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by Adriana Velez 3 hours ago
Is it Monday afternoon? Well then! Clearly it's time to brew ourselves a cup of tea and look at Downton Abbey season 4 cast photos. Of course, it'll still be months and months before we see any of these scenes in action. (Why no, I'm not resentful at all, PBS!) But we can still enjoy teensy little glimpses of what's to come. And you know what else? Maybe I'll cut out some of these photos to make my very own Downton Abbey paper dolls so I can act out scenes of what I think happens in the next season. Because guess who's here? Aw yeah, Mary's two boyfriends, Sir Anthony Gillingham and Charles Blake. Plus, give it up for the third hottie of season 4, jazz musician Jack Ross. Ladies, your man candy has arrived.
Check out these sneak peeks at Downton and guess what they reveal about the next season.
var UGC_HOST = "";var current_slide_num = 0;var slideshow_url = "";var short_url = "/entertainment/159942/downton_abbey_season_4_photos";var slide_id = "";var from_social = "";var current_slide_id = '109403';It's the whole fam-damily and then some, all posed together like dominoes. Just tip Carson over and they'll all go falling down. Of course, it's hard not to notice the former characters who are no longer with us. Mrs. O'Brien -- a tear! Oh yeah, and also whats-his-name, Matthew, and Sybil.

is a staff writer who dabbles in food, parenting, news, entertainment, molecular biology, and anything else that that pops into her head. She lives with her elementary school-aged son in Brooklyn, land of urban farms and artisan everything.
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