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by Ericka Sóuter 2 hours ago
The entire second season of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo has been centered around the planning of Mama June and Sugar Bear's wedding. It comes with all the typical highs and lows -- everything from bouts of cold feet to what the heck should the bride wear? But there is one important point that has gotten lost in all that hoopla. They aren't actually getting legally married and there is a good reason why.
Even though all the kids (and "Shuggie" too) would prefer to make it legal, Mama opted for a commitment ceremony instead because she's scared. Who can blame her. Marriage is hardly a forever kind of thing for most couples in this country, and she has seen her fair share of nasty splits. We all have. And witnessing that understandably makes you a bit gun shy. She may love Sugar Bear, but there is a chance it won't work out.
“It’s just that a lot of people in our family have been married and divorced a couple of times and for me, seeing that growing up, it wasn’t good,” she said. Another big worry of hers? The expense that comes with ending a a union.
“It also costs a lot of money to actually get out of a marriage. We got a piece of paper for doing the commitment ceremony and we don’t have to worry, down the road, if something doesn’t go right and things don’t work out,” she said. She makes a valid point, don't you think. The most expensive part of getting hitched has nothing to do with the legal aspects. A marriage license costs a few hundred bucks at most, but calling it quits can run you thousands. Not to mention all the legal wrangling involved with dividing assets.
It's easy to see why she doesn't want to worry about that. This doesn't mean she doesn't love him -- she's just realistic. By having a simple commitment ceremony, they get to express their love and celebrate with friends and family. Then if things don't work out later, the parting -- though surely painful -- will be much less complicated.
Do you think Mama June has good reason to not want to get legally married?
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is a veteran pop culture and celeb news writer. That experience boils down to two things: she knows way too much about the Kardashians and she dominates on Trivial Pursuit's arts and entertainment questions.
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