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by Julie Ryan Evans 3 hours ago
As parents we do what we can to set a good example for our children and teach them to do what's right. Sometimes, however, it's a stranger who steps in and makes an impact that is priceless. That's exactly what Marine Myles Kerr recently did for a young boy in a story that will give you goosebumps.
According to The Huffington Post, 9-year-old Brandon Fuchs was running the Jeff Drench Memorial 5K in Charlevoix, Michigan, when he somehow lost the group of people with whom he was running. He was struggling to keep going, then he saw Kerr, and asked him, "Sir? Will you please run with me?"
Without hesitation Kerr did so, and for the rest of the race, he ran with him. According to a post on the Facebook page Seal of Honor, he was the boy's personal pep squad, urging him on to finish and not leaving his side until he crossed the finish line and helped him find his party.
Kerr finished last in his age division ... five seconds after Fuchs.
It gives you chills, right? I think of my son, who's also 9, in the same predicament, and how incredibly grateful I would be to someone who did this for him. Not only for helping him through the race, but for showing him that it's not always about winning, and for setting an example of what it means to be a man.
Fuchs' parents were grateful indeed, and according to a Tweet from Kerr, they rewarded him with a $100 gift certificate to a restaurant, which I'm sure was but a small token of their amazing gratitude. As for his kind gesture, for which he has received kudos from far and wide, Kerr is modest. He tweeted: "I was just doing what any man would do, but thank you!"
It's what any man should do, but unfortunately not all do. We spend so much time worrying about the dangers and evil out there in the world, and warning our kids of stranger danger, so this is an amazing reminder that there are great people out there in the world, people to whom they can and should look up to. We salute you, Lance Corporal Kerr!
What's the nicest thing anyone has done for your child?
Image via Seal of Honor/Facebook

can be found writing from coffee houses wherever she may be. The quality of her days is largely influenced by the seat she nabs and whether a protein plate is available.
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