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Airman’s Plan to Surprise Each Family Member One at a Time Makes for Unforgettable Homecoming (VIDEO)

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 16 juli 2013 | 14:05

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by Nicole Fabian-Weber 1 hour ago

military homecomingWhat's better than one surprise military homecoming? A million military surprise homecomings. Instead of surprising just one family member when he returned home, an airman decided to surprise each of his family members -- including his dogs -- one by one. Okay, so there aren't a million surprises in this video, but there are a lot. And each one is better than the last. Why should one family member get all the fun?

Check out the beautiful and touching video:

Love this! I'm sure each and every one of these people were equally thrilled to see their long lost family member. So sweet that he treated them all the same and surprised everyone. Let's hope this starts a trend.

But I can't lie. I do think the dogs may have had the best reaction.

How great is this idea?

Image via StephandStephenV/YouTube

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