probably even at this moment spilling food on herself.

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