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by Jeanne Sager 4 hours ago
Ever since MTV announced it had greenlighted a third spin-off from its popular 16 & Pregnant reality series, anticipation has been high for Teen Mom 3. It's been almost a full year since the network let slip which girls had made the cast, and now here we are: the show's premiere is just a few days away.
So what are we going to see when Briana DeJesus, Katie Yeager, Alex Sekella, and Mackenzie Douthit come together on-screen for the first time? The Stir got a sneak peek at the premiere episode.
Like Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2, the episode shifts between the four girls, tracking their relationships, jobs, and how they deal with their babies. There's drama -- plenty of it -- but there's one thing striking about all four girls.
None of them is like any of the other teenagers we've seen on the show so far. There's certainly no Jenelle Evans-type, no girl dropping her child on her mom and running out to party. Nor is there an Amber Portwood-type, no girl who seems hell-bent on blaming her problems on anyone but her.
More From The Stir: Alex Sekella Has No Plans to Act 'Stupid' -- Sorry, Jenelle Fans!
But there is one thing that's definitely the same: the teenage boys on Teen Mom 3 are every bit as troublesome as the teenage boys we've seen on previous episodes, perhaps more so. From Alex's boyfriend Matt McCann, who's fresh out of rehab but still seems perpetually stoned, to Katie's boyfriend Joey Maes, who gets into an accident with her car but can't be bothered to get the other driver's insurance info (even though it's his own aunt!), the daddies of Teen Mom 3 are all extremely immature ... and they're not afraid to show it on camera.
No matter how good these girls try to be, these boys are sure to make this a dramatic season of Teen Mom.
Teen Mom 3 premieres on Monday, August 26, at 10 p.m. Check out the trailer:
Who do you watch the shows for? The girls or the boys?
Image via MTV
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writes articles for The Stir by day, slays closet monsters and bounds through bedtime stories with her elementary schooler by night. The Phineas and Ferb soundtrack reverberates through her brain.
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