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Rapist Who Killed Mom and Daughters Says Prison Isn't Treating Him Right

Penulis : Unknown on maandag 9 september 2013 | 15:01

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by Kiri Blakeley 1 hour ago

The man sentenced to death for raping and killing a mother and her two daughters in a horrific home invasion and arson in Connecticut has already done the unfathomable -- so I guess it's no real surprise that he would take his sociopathic personality to even higher heights. Triple-murderer Steven Hayes is now suing his prison for "harassment and psychological torture." Oh man, dude, seriously? WTF? Yes, Steven Hayes, who robbed, then raped and strangled mom Jennifer Hawke-Petit, and then burned her two young daughters alive in a house fire (all while Dr. William Petit was tied up in the basement), feels that he's being denied his "basic human needs" while he's on death row.

In his first interview, Hayes told the New Haven Register:

Nobody’s supposed to be treated the way we’re treated here. I was sentenced to death, not psychological torment.

Oh, boo hoo. I don't think too many people would feel sorry for this sad excuse for a human being.

Hayes also opened up about why he committed such a heinous crime, saying, basically, that he "doesn't know." He said:

I just wanted money. That’s all I was looking for ... But that’s when Josh [his partner in the crime] told me about him and the girl [11-year-old Michaela, who was raped] ... I started to lose it. Then I looked out the window and saw an unmarked police car. And I just snapped.

Hayes, though he sounds remorseful, is still casting blame. He blames his crime partner and fellow death row member Josh Komisarjevsky for escalating things. He blames him for starting the fire. Asked about allegations by his younger brothers that he abused them as children, he says they've got it all wrong. He even casts some blame on his father, for leaving him when he was a child.

He also pats himself on the back for "being nice" to the Petits while he held them hostage for seven hours, and insists it was only in the last "couple of minutes," when they were being raped and murdered, that things got ugly.

And now he's suing because he should be treated better.

But he also said:

I don’t deserve to live. I don’t want to live.

He should have stopped talking right there. Hayes is suing for $500,000. Something tells me it'll be a subzero day in hell before he gets that money.

Can you believe this guy?

Image via Chesire Police

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