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NeNe Leakes Invites Us to Her New Website But Won’t Let Us In

Penulis : Unknown on zaterdag 10 augustus 2013 | 10:36

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by Adriana Velez 16 hours ago

nene websiteI'm not saying you should navigate away from The Stir right at this exact moment, but just so you know? NeNe Leakes just launched her website. Wait! Before you go look at it, there's a few things you should know. First of all, you can sign up for her newsletter, just in case there's not enough NeNe in your life already. She wants to draw you in even closer. How close? If you sign up, you can win a chance to have a video or phone chat with her. Also! If you click on the Official NeNe Website, you can tell her exactly what you think of her website -- which is good because I have many, many things I'd like to tell NeNe about that website of hers ...

1. Where is the rest of the website? All's I see here is a big, splashy photo of NeNe and that box where you sign up for updates. This is not a website. This is the idea of a website, a mere facade, a flimsy sign promising a website and yet not delivering it.

2. No really, when are you launching your real website? Okay, fine, this website thingy is just your way of hyping the launch of the real thing, plus your show, and whatever else you're doing these days.

3. Is that your handwriting?

4. Love the dress. And how it's kind of blowing in the wind? So effective. Totally draws your eyes across the whole screen. Whoever thought that up was definitely a creative director clever. And the colors are so summery!

5. Will you wear a different dress in the fall? Because it might get too cold for the dress in October, even in L.A.

6. So what kind of coverup would you wear with that dress? I'm thinking a cardigan might look too mumsy, and a wrap is going to be too messy with all the flowy layers you've already got going on. Ooh, I know! A cropped leather jacket, right?

7. Maybe you should have some music playing or something. Just an idea.

8. No, I've got it: A gif of you shaking your hips. Or of your dress rippling in the wind. I don't know, just something so that when we land on your page, we're not like, "Really? This is it?" Not that that's what I was thinking.

9. I would like videos of you giving me advice. You know, when you re-launch with a real website. Maybe once a day I send you a question, like "which shoes should I wear with this outfit?" or "as a single mom, how do I find 'me time' without being rude to my kid?" or "what's that weird smell?"

10. But seriously, congratulations. Can't wait to see how the website -- and everything else NeNe -- shapes up!

What would you tell NeNe about her website?

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is a staff writer who dabbles in food, parenting, news, entertainment, molecular biology, and anything else that that pops into her head. She lives with her elementary school-aged son in Brooklyn, land of urban farms and artisan everything.  

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