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Mom Could Lose Custody of 3-Year-Old for Giving Him What He Needed to Put Leukemia in Remission (VIDEO)

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 1 oktober 2013 | 16:11

dinsdag 1 oktober 2013

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by Mary Fischer 2 hours ago

Landon Riddle

A mom in Colorado is being investigated by child protective services, all because she has chosen to treat her 3-year-old's cancer with marijuana instead of continuing chemotherapy.

Eight months ago, Landon Riddle was so horribly ill from the chemo being used to battle his leukemia that his mom Sierra says he would "vomit 50 times a day" and was in so much pain she believed it was literally killing him. And that's when she made the decision to stop the chemo altogether.

Sierra moved Landon to Colorado Springs and started him on a treatment of cannabis capsules. And as you will see in this video, Landon went from being a lethargic, sick kid to a child who has boundless energy -- and whose cancer is now in remission.

I'm sorry -- I'm all for parents making sure their kids get proper medical care, but I can't for the life of me see how this mother is doing anything wrong, especially considering how much her little boy's health has improved as a result of the cannabis.

The video footage of Landon now compared with how sickly he looked in those photos taken eight months ago really speaks for itself. I just don't understand how anyone can accuse Sierra of not having his best interests at heart.

She's doing everything in her power to keep using a treatment that actually works to make her child better instead of filling his little body with so much poison that he might not even have the strength to survive his cancer battle.

As a parent, there is absolutely nothing worse than seeing your child sick and in pain and feeling absolutely powerless to help him. But Sierra did find a way to help Landon recover -- so who cares what kind of "medicine" he's taking if it's something that's proven to be so incredibly effective?

I'm not condoning recreational marijuana use by any means -- but this is medical marijuana. It's different. And if my son were the one battling leukemia and we tried medical marijuana and it worked? I'd fight tooth and nail to make sure he was able to continue the treatment. I'd sure as hell do everything possible to make sure that no one would take him away from me, which is exactly what Sierra is doing.

This is a mother who is doing her best to take care of her child -- period. And how anyone can look at that thriving little boy and not agree that she did the right thing, 100 percent, is just beyond me.

Do you think Sierra should be forced to put Landon back on chemotherapy?

Image via CBS4

Click "Like" if you wear a pink ribbon. Mary Fischer ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mary Fischer

is the writer behind The Mommyologist, and the mom of a future famous comedian. Her current loves include Pinot Grigio on ice and Harry Styles -- in that order.

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Persistent Dog Wins Over Shy Boy With Down Syndrome and We Can't Stop Watching (VIDEO)

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by Kiri Blakeley 1 hour ago

Sometimes there is just nothing like a dog. They seem to have a special ability to tune into exactly what a human wants and needs. I guess that's why we masters of the planet willingly bend over and pick up their poop, let them chew everything in our shoe closet, and don't mind when they swallow our soap, glasses, or other household objects. Well, maybe we mind a bit but it's worth it. Because ... DOGS GET IT. And this video proves it beyond a doubt. It was uploaded a year ago, but is getting major attention now. In it, a little boy with Down syndrome sits on the ground. A golden retriever inches over and tries to get his attention. The boy, who apparently shuns being touched, isn't too thrilled. You can see how the dog keeps trying, and the boy keeps moving away. And then ...

Well, just watch it (get out your hankies) and then we'll regroup.

Wow!!! Sniff. Are you bawling?

Notice how the dog kept pawing and pawing, even though the boy kept rejecting him -- and then how finally, all of a sudden, the little boy reaches over and hugs him?

The dog didn't let it get to him that he was being rejected. He seemed to know that the little boy wanted to be touched but was perhaps not ready or was wary. And the dog would give him space just when he needed it. He was persistent but not overly so.

I guess this is why dogs make perfect therapy pets. Crazily, some readers are commenting that the kid really didn't want the dog anywhere near him and that should have been respected, but I disagree. The dog knew exactly what he was doing.

The origin of the video is unclear. It appears on many channels on YouTube, with the most watched version claiming that this is a dog named Himalaya and a boy named Hernan, with the video taken by the boy's mother, who supposedly claimed that the little boy "flees" from human contact. But an earlier upload merely says this is Rufus and James playing. (Presumably the dog is Rufus, but who knows!) Maybe all of the press the video is suddenly getting will clear up exactly who this precious duo are. (The giggles in the background sound like a man not a woman!)

But either way, the video is a great testament to the bond between human and animal. And that's what really matters.

What did you think of the video?

Image via max well/Flickr

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KAILYN Lowry quiere ayudar a su Give Birth

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por Adriana Vélez hace 1 hora

kailyn lowryMadre adolescente Kailyn Lowry necesita ayuda, y ha resultado en Twitter. Ayer escribió una petición: "alguien sabe de cualquier respetable matrona y servicios doula en Dover? Estoy teniendo un mal rato!" Vaya, Kailyn quiere trabajar con una partera y la doula--eso es genial. Creo que eso dice mucho sobre qué tipo de embarazo y el parto Kailyn quiere para bebé número dos.

Para ser justos, hay muchos, muchos doctores que no trataron el embarazo como una enfermedad y que trabajan con sus pacientes con el mismo respeto y consideración que las parteras. Pero eligiendo a una partera demuestran usted tiene confianza en la capacidad del cuerpo para gestar y entregar a un bebé con un mínimo de intervención. En April Kailyn admitió vía Twitter deseaba que ella no había llegado la anestesia epidural para entregar a Isaac. "Se lo dieron a mí tan tarde de todos modos así que podría haber hecho sin."

Por supuesto, puede trabajar con una partera y todavía conseguir una epidural. Hice dos para la entrega de mi bebé. Pero probablemente Kailyn quiere trabajar con alguien que apoyará sus intenciones de causar laboral. Espero que encuentre a alguien que realmente le gusta, aunque. Me parece que tiene un pequeño problema. Dos de sus seguidores en Twitter sugieren prácticas en su área, pero Kailyn es vacilante porque las parteras rotación tareas. No prometen Kailyn su elección de partera en realidad entregará a su bebé.

Es la misma forma con los doctores en muchas prácticas, en realidad. Espero Kailyn vaya con una partera de todos modos, incluso si no tiene control total sobre quién entrega su bebé. Me identifico totalmente con ella quiere elegir quién entrega su bebé. Está listo para pedir a través del Twitter... espero que ella escuchará de alguien que puede ayudarla.

¿Crees que KAILYN encontrará el tipo de partera práctica que está buscando?

Imagen via /Twitter Kailyn Lowry

Haga clic en "Me gusta" para la última de las madres adolescentes. Adriana Velez Sobre el autor Adriana Velez

es un escritor que recrea en alimentos, crianza, noticias, Entretenimiento, biología molecular y nada más que eso salta a la cabeza. Ella vive con su hijo de edad escolar primaria en Brooklyn, tierra de chacras urbanas y artesanal todo.

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Ian Somerhalder’s Unattractive Photo Makes Us Thankful He’s Not Christian Grey (PHOTO)

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AppId is over the quota
by Nicole Fabian-Weber 3 hours ago

ian somerhalderFor those of you upset that Charlie Hunnam will be playing Christian Grey in Fifty Shades of Grey as opposed to Ian Somerhalder, I have something that may assuage some of your pain: Look at this wretched, god-awful photo Ian just posted to his Instagram. Disgusting, right? The way those piercing blue eyes cut through you like a knife? The 5 o'clock shadow? The way he's ... biting ... his ... lower lip ... as if to say, "Yeah, I'm looking at you. And I like what I see." Ew! So gross! Soooo glad this ugo isn't going to be crapping up the movie. Who could possibly sit in a dark theater and stare at this face for two hours straight? No thanks.

I'm kidding, of course. This is an incredibly sexual photo of Ian. In fact, it's almost as if he's dangling his hotness in front of Fifty Shades fans' faces, saying, "Oh, I'm not going to be Christian? Ha ha hoooo, well, put this in your pipe and toke it."

In all seriousness, guys, although we're all still not over the fact that Ian won't be our Mr. Grey, I think somehow we'll all learn to make do with Charlie as Christian. It won't be easy, but we'll soldier through it. I know we can.

charlie hunnam

But Ian? This was just mean. You knew exactly what you were doing, you naughty boy.

Who did you want to play Christian Grey in the movie? Are you unhappy with the casting?

Image via Ian Somerhalder/Instagram

Click the "Like" button below if you're a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey!
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5-Year-Old Found Dead in Trunk Almost Got the Help She Needed (VIDEO)

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by Kiri Blakeley 2 hours ago

A woman has been arrested in the suspected murder of her 5-year-old daughter, Tatiana Garcia. That is devastating enough. But even more mind-boggling is that the police had been to the suspect's home on the morning the little girl was found critically injured, and Tatiana and her little brother looking just fine at the time. Said a police officer familiar with the case:

The kids were sitting on the couch playing, laughing. They appeared to be healthy. They appeared to be clean.

The officer who came to the home reportedly spent 30 minutes inside and found nothing awry, so he left. Later that afternoon, Tatiana was found struggling for life inside the trunk of her mother's car.

It's unclear why an officer originally went to the home, but the mother, Talamantes, was apparently acting strangely, and that was enough to warrant a visit. There, police say the mom was acting strangely and repeatedly questioned the cop's reason for visiting, even though he repeatedly explained it to her.

But this was not enough to take the children from her. Later that day, cops were called back to the house by a relative, who feared for Tatiana's safety after she went missing with her mom.

Tatiana was eventually found inside her mother's trunk. Police believe that the child was assaulted in her home, put in the trunk, and driven to Sacramento from her home in Davis.

Reportedly, the girl was alive in the trunk, but died later in the hospital. Family have told the media that the girl's mother, Talamantes, was mentally ill. She was also reportedly in the middle of a bitter custody battle.

What happened to the little girl will be the main question for investigators. The mom has pleaded not guilty in her death.

But there will also be questions as to whether this could have been prevented. After all, if that officer had taken Tatiana out of the home, she'd be alive now.

But police and child services workers aren't mind readers. The sad fact is that people can often have Jekyll and Hyde personalities. Fine one minute; horrible the next. If the children appeared happy and healthy without signs of abuse, how would anyone have known to take her out of the home?

On the other hand, there are people who aren't properly trained or who want to give the benefit of the doubt so they can get on with other things.

Sometimes children are taken from homes for ludicrous reasons. Families are nearly destroyed because of overzealous protectors.

And then you have stories where these protectors just weren't doing their jobs.

This one sounds just like a tragic case of "no one could have known." But more details may come to light.

Image via Sacramento Police

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Qué decir cuando su médico le dice que no co-duerma

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por Adriana Vélez hace 1 hora

co-sleeping¡ Todo lo que los padres Co dormidos! Ha llegado a nuestra atención que tenemos a algunos rebeldes allí. a pesar de todo la conciencia planteada acerca de los peligros de dormir con sus bebés, intercambio de casas va en aumento. Estás recibiendo las advertencias de sus médicos, y sin embargo cada vez más de están eligiendo colecho de todos modos. ¿Qué pasa? Es por todos los beneficios, o amas desafiando las órdenes de sus médicos. Sospecho que es la primera. Pero incluso si usted tiene convicciones firmes sobre colecho, puede ser difícil para defenderse en la oficina del pediatra. Aquí hay algunos puntos que puede traer para arriba cuando hablas con el doctor de su bebé de colecho.

1. Sí, he leído sobre ese último estudio sobre compartir cama y Sid. Realmente debe familiarizarse con la investigación, incluso si aún decides dormir conjuntamente. Su médico conoce en última instancia, es su decisión, pero es importante que su elección sea informada.

2. Pero ese estudio no tomó en cuenta otros factores, como la ropa de cama tipo y temperatura. Otros investigadores tienen respondió que el carpintero et. al. estudio de SIDS y dicen que las conclusiones alcanzadas por él son infundadas. Debes leer esto antes de hablar con su médico.

3. Conocemos los factores de riesgo y dormimos conjuntamente con seguridad. Dígale a su doctor que sabes qué son los factores de riesgo (alcohol, drogas, fumar, ropa de cama tipo, bebé durmiendo posición, fatiga de los padres, etc.), y que les das toda consideración cuidadosa. Tienes que ser conscientes de estos factores de riesgo y ser honesto contigo mismo sobre lo bien que está administrando les. Accesorio Parenting internacional tiene pautas para informar a los padres sobre cómo dormir conjuntamente con seguridad. No sólo él, padres ala.

4. quiero a mi bebé para obtener los beneficios del colecho. Estos incluyen apoyo a la lactancia materna, el sueño más estable y mejor salud emocional para los bebés. ¿Pero ya sabes la científicamente demostrado beneficios a colecho, verdad?

Básicamente, haz tu tarea y ser respetuoso de su médico. (Es decir, es un profesional con un título en medicina, no seas idiota de ello). Espero que usted puede tener un diálogo abierto donde ambos aprenderán algo.

¿Qué piensa su pediatra sobre la distribución de cama?

Imagen via Victoria Gregory/Flickr

Haga clic en el botón "Me gusta" para obtener historias de Crianza Natural en Facebook. Adriana Velez Sobre el autor Adriana Velez

es un escritor que recrea en alimentos, crianza, noticias, Entretenimiento, biología molecular y nada más que eso salta a la cabeza. Ella vive con su hijo de edad escolar primaria en Brooklyn, tierra de chacras urbanas y artesanal todo.

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Bikers Attack Family's SUV When Dad Was Just Trying to Do the Right Thing (VIDEO)

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AppId is over the quota
by Lisa Fogarty 3 hours ago

Alexian Lien was driving his Range Rover on a New York City highway, 5-month-old baby strapped to a car seat in the back and wife by his side, when he noticed something many of us have encountered on the road -- a large group of motorcyclists. According to 33-year-old Lien, the motorcyclists were driving erratically, and he accidentally collided with one while trying to maneuver around them. When he pulled over to the side of the road, some of the cyclists began trying to damage his car. Fearing for his family's safety, Lien did what any dad or mom would do and fled -- unfortunately, he also knocked over bikes and some of the men who were damaging his vehicle on his way. And the motorcyclists weren't about to let him get away with that. 

The band of motorcyclists chased Lien's Range Rover and were able to overtake it in less than a few minutes. The bikers formed a barricade around the SUV, preventing it from moving forward. One biker actually got off his motorcycle and tried to open Lien's door, so he sped off again, hitting another motorcyclist -- identified as 32-year-old Jay Mieses, a possible innocent bystander who may now be paralyzed for life. The whole incident up to this point was recorded on one of the biker's helmet cameras, which was then switched off. Lien kept trying to get away from the bikers, who reportedly chased him for 50 blocks before stopping him on a side street in Manhattan, smashing in his window, dragging him out of his car, and slashing his face and chest in front of his wife and daughter. 

Police are continuing to investigate this case, and so far only one biker is facing charges. I would be shocked if Lien was held responsibile for anything that happened after accidentally clipping the first biker. From the sound of it, he tried to stop and do the right thing -- what else could he do but flee when he realized his family was in danger? 

On another note, how crazy is it that people can let road rage take them this far? That someone can look inside of a car, see a car seat, and still try to break glass that's just a few inches away from a young child's face? I feel totally naive watching this video because I was recently involved in a minor road confrontation after another driver cut me off. He immediately apologized and ceased with the insults when he spotted my 2-year-old in the backseat. This incident serves as a reminder that this isn't always the case and we have to be careful on the road. 

What do you think about this case? 

Image via YouTube

Lisa Fogarty ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lisa Fogarty

is a former old-timey print journalist who lives in Brooklyn with her husband and toddler girl. She still carries a notebook everywhere and is always on the lookout for tasty vegan food and overly-priced blouses that have interesting collars. 

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Lo que ocurrió tras bambalinas durante esa escena de dormitorio 'RHOM salvaje' (VIDEO)

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por Alex McCord en entretenimiento hace 56 minutos

He tenido que empezar el artículo con Romain en su ropa interior. Considerarlo un regalo de cumpleaños de mí!!!!

Tanto drama ocurrió esta semana en El Real Housewives of Miami --llamémosla el episodio "Cómo harían eso?". Joanna Krupa y Adriana de Moura finalmente se reunieron para aclarar las cosas, pero ¿tienen alguna ayuda externa?

Mama Elsa es casa desde el hospital y su hija Marysol Patton da la casa un exorcismo antes de que regrese... pero eso no hace mamá quiero beber el Perrier con cristales especiales en él! Marysol en su locura y no tiene mucha gasolina en su tanque para planificar la despedida de Adriana, pero afortunadamente Adriana recuerda algo. Número de punta realidad 657--¿qué hacer cuando una escena es aburrida y lo sabes? Algo prendió fuego!

Ver mi video exclusivo donde rompo abajo exactamente cómo filmas una escena de sexo de reality TV, cómo no enturbiar las aguas cuando te disculpas por las cámaras, y lo que Lenny Hochstein debe haber estado pensando mientras Lisa asfixiado. ¿Y creo que los productores estaban teniendo un poco de diversión a expensas de Adriana, no? Echa un vistazo y dime si crees que tengo razón!

¿Quién crees que fue el ama de Casa Real más egoísta, absorto en sí mismo esta semana.

Imágenes via BravoTV

Haga clic en el botón "Like" Si eres un fan de las amas de Casa Real. Alex McCord Sobre el autor Alex McCord

Bocazas profesional con amigos inadecuados... Escritor y estrella de reality TV talking head obsesionado con la comida y la moda. Esposa y madre de dos niños que viven en Brooklyn, NYC. @McCordAlex

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Accused Elderly Couple May Finally Pay for Murder of Their Ex-Spouses and Children 30 Years Ago

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by Maressa Brown 1 hour ago

laramie wyomingAn elderly Missouri couple is at the center of a horrifying tale that sounds more like a creepy movie or Twilight Zone or CSI episode than real life. Seventy-four-year-old Alice Uden and her husband, 71-year-old Gerald Uden, allegedly killed their spouses, along with two children, back in the mid-1970s and early '80s.

Prosecutors say Alice killed her then-25-year-old husband, Ronald Holtz, sometime between Christmas Eve 1974 and February 5, 1975; five years later, they say Gerald shot his wife, then-32-year-old Virginia, and his two adopted sons on a bird-hunting outing and hid the bodies in September 1980. Both crimes occurred in Wyoming; however, it's unclear to investigators how -- if at all -- the murders are linked. In other words, no one can say if whether the Udens knew about each other's alleged crime. So bizarre.

All we do know is certain details that have come to light after 11 agencies have spent 33 years investigating the crimes. Holtz's remains were uncovered in late August in a Laramie County mine shaft. Police say Alice confessed to an unnamed witness, allegedly saying she killed her husband as he slept and moved his body to the shaft in a barrel. Ugh.

Meanwhile, Gerald reportedly confessed this past Friday to his crime. So, currently, the Udens are both in jail in Christian County, and will be extradited to Wyoming.

While it's reassuring that it seems like justice that has been a long time coming may finally be served here, I still feel as though there are many questions left to be answered. For instance, is it possible the couple may have conspired together? The Laramie County prosecutor said in a telephone interview that he didn’t know if the murders of the Udens’ ex-spouses and children had anything to do with the Udens marrying each other. But it just seems like there are a couple of big coincidences here that seem to make that a possibility ...

It's all extremely eerie and disturbing. Hopefully, the trials end up shedding even more light on the whole, big, grim picture.

What do you make of this?!

Image via eoringel/Flickr

Maressa Brown ABOUT THE AUTHOR Maressa Brown

has enjoyed reporting and writing for a variety of entertainment and women's magazines and websites. More often than not, you'll find her blogging, hitting the gym, reading, researching something on her iPhone, laughing, chatting at an above-"normal" volume, or getting her caffeine fix.

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Awesome Senior Couple Hands Out Free Money to Passing Motorists

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AppId is over the quota
by Rebecca Stokes 2 hours ago

pandhandlersDrivers in Grand Rapids, Michigan got a big surprise recently as they pulled up to an intersection. No, it wasn't someone throwing pizza and insults at their cars, though that would have been awesome in its own way. Instead they were greeted by two grinning-panhandlers. Why were these senior citizens so smiley on the side of the road, signage in hand?

Don't worry, it wasn't because they were quietly deranged (see: aforementioned pizza and insult throwing). Riley and Hermi Combs had hit the street to GIVE a dollar to anyone who might want one. But the do-gooding grandparents* didn't stop there!

The Combses are known for doing kind-hearted things like this. They are active in their community and their church (MAKE ME A CASSEROLE GRANDMOTHER COMBS). They also once passed out new bus passes to folks as they got off public transport so that they could ride longer for less. According to their granddaughter, their motives for these actions are simple -- they do it to get to know people!

That's funny because I spend most of my time going out of my way to NOT have to get to know anyone. It's really easy to become that cynical. That's why it is beyond awesome to see folks like this making such random, caring gestures. My grandparents were pretty awesome people. Though, my grandfather inexplicably grew his fingernails out long when he got old, he was forever giving away bananas, which was pretty cool. I like to think if he'd had the change, he would've done something like this.

Would seeing a couple like Hermi and Riley inspire you to do a random act of kindness?

Image via tanjila/Flickr

*my band name, y'all.

Rebecca Stokes ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rebecca Stokes

Rebecca is a writer who lives in Brooklyn with her cats. She is probably even at this moment spilling food on herself.

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Prevención del cáncer de mama está siendo amenazada por mensajes contradictorios en mamografías

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por Maressa Brown hace 40 minutos

woman getting mammogramEs octubre, así que ya sabes lo que eso significa... Oficialmente es el Mes del cáncer de mama. Y justo cuando usted tal vez (en silencio, a ti mismo) empezó a preguntarse si maaaybe no necesitamos preocuparnos tanto de conciencia--o más específicamente difundir conocimiento--, piénsalo de nuevo! Una nueva encuesta demuestra que lamentablemente hay algunos serios mensajes contradictorios sobre la prevención del cáncer mamario.

Realizado por ABC, los resultados revelan que no somos todos como versado sobre los hechos que podríamos ser.

86 Por ciento de las mujeres dice específicamente, mamografías deben comenzar en la edad de 30 o 40, mientras que el 65 por ciento dicen que deberían hacerse anualmente. Los hechos: ambos y la sociedad americana del cáncer recomiendan mamografías anuales para todas las mujeres de 40 años de edad, independientemente de sus factores de riesgo. Y los resultados de un estudio reciente sugieren las mamografías anteriores podrían salvar vidas. Así que tal vez las mujeres no son realmente tan confundido tanto como estás se mezclaron mensajes. ABC señala que los Estados Unidos Preventive Services Task Force dice que las mujeres deberían sólo pantalla cada dos años a partir de los 50 años ... pero muchos proveedores de atención médica de las mujeres no están siguiendo.

Aún así, estos mensajes mixtos están causando 1 de ocho mujeres mayores de 40 años para saltar su mamografía.

Al parecer, aunque el "efecto Angelina" ha animado a muchas mujeres a investigación pruebas genéticas o mastectomías preventivas, sólo el 50 por ciento de las mujeres dijo que habían discutido con sus médicos, el cáncer de mama abajo de 58 por ciento en 2007. Y 46 por ciento expresó preocupación acerca de su cuenta y riesgo, abajo del 61 por ciento en 2007. Eso es definitivamente desconcertante, teniendo en cuenta la confusión acerca de proyección y temas relacionados.

Esperemos que esta encuesta sirve como un despertador que todo lo que podemos seguir para difundir el conocimiento y para los pacientes de pie para el cuidado preventivo que se merecen, desafío prestadores de salud con sus preguntas y para todos nosotros a trabajar más para aclarar los hechos.

¿Qué opinas sobre estos resultados? ¿Cuando planeas / empezaste poniendo las mamografías y con qué frecuencia?

Haga clic en "Me gusta" Si te pones una cinta rosa. Maressa Brown Sobre el autor Maressa Brown

ha disfrutado de informes y la escritura para una variedad de entretenimiento y revistas y sitios web de las mujeres. Más a menudo que no, usted encontrará sus blogs, ir al gimnasio, leer, investigar algo en su iPhone, riendo, charlando en un volumen arriba "normal" o conseguir su dosis de cafeína.

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Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried May Start Their Family Much Sooner Than We Thought

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by Emily Abbate 1 hour ago

Desiree and ChrisDesiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried have been blowing up the Twittersphere with loads of mushy gushy coupley things. You know, bragging about their double date with other Bachelor couples, using the word "babe" an unsettling amount, that sorta stuff. But Desi's latest Twitter confession makes us think that the engaged duo is really ready to take their relationship to the NEXT level. On Tuesday, Desi told her 240,000+ followers that she and Chris may "end up with a puppy" soon!

Adding to the family already, are we? Okay, a puppy is a step below having a little bundle of joy all your own. However, it's a MAJOR commitment. Sure, Desiree and Chris are already engaged, but this is a decision that could make or break their relationship.

Getting a dog is a massive responsibility. It's different than paying the bills or making sure the grass gets cut, it's a living, breathing thing that needs love, affection, and a whole lot of attention. With that said, it's always interesting in a relationship to see how your companion handles this kind of intense responsibility.

If your partner doesn't take care of the dog, that's a huge indication of what could happen when you -- dun dun dunnnnn -- have a child. Sure, one thing is a human and one thing is an animal, but it's important to seek out that compassionate nature. It's important to see how they take care of something that arguably means a lot to the both of you. If your fella can't be bothered to take the dog for a walk because Sunday football is on, what do you think it gonna happen when your future child is crying in the crib? Yeah, it's not seeming too promising.

Do you think Chris and Desi are ready for a dog?

Image via DesHartsock/Twitter

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Salir con personas atractivas sólo es sólo para personas feas

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por Kiri Blakeley hace 35 minutos

¿Cuando se trata de salir, no sólo amarías a ser capaz de filtrar los tramposos, los idiotas, los tacaños y los mentirosos? ¡ Suscríbase! Pero, Oye, eso no existe. Pero lo que existe es que puedes filtrar los gordos, las personas delgadas, personas "robados" y gente poco atractiva. ¡ Oh felicidad! OKCupid, uno de los mayores sitios de citas por Internet, ofrece a los suscriptores premium la clasificación tipo y atractivo de la oportunidad de filtrar personas basándose en su cuerpo . Así que si no hay suficiente gente no merezco 5 o 4 estrellas, definitivamente no vas a aparecer en los partidos de ese 5 estrellas Ryan Gosling-Sosias que sólo busca su copia de Eva Mendes. Lo siento, todo el mundo. Y me refiero a todo el mundo! (Excepto, ya sabes, Ryan y Eva).

Hola, no hay nada malo en querer gente sólo atractiva fecha ... el problema es que mucha gente cree que son mucho más atractivas que son. Así que probablemente buscan a ese montante de 5 estrellas, mientras que está buscando ese bombón de 5 estrellas, y eso no es. Si crees que es. Esto se puede hacer para una bandeja de entrada totalmente vacía. Recuerda, por cada persona atractiva que está filtrando, que tres están filtrando.

Y vamos a pensar sobre lo que es importante en una relación, ¿de acuerdo? Sí, es importante sentirse atraído por su pareja. Pero no necesariamente que atrae es que todo el mundo estaría de acuerdo es atractiva. ¿Y si todos los demás en Internet piensa que a tu chica o chico es la cosa más caliente que han visto, realmente, ¿quieres salir con esta persona? ¿No te sentirías un poco inseguro?

En cuanto al tipo de cuerpo, bueno, filtrado de aquellos que dicen que son "sobrepeso" está bien si eso es lo que quieres hacer. Pero ¿adivinen qué? Toda esa gente que piensa que son "atléticos". Vas a meterlos en sus partidos de todos modos.

Tal vez quieres filtrar los tipos "atléticos", porque eres un teleadicto y no quiero que nadie que tenga algo parecido a ABS Sí, que pasa. (Tos).

Personas son notoriamente mala precisión describen a sí mismos. No hay ningún hombre en el planeta que no añade dos centímetros a su altura si está por debajo de 5'8 ". Y de lo que he oído desde chicos, la mayoría de las mujeres están utilizando imágenes que son cinco años de edad y describen a sí mismos como "curvas" cuando son 100 libras de sobrepeso.

De todos modos, el punto es este. Si estás demasiado obsesionado en apariencia, vas a final decepcionado. Porque parece desaparecer--y rápido. Si no estás convencido de esto, revisa este mugshot.

No estoy diciendo gancho para arriba con alguien que te dan ganas de vomitar cuando miras a él o a ella--que sería una locura.

Pero ¿has notado cómo consiguen más atractivo cuando descubres cómo pensativo, dulce y cariñoso son?

A que el filtro "imbécil". Oh, si tan solo alguien pudiera inventar uno de esos!

¿Saldrías sólo personas atractivas?

Imagen via thurlbut/Flickr

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Murder Victim’s Family Says Her Accused Killer Deserved His Stroke

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AppId is over the quota
by Nicole Fabian-Weber 2 hours ago

eric mccormick
Eric McCormickIf you believe in karma or divine intervention, here's a story for you. And if you don't, here's a story for you, too, because it will make you think twice about not believing in karma or divine intervention. A man accused of brutally murdering his ex-girlfriend after he sent her two children out with money to pick up take-out has recently suffered a stroke and is now brain dead because of it.

According to reports, Sellis Gonzalez's two daughters, ages 5 and 15, found their mother dead in a pool of blood on the floor of their apartment after they returned from getting food a few doors down. Eric McCormick, Sellis' ex-boyfriend, was accused of the horrific crime, and when cops banged on his door to arrest him, he futilely tried to kill himself. And now he's brain dead.

Now, odds of the stroke being in some way related to the graze wound McCormick suffered to the head after his attempted suicide are fairly high. But it's hard to believe, even if you're not a spiritual person, that this isn't in some way justice being served. If McCormick did commit this positively heinous act and left Sellis for dead when he knew her kids were going to be the ones to find her, death or jail was too easy a way out. Not only was an innocent woman robbed of her life, her two kids, one of which is also his, are ruined. Scarred for life. Could you imagine walking in to this gruesome scene as a child? No amount of therapy will ever be able to undo seeing this. These poor children.

Sellis' family is, understandably, happy with what's happened to McCormick. Her uncle told the New York Daily News: "Maybe God was more anxious than us to punish him. We’re fine with it. God worked it out." And even if you don't believe in god yourself, there's no denying that it's nice that this family feels they have some sort of closure. It won't bring Sellis back. But at least it's something.

What do you think of this?

Image via NYPD

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Judge Officiates Wedding of Man After Sentencing Him for Murder But Won't Let Him Cut Wedding Cake

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AppId is over the quota
by Michele Zipp 2 hours ago

wedding cake topperI'm one of those hopeless romantics who believes in love and marriage even when there is divorce and relationship destruction all around me. Love is real! Love is good! Love is LOVE! I also think everyone who wants to get married should be able to get married -- as long as you are in love and not up to some no good scam. Je deteste scammers! (In a French accent everything sounds better, even hate, which is not the opposite of love, by the way -- that's indifference, and you'd know that if you were smart or like the Lumineers song "Stubborn Love.")

Prisoners deserve love and marriage too, I suppose. Even the murdering kind. Though I'm not feeling so lovely after writing that. A judge in San Diego thought so and not only sentenced one man to prison for 53 years for murder, but she married him moments after her gavel hit the wood essentially sentencing his new wife as well. This judge was so sweet she even baked the couple their wedding cake.

Danne Desbrow is the murderer/groom. He's a 36-year-old man who was sentenced for killing Kevin Santos back in 2003. The case was unsolved until now. Desbrow claimed self-defense.

The bride's name is (wait for it) ... Destiny, who had Desbrow's baby 10 years ago, which is around the same time he did the murdering! Destiny was only 16 at the time, and if you thought this story couldn't get stranger, it does. Destiny and Desbrow lost touch after their babymaking and she tracked him down by social media in January to tell him about their son. And they clearly fell in L-O-V-E big time. The murdering groom proposed during the trial and sweet Destiny asked the judge, the Honorable Patricia Cookson, to perform the sacred union.

Yes! She said! And Judge Cookson also baked them a wedding cake (a lovely frosted vanilla bundt, it was reported) though she wouldn't let them cut it since that involves a knife and every smart judge knows not to give a murderer a knife. The groom wore shackles and his jail-issued greens. The bride wore white lace.

I guess a proper honeymoon is out of the question. Perhaps a nice little conjugal visit is in order.

I'm thankful same sex marriage is legal in California where this beautiful ceremony occurred because I do believe that all people in love should be able to be married. Even convicted murderers. Desbrow has asked for an appeal.

Do you think the judge should have married these two?

Image via Ewan Roberts/Flickr

Michele Zipp ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michele Zipp

loves vintage and will defend skinny jeans to the death though she is highly superstitious and "death" is probably a bad word choice. She has a touch of the hoarding disease and enjoys sleuthing, the worst reality shows, and wearing high heels, even at the playground. She's an AP mom of twins, slightly crunchy but with a pedicure.

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Wife Who Poisoned Husband With 'Perfect' Plan Gets What She Deserves

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AppId is over the quota
by Maressa Brown 13 hours ago

poisonA New Jersey chemist named Tianle Li who was convicted of poisoning her husband Xiaoye Wang was sentenced to life in prison today. Her reported motive? She would've rather killed her husband than let him divorce her. Wow ...

The judge stated that Chinese-born Li, who worked for a decade for one of America’s biggest pharmaceutical companies, Bristol-Myers Squibb, was a cold, calculating murderer who prosecutors said ordered murdered her husband with the poison thallium, after researching its effects on humans. They also told the judge that Li "was secretly keeping a journal of all [her husband's] symptoms, wondering when he was going to die. She calculated every aspect of her husband’s murder; not only how to do it, but how to get away with it. She thought she was going to get away with this murder." Horrifying, right?

But it's also heartbreaking. Not only because Li -- who won't be eligible for parole for more than 62 years -- will be leaving behind a 4-year-old son (in the care of relatives now), but it's also utterly shocking and beyond sad to think that she murdered her husband because she felt his death would be easier to deal with than a divorce ...?

To think that a woman would feel it necessary to murder her husband to maintain her pride or avoid being shamed by being a divorcee is a hard pill to swallow. Especially when we live in a time and place where divorce is treated so lightly -- for better or worse -- and is almost considered more normal than long and healthy marriages!

This haunting murder definitely raises a slew of questions. Was the threat of divorce really the only motivating factor? Was Li threatened by something else? (Police had been called to the residence several times for domestic disturbances, the prosecution said.) Should this make for more hoops for people in her position to jump through to obtain certain substances like thallium? It's hard to say just yet, but with a promise from Li of an appeal to the verdict, perhaps this isn't yet as closed a case as it seems.

What's your reaction to Li's sentence and the details of the case?

Maressa Brown ABOUT THE AUTHOR Maressa Brown

has enjoyed reporting and writing for a variety of entertainment and women's magazines and websites. More often than not, you'll find her blogging, hitting the gym, reading, researching something on her iPhone, laughing, chatting at an above-"normal" volume, or getting her caffeine fix.

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5 Things Good Parents Do to Mess Up Their Kids

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AppId is over the quota
by Jenny Erikson 10 hours ago

As parents, we try to do right by our kids. We want them to grow up to be smart and successful but, you know, in a balanced way. We want them to be confident but not cocky. We want them to be healthy but not vain over their physical abilities or appearances. Moral but not haughty, intelligent but not a smart aleck, yada yada, you get the picture.

So we parents try our best to raise our kids, but there are some things even the best parents do that turn out to be ultimately bad for our kids. Think you’re doing everything right? Think again. Here are five things that good parents do that end up messing up their kids.

Telling Them They’re Smart. Did you know that 85 percent of American parents believe it’s important to tell their kids that they’re smart? I fully admit to being in that majority. But as it turns out, labeling your child as smart may cause them to underperform. Instead, tell them that they worked hard. Psychologist Carol Dweck says, “Emphasizing effort gives a child a variable that they can control ... they come to see themselves as in control of their success. Emphasizing natural intelligence takes it out of the child’s control, and it provides no good recipe for responding to a failure.”Keeping Them Happy. Of course we want our kids to be happy in general, but that doesn’t mean they won’t go through bouts of disappointment or get an occasional case of the sads. It’s more important to let them know that feelings are just feelings -- it’s how we respond to them that matters.Rescuing Them. How else are kids supposed to learn that there are natural consequences for their actions (or lack thereof) if we parents are always coming in and rescuing them? So if they fail a class, don’t try to cajole the teacher into letting them do some easy extra credit; let them retake it. Nothing like a little summer school to motivate kids to apply themselves during the school year.Making Excuses. Similarly, we’d do our kids a great favor by not making excuses for them. If they didn’t write a thank-you note to your aunt for their birthday gift, it isn’t because they were too busy, it’s because they didn’t do it. Now if they did do it, and you forgot to put it in the mail, then that’s your mistake to own. Not that that has ever happened around here ...Putting Them First. Your little sweeties may be your precious darlings, but really, they’re just kids that will someday be grown up people. Let’s please stop with this entitlement attitude? No, your needs do not trump everyone else’s by virtue of your existence. Take a number.

Are you “guilty” of any of these parenting sins?

Image via Pewari/Flickr

Jenny Erikson ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jenny Erikson

is a conservative chick living in Southern California with her two daughters. She loves politics and hates laundry.

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Class Teaches Women How to OMG WHAT?!

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AppId is over the quota
by Michele Zipp 13 hours ago

orgasm settingsTonight something very special is happening at a school in New York. It's something that women and men all over the world should attend, but obviously due to lack of space isn't going to happen at one venue. It's that important. And it has to do with our rights as women, as people. It has to do with our right to have an orgasm.

The class, offered at Hamilton College (which is highly ranked and considered a hidden Ivy league school) in upstate New York, is called The Female Orgasm and it teaches all genders and all sexual orientations "everything from multiple orgasms to that mysterious G-spot." Naturally, there's outrage, but for no good reason.

People complain that this isn't the sort of thing that should be taught at a college. But why not? It's a workshop, not curriculum. Besides, why are we so afraid to learn about sexuality -- it is truly one of life's greatest pleasures and what is life without pleasure, without happiness?

Most men are able to achieve orgasm easily. But not all women can. If there is a class that could help some women, then that should be welcomed by all. Well, except for those who want to continue to surpress women's sexuality.

If you think a workshop about orgasms shouldn't be taught at college, I can make the same argument about piano. Taking a piano class at college isn't going to change the world. I tickled some ivory in college, experimented if you will, and never pursued it afterwards. I learned a little something (mostly that I was an awful pianist) and moved on. But if I took a class about orgasms ... that would be a learning to apply with pleasure for the rest of my life.

Marshall Miller and Maggie Keenan-Bolger teach the workshop that will help educate students on how to have an orgasm (for those who never have) or a better orgasm (for those who have), and how to help guys know how to pleasure their girlfriend. There are many people in this world who really could benefit from a class like this. And it's not a hands-on class as some have intimated. The sex educators simply share some tips in a fun and spirited way, and hopefully those in attendance learn a little something to take home and try out. Far too many of us fake it and it's about time more of us have the real thing.

What do you think of this workshop? Would you attend?

Image via Brandon Baunach/Flickr

Michele Zipp ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michele Zipp

loves vintage and will defend skinny jeans to the death though she is highly superstitious and "death" is probably a bad word choice. She has a touch of the hoarding disease and enjoys sleuthing, the worst reality shows, and wearing high heels, even at the playground. She's an AP mom of twins, slightly crunchy but with a pedicure.

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Yoga Teacher Who Gained 40 Pounds on Purpose Learned a Valuable Lesson (VIDEO)

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AppId is over the quota
by Maressa Brown 14 hours ago

yoga teacher trina hallIf you can't possibly imagine a yoga teacher making it her mission to forgo all healthy habits and deliberately gain weight, you're not alone! But that's exactly what Dallas-based yoga instructor Trina Hall did after a particularly emotional phone convo with her best friend.

Trina told The Huffington Post that her friend had been "lamenting the fact that she didn't want to be known as the 'fat' yoga teacher. I felt empathy for her and what she was going through ... But it triggered me in a personal way." So personal, in fact, that she decided to let go of all dietary restrictions from March to July of 2013, initially feeling as though her weight had nothing to do with her value. She says she did it to show her friend and herself "that it's not about the physical. That it's got to be about something else." Instead, she says she "found something completely different throughout the process."

Trina wrote that she learned it really wasn't that people in her life cared about her weight ... but she did. She'd mentally beat herself up and found herself tying her self-worth to how good she looked in spandex, which was something she said she "completely denied giving a sh*t about before this experiment –- and that pissed me off." Furthermore, she admitted that her weight gain affected her ability to practice and teach yoga. Ugh.

How many of us have done one or ALL of the above at some point? It's so sad that we all seem to fall into these very same traps, no matter where we stand with our personal fitness -- or the often-inaccurate scale. Tina confessed:

The difference came in my own perceptions of myself, and I began to treat myself differently. I was very judgmental, and I would look in the mirror and critique myself... I would pick apart my body. Instead of looking at the whole of my body, I would look at different parts and analyze what's wrong with them.

Oh, can I relate. I have such a tendency to do the same. And it's so aggravating, especially, to think that you're your own worst enemy. That you're giving yourself a much harder time than anyone else possibly could!

Though it sounds like she put herself through a brief but torturous experience, the biggest takeaway from Tina's weight gain was that she tuned into her fear of not being loved ... and she tied her self-love -- and self-esteem -- directly to her outer beauty. Yuuuup. I can't imagine that most women haven't been there.

Nah, Tina's is not exactly a groundbreaking discovery, but it is one we should all be more conscious of. We deserve to be loved for every aspect about us -- not just our bodies. But we need to love our bodies, too, and cut out all the negative self-talk! Thankfully, it sounds like the upshot of Tina's experiment is a thoroughly wonderful one. She's newly committed to "empower[ing] people to love their bodies... if it's going to start somewhere, it has to start within." Love. It.

What do you think about Tina's experiment? Can you relate to what she experienced?

Maressa Brown ABOUT THE AUTHOR Maressa Brown

has enjoyed reporting and writing for a variety of entertainment and women's magazines and websites. More often than not, you'll find her blogging, hitting the gym, reading, researching something on her iPhone, laughing, chatting at an above-"normal" volume, or getting her caffeine fix.

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'The Real Housewives of Miami' Recap: Joanna Krupa Unleashes Her Dark Side

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AppId is over the quota
by Rebecca Stokes 10 hours ago

real housewives of atlanta A flamingo sat on the docks enjoying a daiquiri and the sight of nubile women in bikinis while he worked on the latest chapter of his fictional opus, The Real Housewives of Miami. His tale was rife with romantic conflict and sexual torpor. It was the story of friendships made and destroyed. It was also the story of Elsa Patton's face. 

In this most recent installment, Joanna Krupa and Adriana De Moura made tentative amends (while Frederic Marq and Romain Zago squeezed each other's knees beneath the table). Romain and Joanna tried to solve their sexual problems, but because Joanna couldn't find a mask that looked like Frederic, they were unsuccessful. Adriana had the saddest bachelorette party of all time complete with levitating underpants, Alexia Echevarria tried to soothe her son Peter's troubled past, and Marysol Patton was excited to see her mother getting back up on her feet. The verbose flamingo was thus far pleased with how his story had developed. 

There were many killer moments on this week's episode -- Marysol candidly admitting that she always wanted to be a fireman was one of them for sure. Did you see her frolicking with that fire extinguisher as Adriana burned her old wedding dress? Amazing. The most amazing part of arguably the lamest bachelorette party in the world. Snooze-fest! If I have to hear Adriana talk about her fear of trust and commitment one more time, I will set MYSELF on fire. 

The real winners this week were Romain and Joanna. While they may not have solved their trouble in the sack, I'm in full support of their problems continuing if it means we get to see more disastrous role play. Joanna wore a wig, y'all! Poor, panicked Romain donning glasses and mumbling about how he is a pilot? Sign me up. Of course Joanna's character was like an extra out of an even darker version of Black Swan. Verily, there was no coitus had that night, though Romain did offer some time playing with his Wii. Sadly, this is not innuendo. 

It seems like the tentative peace that has been brokered is going to go off the rails next time. There was no Lea Black this week and, as such, no drama. Though Marysol is still festering about Lea not checking in on her mother Elsa post-stroke. Come back, Lea, I pine for thee, quoth the flamingo from his place on the pier. He is smoking a cigar now. 

What was your favorite moment this week, did you miss Lea?

Image via

Click the "Like" button below if you're a fan of Real Housewives. Rebecca Stokes ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rebecca Stokes

Rebecca is a writer who lives in Brooklyn with her cats. She is probably even at this moment spilling food on herself.

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'Teen Mom 3' Recap: Matt's Drug Problem Is Alex's Drug Problem Too

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AppId is over the quota
by Jeanne Sager 11 hours ago

Teen Mom 3 Alex SekellaIf your DVR cut off the last few moments of Teen Mom 3 this week, you missed the most excruciating moments of this already emotional season. Just when Alex Sekella looked to be getting her head clear and making peace with the role Matt McCann is going to have to play in her life, things went NUTS! Sadly, that was a theme for much of tonight's episode: how these girls will forever be strung along by the men in their lives, and how they can't cut ties, even when it hurts.

Alex had it the worst tonight, with her recently out of rehab ex falling off the wagon. Matt was supposed to show up to meet with his drug counselor to be placed in a facility for homeless men with problems like his. He did show -- several hours late and obviously high. He refused to agree to go into the facility, and then things took a turn for the worse.

At the very tail end of tonight's episode, Alex got a call that Matt had overdosed. This came after her grandparents convinced her that for the sake of little Arabella, she needs to try to have some sort of relationship with Matt -- not sexual, but platonic and cordial. Her grandparents are right; this little girl deserves to have two parents in her life, but not if it's dragging her mom into her daddy's drug problems.

More From Our Partners: 'Teen Mom' Catelynn Lowell Shows Off Crazy Cleavage

Addicts need support to clean up, but addicts can very easily pull you down. And Alex is a teen mother, already juggling school, motherhood, and work; she doesn't NEED anything else on her plate right now. As long as Matt's drug problems are dragging her down, she can't get things done. His overdose tonight came just as she was trying to actually get some homework done! And she jumped right in the car, with Bella, to be at his side.

Sadly she wasn't the only mom dealing with baby daddy drama tonight (as per usual). Katie Yeager desperately wants to move to Utah to continue her degree beyond a two-year school, but boyfriend Joey Maes is content to work at a coal mine the rest of his life ... and keep her home with their daughter. One of the most striking things out of Katie's mouth was her assessment that he's trying to control her. It sounds spot on for a guy who has already shown himself to be violent and have issues with her wearing lingerie in a modeling gig.

Briana DeJesus didn't have it much better tonight. Her court case, intended to keep Devoin Austin away, ended with the judge siding with Nova's dad. Devoin claimed the cyberbullying that went on on Twitter wasn't really him, and Briana had no way to prove that the account belonged to him. She's stuck with Devoin, whether she wants him or not.

Even Mackenze Douthit, in a rare break from her pretty constant mushy gushy talk about boyfriend Josh McKee, seems fed up with her guy. She's sick of playing second fiddle to rodeos and taking care of Gannon all by herself. But she's also worried because Josh is rodeo-ing to make money for their little family. It was good to hear her parents tell her that they have her back whether she's with Josh or not -- this poor girl needs to know that she can stick up for herself!

It's sad to see these girls being held back by the guys in their lives, but they're young and don't know how to set boundaries yet. The best one at it is Briana -- who has the strong support of mom Roxanne to help her do it. But even that isn't always going to work; because once you have a child with someone, you're tied forever in some way or another.

What did you think of Alex jumping in the car to head to the hospital after Matt's overdose? Should she just leave him alone?

Image via MTV

Click "Like" for the latest on the Teen Moms. Jeanne Sager ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jeanne Sager

writes articles for The Stir by day, slays closet monsters and bounds through bedtime stories with her elementary schooler by night. The Phineas and Ferb soundtrack reverberates through her brain.

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Woman Has Worn Her Wedding Dress 147 Times in 19 Countries in 5 Years (VIDEO)

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AppId is over the quota
by Maressa Brown 13 hours ago

bride groom dress world tour 19 countriesThere's a reason brides and grooms are willing to fork over big bucks for really amazing wedding photography and videography. It's the best possible way to re-live that Big Day. The only day you got to wear The Dress. Unless your name is Jennifer Salvage, and you decided to make your wedding and wedding dress-wearing fun last ... FIVE YEARS! No joke.

Jennifer and her husband Jeff were on Good Morning America telling the country how ever since their 2008 nuptials, they've traveled and taken pics of Jennifer in the $400 lace wedding gown 147 times all over the globe. As in 19 countries, including Egypt, Iceland, China, Hungary, and Italy. HA! Now that's what I call getting serious mileage out of the dress!

Apparently, it was about more than stretching out Jennifer's big fashion moment. It was also about making sure the memory of their wedding lived on ...

Jeff told GMA, "We took these really extravagant wedding dress pictures during the wedding and just really loved the idea of not letting the wedding die." 

Hrmm. Well, I get what he's saying -- who wants to think that their wedding DIED?! -- but at the same time, at some point, you just have to move past the wedding ... and start focusing on your marriage, right?

Still, this was a really cool way to make the most of the dress! Even brides who do day after, anniversary, or "trash the dress" shoots after their wedding day don't get as much out of it as this bride! One day, Jennifer and Jeff will be able to look back on these photographs and be reminded that they sort of "got married" all over the world together. Wow. Yeah, come to think of it, I'm actually a bit envious! Who wouldn't be?

Here's the cute couple telling their awesome story:

Would you ever do something like this?

Maressa Brown ABOUT THE AUTHOR Maressa Brown

has enjoyed reporting and writing for a variety of entertainment and women's magazines and websites. More often than not, you'll find her blogging, hitting the gym, reading, researching something on her iPhone, laughing, chatting at an above-"normal" volume, or getting her caffeine fix.

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Family of Pastor Shot and Killed During Sermon Preaches Message of Forgiveness

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AppId is over the quota
by Jenny Erikson 13 hours ago

A beloved pastor of a southwest Louisiana congregation was shot and killed at a revival service on Friday in Lake Charles. His daughter says that if her dad could talk to his killer, he’d say, “I forgive you and I love you.”

Ronald Harris Sr., 53, was singing with the church’s praise group, which included his daughter Talisha Harris, when the gunman burst in and started shooting. He missed the pastor at first, but got him in the back when he started running. The accused shooter, Woodrow Karey, used to be a member of the Tabernacle of Praise Worship Center, but left four years ago with no reports of animosity.

Karey was booked on a second-degree murder charge, and his bail is set to $1 million. Talisha just wants to know why. "One question I do want to ask him is why," the 31-year-old said. "My dad had a big heart. He'd help anybody."

As for a possible motive, it looks like Woodrow Karey’s wife filed a rape complaint against the preacher two days prior to the shooting. Text messages were exchanged between the pastor and the woman, but whether or not a sexual assault took place is still under investigation.

No one knows what actually happened, but the image of Harris as a sexual predator doesn’t seem to match up with what his family says about him.

His daughter shared that his favorite Bible verse was “I can do all things through Christ,” and that he was the kind of man that valued family and God’s love. He loved his five grandkids, spending time with them daily by picking them up from school and taking them for a snack.

Talisha believes that her father was so full of God’s love that his only message to his killer would be of forgiveness. “He’d say, ‘Come to church. And let God visit [your] mind.’”

With such amazing compassion being shown by the family so soon after the shooting, it seems as though Ronald really did teach and preach about the power of God’s love. It will be interesting to see what happens, but one thing seems certain -- his loved ones will miss him.

Could you forgive the killer of a loved one?

Image via Keary O./Flickr

Jenny Erikson ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jenny Erikson

is a conservative chick living in Southern California with her two daughters. She loves politics and hates laundry.

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'DWTS' Recap: Snooki Isn't the Woman We Thought She Was

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AppId is over the quota
by Mary Fischer 12 hours ago

Snooki & Sasha FarberOMG! Dancing With the Stars season 17 just keeps getting better and better every week. I gotta say, this is some of the stiffest competition the show has ever seen.

The pros definitely seemed to kick things up a notch this week and pushed their partners to the limit. While Brant Daugherty, Leah Remini, Elizabeth Berkley, and Christina Milian were very impressive this evening, by far the best dance of the night for me was Snooki and Sasha's quick step.

Damn. Can you believe that one-handed cartwheel? Snooki is a ballsy girl, but that was a risky move even for her -- and she totally nailed it.

More From Our Partners: Check Out Snooki's One-Handed Cartwheel!

When this show started, did you really think she'd take the competition so seriously? It's like she's a completely different person than the feisty meatball we all knew and loved on Jersey Shore -- but that's definitely a good thing. She's smart. And sassy. And sexy. And as the weeks go on, Snooki is also proving herself to be an awesome dancer. (Who knew?!?)

But despite all of the amazing performances so far, someone had to go home tonight, and it's not shocking at all that this was the end of the road for Bill Nye. Sure, he's adorable. But he's a "Science Guy," not a ballroom dancer.

What was your favorite dance tonight, and are you surprised that Bill went home?

Image via ABC

Click the "Like" button below if you're a fan of Dancing With The Stars. Click "Like" if you love to GTL and fist pump! Mary Fischer ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mary Fischer

is the writer behind The Mommyologist, and the mom of a future famous comedian. Her current loves include Pinot Grigio on ice and Harry Styles -- in that order.

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Woman Quits Job With Epic Dance Video You Have to See to Believe (VIDEO)

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AppId is over the quota
by Michele Zipp 11 minutes ago

woman quit by videoWe've all worked a thankless job that quite literally sucked the life out us. One of those jobs where you felt like you gave everything -- every ounce of yourself -- that when you left each day and got home all you had the energy for was to stare mindlessly at the TV and shove some take-out in your mouth. The end of that 40 plus hour work week could never come soon enough but then all you wanted to do on Saturday was sleep. Then Sunday would come and you spent the day dreading going back to work the next day. That's when it's time to quit.

Marina V. Shifrin had enough of her job at company that produces videos. She even calls the company awesome, but when it's time to go, it's time to go. She made her own "I quit" interpretive dance video at the office at 4:30 a.m., set it to Kanye West's Gone, and gave it to her boss

I think her boss should be happy, and wish her well. No one wants an employee who doesn't want to work for them working for them. And it's clear this job was sacrificing far too much of Marina for her to stay -- two years of putting everything aside, even relationships, to focus on work gets to a person. I also think she quit in the most fitting way considering her job.

She made a video for the video company. And while one of the things she gripes about it the fact that her boss was more concerned about video views than content, she has already racked up almost 4.5 million views of her own. She did focus on content though -- a point she very much wanted to make. And as a writer, I will say this: Content is King.

Good luck, Marina! I like your (quitting) style.

What do you think of the way Marina quit?

Michele Zipp ABOUT THE AUTHOR Michele Zipp

loves vintage and will defend skinny jeans to the death though she is highly superstitious and "death" is probably a bad word choice. She has a touch of the hoarding disease and enjoys sleuthing, the worst reality shows, and wearing high heels, even at the playground. She's an AP mom of twins, slightly crunchy but with a pedicure.

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10 'Honest' Descriptions of Kids' TV Show Characters -- According to Moms

Penulis : Unknown on maandag 30 september 2013 | 19:20

maandag 30 september 2013

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AppId is over the quota
by Jill Smokler 2 hours ago in Big Kid

TV is the best babysitter on Earth. You know it and I know it. Free, always available, and sure to entertain your kids while you shower or cook dinner ... but have you ever really thought about what your kids are watching when they flip on a channel dedicated to them? My ingenious community members did and came up with far more honest descriptions for children's shows than TV Guide would ever admit ... 

1. Dora the Explorer: "A 5-year-old girl whose parents clearly don't care for her, as she spends her days accompanied by a neurotic monkey trying to ford rivers, climb mountains, and traverse jungles. She appears to attend school only sporadically and eats only berries she finds on a hill occupied by a malevolent fox. This poor child clearly also has hearing issues, as she is unable to modulate her voice and shouts every word she says."

2. Barney: "A giant purple creep who is constantly try to hug little children in hopes of earning their trust."

3. Blue's Clues: "Some dude on acid thinks he has a blue puppy and the need for a notebook because he's too stoned out of his mind to remember he had to take the puppy to his mom's house where she has a magenta puppy."

4. Caillou: "An incessantly whiny (and mysteriously bald) brat who always wants his way, yet always sees the wisdom in mommy and daddy's decisions."

5. Bubble Guppies: "Set in a group home, the 'guppies' (slang for 'orphans') enjoy daily field trips and surprises geared toward finding each of them their ideal career, in the hopes that they will become employable citizens rather than homeless drug addicts, as is stereotypical of children growing up in the system. Uncle Ted from Bobby's World (in fish form) seems to have endless funding and patience to provide everything for the guppies, including a puppy, one that he inevitably has to take care of most."

6. Dino Dan: "Child has super obsession with dinosaurs to the point that he hallucinates their presence in modern day society. Friends, family, and other adults ignore child's need for therapy. No one tells him to shut the fuck up about the damn dinosaurs when he brings up extraneous Dino facts in every conversation."

7. Max and Ruby: "Two very young children are neglected by parents and left to fend for themselves. Max can only use one word a day to describe what he needs. Ruby has to go to bunny scouts every day. Ruby tries to be mom and dad to Max and usually loses him or puts him in harm's way."

8. Team Umizoomi: "Two overzealous children and the robot who cares for them going on adventures throughout a big city which measures distances not in inches or miles, but in units. The children are probably mutated crack babies, as they appear to be only four inches tall and have strange abilities, like making their hair grow long and creating real objects from two-dimensional shapes."

9. Special Agent Oso: "The adventures of an intellectually challenged bear who goes on missions to help kids even dumber than he is to do the simplest things imaginable, which they apparently can't manage without help. A true male fantasy, as the bear receives an award for literally every dumb thing he does."

10. Yo Gabba Gabba: "A tall, skinny disc jockey, with the fashion sense of an 18-year-old stereotypical gay man, takes your child into a musical world where three sculptured pieces of his own feces cleverly covered in colorful play-dough, a yellow robot, and a knobby dildo come to life and act out scenarios your child may face on a daily basis. Your child's attention will be hooked further through considerably low budget, psychedelic short videos portraying odd and rarely seen objects, real children dancing like idiots, and strobe-like computer graphics."

Maybe TV isn't the best babysitter after all.

Image via Jill Smokler

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Bebé nacido con órganos fuera cuerpo ahora puede llevar vida Normal (VIDEO)

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por Kiri Blakeley hace 2 horas

Pobre pequeño Hoskins Hayden era un bebé adorable--excepto por una cosa devastadora. Nació con muchos de sus órganos fuera de su cuerpo. Su defecto extremadamente rara, conocida como onfalocele, causa una hernia a la ruptura el crecimiento del feto y órganos migran para iniciar cultivo fuera del cuerpo con una fina capa de tejido que cubre los. Sus padres no averiguar sobre su defecto hasta la XIX semana de embarazo.

Hayden nació que aparecen perfectamente hermoso... excepto por el hecho de que su estómago, los intestinos y el hígado había formado en el exterior de su cuerpo. Sólo puede imaginar lo que pasó a través de sus padres.

Afortunadamente, hay cirugía para condición de Hayden. Originalmente, los doctores querían esperar hasta que el niño tenía un año para poner sus órganos volver dentro de su cuerpo. Pero decidieron hacerlo recientemente. Hayden nació en febrero.

Y la cirugía fue un éxito fabuloso! Su cirujano en el Hospital infantil de St. Louis en Missouri, el Dr. Kathy Asbury, dijo KHQA:

Está fantástico. Él es voltearse. Tiene gran control de la cabeza.

No puedo imaginar el dolor y la preocupación que estos padres han estado pasando... nunca se espera algo parecido a cuando nace su hijo. Aunque el defecto es extremadamente raro, ocurre uno de cada 10.000 nacimientos. Que, si me preguntas, no tan raro! Si te acuerdas a Audrina Cardenas, nació con el corazón fuera de su pequeño cuerpo.

Pero gracias al milagro de la medicina moderna, Hayden se va a vivir una vida larga y normal.

¿Usted ha escuchado de esto?

Imagen via KHQATV/YouTube

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Wife Tells Husband She’s Gay But He Has Even Bigger News (VIDEO)

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AppId is over the quota
by Kiri Blakeley 4 hours ago

When Cat Kaufman decided to tell her husband of 20 years, David, that she had some big news, she was quite nervous. After all, she was about to tell him something that would rock his world, shatter their marriage, and most likely destroy their relationship: That she was a lesbian. "I could tell she was nervous," David said when Cat sat him down and told him she had some news to share. After she said that she had been "thinking of dating women," David didn't cry, or explode, or even demand a divorce. Because he had some news too. He was gay as well! Not even the craziest sitcom would try to get away with this scenario, but it happened in real life. And then it got even stranger!

After Cat broke her news to her husband, she received the unexpected answer, "Get out of town! I just figured out I'm gay!" At that point, her nerves turned to excitement and relief, she said.

But there was something else David didn't tell her -- probably because he hadn't quite figured it out himself yet. But a year later, he finally did.

He wasn't gay. He was a woman

"No, I don’t just want to be female. I really am female," David, who became transgender and changed his name to Dani, told CBS News.

Kind of unfortunate that Dani didn't feel she was a lesbian, but a heterosexual woman instead, or things could have worked out perfectly for this pair. Instead, they remained friends and live minutes from each other. Hey, maybe that is perfect.

"We're each other's best friend," says Cat.

Aww, something sweet about this! It really goes to show you that it is the person inside that counts.

What do you think of this story?

Image via CBS/Klink10/YouTube

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