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by Jacqueline Burt 2 hours ago
You could call them Blood Brothers. You could call them Immortal Enemies. Depending on the season, situation, and Sookie (who wants her this time??), True Blood's Eric Northman and Bill Compton are either fighting for the same cause -- or fighting against each other! Up until the whole Billith thing, every battle seemed pretty squarely stacked in Eric's favor: He's been around for a lot longer than Bill, after all, and, well ... ALEXANDER SKARSGARD. But now that Bill's got his sort of superpowers, we're not sure how the inevitable season 6 Finale Showdown is going to turn out!
So as we gear up for The Big One, let's take a look back at some of Bill and Eric's bawdiest, bloodiest brawls to date!
Images via HBO
var UGC_HOST = "";var current_slide_num = 0;var slideshow_url = "";var short_url = "/entertainment/159446/true_bloods_bill_vs_eric";var slide_id = "";var from_social = "";var current_slide_id = '109182';Bill, man, come on! Think of all the good times ... like when the witches tried to burn us at the stake ... and when the Authority had us dressed up in that bondage stuff ...
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has written for numerous magazines, newspapers, and websites. She is easily bored and often tired, so she requires constant entertainment to keep her awake. Dance, Monkey! Dance!
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