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Miley Cyrus Looks Like a Little Girl in Crazy Ripped Shorts and Pigtails (PHOTO)

Penulis : Unknown on vrijdag 23 augustus 2013 | 17:34

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by Nicole Fabian-Weber 4 hours ago

miley cyrusMiley Cyrus is one of the few people in the world who's been blessed with a body type that looks good in basically everything. Soooo, why is she wearing this? The "We Can't Stop" singer stepped out in a pair of shorts so tiny the Hubble Telescope might not be to spot them; a tank top that had the words "Ain't Nothing But a G Thang" printed in calligraphy on the front; and a hairstyle that one typically doesn't see on anyone over the age of 2. What up, Miley?

I get that Miley is young; "going through puberty at 20 years old"; and experimenting right now, but she wears the same types of things over and over and over again. Always something super tight, always something super short. The girl has a fantastic body and she ought to show it off, but ... maybe once in a while, try something new? She should experiment within her experimental phase! It would be so nice to see Miley in a loose maxi dress. Or just, I dunno, a t-shirt and jeans. That would actually be more shocking than what she's wearing here.

As for her hair, I actually find it weirdly cute. Maybe because it reminds me of my toddler. I don't think I'd advise Miley to wear it like this every day. But for once in a while, what the hey, right?

Thoughts on Miley Cyrus' outfit and 'do?

Image via Splash

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