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Kim Kardashian’s Next Wedding Will Be Nothing Like Her Last -- If She Gets Her Way

Penulis : Unknown on zaterdag 10 augustus 2013 | 10:44

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by Adriana Velez 15 hours ago

kim kardashian selfieKim Kardashian and Kanye West aren't even engaged yet, but they're already talking about the wedding -- supposedly. And what we hear is shocking! Do we overuse that word? Okay, fine. We're just kind of surprised, is all. This time Kim wants a small wedding, just an intimate little affair with around 50 people and no television coverage. NO TEE VEE?!? Kim, you've changed. I don't even know who you ARE anymore.

I guess that huge, splashy to-do with Kris Humphries got Kim thinking a little. Thinking about how she put too much emphasis on the fantasy and not enough on the reality -- I mean the real reality, not reality TV. Just hearing this makes me cringe a little for her. I think it would take a lot of guts to consider getting married again at all, after the backlash she got from her seven-week marriage.

So yeah, you'd better believe Kim wants a small, quiet wedding. If it doesn't work out (and of course we hope it does, but IF), she doesn't want to be accused of getting hitched for the publicity again. And she doesn't want to feel like she's all style and no substance. Yes, even Kim Kardashian has a soul, and even Kim Kardashian can aspire to some integrity. I think we need to give her a chance to prove herself.

But who knows if she'll get that chance. A friend of Kanye's says he wants a big wedding. "He wants to do something really cool and big and over-the-top." Oof, and if we know Kanye, I think that means Kim's got a Groomszilla in her future. Then again, Kanye's "big and over-the-top" is going to be different than Kim's "big and over-the-top." Maybe for him it means holding the wedding in a Mies van der Rohe house, getting his favorite DJs together, and designing Kim's dress himself. At any rate, I can't wait to see how it all turns out. That is ... after Kanye proposes and all that.

Do you think Kim will get away with having a small wedding this time?

Image via Kim Kardashian/Instagram

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is a staff writer who dabbles in food, parenting, news, entertainment, molecular biology, and anything else that that pops into her head. She lives with her elementary school-aged son in Brooklyn, land of urban farms and artisan everything.  

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