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Kanye West May Be Taking 'Protective Dad Thing' Too Far if Reports of Armored Cars for Baby Are True

Penulis : Unknown on woensdag 14 augustus 2013 | 05:12

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by Mary Fischer 1 hour ago

armored car

Sigh. First there were the reports about Kanye West outfitting his new Bel Air mansion with surveillance cameras. And then he supposedly hired body doubles to impersonate himself, Kim Kardashian, and baby North West to deter stalkers and such when they're out and about. And now Kanye is rumored to have purchased armored cars to protect his "royal" offspring on the road.

No, I'm not kidding, people -- but I kind of wish I were. Yep, according to the Daily Star, Kanye picked up a Prombron Iron Diamond at the cost of $1 million, and a $400,000 Chevrolet Kodiak that's called "Limo One," a la the President.

And wait until you see the $1 million ride. Check out this video for a sneak peek.

Are you believing this thing? We can't know for sure whether or not Kanye really did shell out all that dough for one of these things, but if he did? He's officially earned the title of the most paranoid new dad who ever walked the face of the earth.

I know he and Kim are in pretty high demand and all -- but does he really think there are crazy people on the side of the road waiting for his car every day in the hopes of hijacking and/or kidnapping his family? If that's truly the case, then he honestly a) believes he's a member of the First family, b) thinks he's Prince William, or c) needs a mental health evaluation stat.

I don't know -- I'm thinking the armored cars sound a bit far-fetched even for Kanye. Maybe the rumor mill is just having a little fun with him and poking fun at how protective he is of baby North, especially since he and Kim have not introduced her to the world yet. But if people are really making up stories about him, you have to admit, that's kinda mean -- but sort of funny at the same time. (I'm awful, I know.)

Huh. This one is definitely a tough call. I guess we'll just have to wait and see whether or not the paparazzi snap shots of one of these things cruising around L.A. And if they do, we'll know who it belongs to -- which may defeat the whole purpose of having the car in the first place.

Do you think Kanye really bought armored cars?

Image via DARTZ KOMBAT/YouTube

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is the writer behind The Mommyologist, and the mom of a future famous comedian. Her current loves include cosmopolitans, reality TV, and shoes that don't pinch her feet.

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