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Baby North West Revealed for First Time and Boy Is She Cute (PHOTOS)

Penulis : Unknown on vrijdag 23 augustus 2013 | 15:23

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kanFinally, the moment we have all been waiting for. During a sit-down interview on the season finale of Kris, Kanye West showed a photo of baby North. And let me just say, the kid is absolutely gorgeous. Though more surprising than the picture itself was what Kanye revealed about his life now that he's a dad. He came off as sweet, endearing, and a times a little shy. Not at all the persona we are used to seeing. Check out the adorable photo and Kanye's most surprising quotes on fatherhood, family, and how his relationship with Kim Kardashian has changed:

baby north

On fatherhood: "She’s my joy ... she brought new joy into the world ... no paparazzi, nothing is going to take that joy from me ... It's such a blessing. And I feel like it's given me the stability that I need to really create and really do God's work the way I should ... someone to be responsible for."

How North has changed his relationship with Kim: "It’s really brought us closer ... there’s someone more important to us than us for the first time."

On his weakest moment: "After I lost my mother there were times I would put my life at risk. I didn't feel like I had anything to live for. Now I have two really special people to live for, a whole family to live for, a whole world to live for."

On North following in his footsteps: "I am going to give her the opportunity to develop her different skill sets. And then decide what she likes to do the best ... we will just give her the support and let her follow what she loves the most."

On North growing up in the spotlight: "The biggest thing is protection ... protecting my daughter. Every family member to give my daughter as many opportunities to just be a child ... of course a big thing that plagues us ... is the idea of the paparazzi chasing a 5-year-old around screaming at them."

How North impacted how he feels about the infamous Taylor Swift/VMAs incident: "I think about education and all I want to do is help people ... Last thing I would want for my daughter is some crazy drunk black guy in a leather shirt to come up and cut her off at an awards show."

On pining for Kim: "There’s times when I wasn’t with her that I wanted to be with her so bad that I thought about taking up sports ... I just dreamed about being next to her."

Indeed he did. Kris revealed that when Kanye would get their family Christmas card, he would draw a stick figure of himself next to Kim. Super-sweet, isn't it?


On criticism of his relationship: "That shows me how much I love her ... that I can have people saying ... this is going to damage your credibility as an artist ... I say I don’t care, I love this woman ... I’m being with this person because I love this person ... she’s worth it to me."

On his religious beliefs: "I'm a Christian and wanted to let people know that is what's on my mind. It's important to me that I grow and walk and raise my family with Christian values."

On being around the Kardashian clan: "When I'm out, I try to get home early so that I can be with my family."

On his regrets: "Everything happens for a reason and I've grown from it ... there are times I am alone on the airplane and I let times my own thoughts haunt me. There are times I wish I could get on the cellphone and call a publicist to fix something. But I think I am very, very blessed."

Image via FOX

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