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Suddenly Jenelle Evans Can't 'Trust' Her 'Perfect' Boyfriend Nathan

Penulis : Unknown on woensdag 7 augustus 2013 | 08:49

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by Emily Abbate 14 hours ago

Jenelle Evans and Nathan GriffithLooks like things could be getting a little rocky in the relationship department for Jenelle Evans. After things have been oh-so-perfect with boyfriend and underwear model Nathan Griffith for the past few months, the Teen Mom took to her absolute favorite social median (Twitter, duh) to do a bit of complaining. Turns out, Jenelle is having trust issues with her friends AND Nathan and feels stabbed in the back. Hmm, not exactly an excellent foundation for a great relationship.

Obviously what's going on here or why Jenelle feels betrayed. I have a hankering that if she kept more things sacred in her life instead of blabbing them to the world, she wouldn't have so many trust issues. It's easy to lose trust when you have no problem airing everyone's dirty laundry out for the whole world to see!

Sure, Jenelle's wary about things with Nathan right now. But let's be real, if I was him -- I'd be nervous to be dating her, too.

Come on, Nathan. Have you seen how Jenelle's absolutely destroyed the last two men she dated on Twitter? There isn't more than a week or two that goes by at a time where she's not slamming Courtland Rogers or Kieffer Delp. It's not just a casual "you are the worst," tweet, either. Jenelle has no problem going back into her partners' personal history and bringing out the big guns.Sure, these men may not be the best of characters, but certain aspects of an intimate relationship should remain private between two people, always.

Plain and simple: You have to be trustworthy first to expect that same courtesy from other people. Will Jenelle and Nathan patch things up? I hope so. It seems that since June, he's been really really good for her. With that said, though, if they can make it work then there are a few things homegirl needs to reevaluate. Item No. 1: Who's more important -- her boyfriend or her Twitter followers.

Do you think Jenelle and Nathan will make it through this?

Image via PBandJenelley_1/ Flickr

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