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Military Dad Has Incredibly Romantic Reunion With His Wife, But What About the Kids?! (VIDEO)

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 23 juli 2013 | 15:42

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by Emily Abbate 3 hours ago

military surprise homecomingA military father surprises his wife and kids in the water while they're playing at the beach. Generally cute, right? Even cuter when the wife and kids just told a friend on camera what they would say to Daddy if he were there with 'em. His daughter Charity's response? "I will love him for always."

Captain Hyrum Bronson returned early from his nine-month deployment and totally took his family by surprise, appearing out of the water in a scuba suit. As his children screamed, "Daddy! Daddy!" the soldier gravitated toward his wife Bethany saying, "I swam all the way here just for you hunny."

It's heartwarming. But at the same time, it's infuriating. Bronson's children circle the couple longingly, crying out in excitement that Dad's back home. While I admire Bronson and his military service and understand how long the two lovers have been waiting for this embrace, the blatant disregard of these kids hurts my heart.

First, let's watch Captain Hyrum Bronson's surprise homecoming, shall we?

At this moment for this couple, they have put the loving relationship they have between the two of them in front of the parenting relationship they have with their kids. In the heat of the moment, I guess I can understand that. These children are lucky to have parents who love and appreciate each other the way that the Bronsons do. Truthfully, though, it pains me to see their kids longing for the attention of their father whom they haven't seen in so so long, only to be ignored.

I'm happy the Bronson family is reunited. Here's hoping that Dad's getting in some more quality time with his kids back here on American soil.

How do you feel about Captain Hyrum Bronson's surprise?

Image via Bethany Bronson/YouTube

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