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by Michele Zipp 3 hours ago
Perhaps the key to a long-lasting marriage is to be open and honest and sexually explorative (and maybe not only with each other) -- always pushing the proverbial envelope, if you will. Maybe for the husband, it means to prance around with naked models. Or for the wife, have Miley Cyrus twerk your man. It's all good, thinks Robin Thicke's wife. Paula Patton was even down with her husband's video for "Blurred Lines." She didn't want him to stop at just having topless models. Total nudity is what she thought was best! Go for it!
It's clear Paula and Robin don't have the kind of marriage most of our grandparents had. But times, they sure have changed, and we need to change with them. At least that's what these two lovebirds who have known each other since they were 14 and have a 3-year-old son together think. Thicke says he has the most functional, dysfunctional marriage ever.
"I knew she was special the night I met her. I was only 14, but she was already the most special girl," Thicke said of his wife as quoted in Radar. Wow! Kind of changes my view of him a bit. He went on, "As a relationship progresses, you fall in love again in so many deeper ways. You realize that you need each other and you can’t live without each other."
Are you swooning yet? Is Robin Thicke the most romantic man ever or what?
Thicke even said he and Paula were perfectly in love and very happily married. He even boasted that they have the "greatest love of the century." Well that sure beats a box of chocolate and a dozen red roses. It really does make me want to hug you, Robin! And whatever rhymes with hug me, too!
Who are we to say that he's being a bad husband because some think his lyrics are rapey. For the record, I don't. If his wife is cool with his playful sexual antics (while performing and even if they are with Miley Cyrus), then we should be as well. Maybe it turns her on. If he's like that while performing in front of an audience, could you image what he's like when he's performing just for his wife!?
What really counts is his words and how he treats his wife and their marriage. And by the way he speaks of her, it's clear there is love. It's far from plastic.
Would you be as cool as Paula Patton is if your man were Robin Thicke? Are you shocked by how romantic he is?
Image via Splash
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loves vintage and will defend skinny jeans to the death though she is highly superstitious and "death" is probably a bad word choice. She has a touch of the hoarding disease and enjoys sleuthing, the worst reality shows, and wearing high heels, even at the playground. She's an AP mom of twins, slightly crunchy but with a pedicure.
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