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Robert Pattinson's Hoarding Problem Is an Unfortunate Shame

Penulis : Unknown on maandag 23 september 2013 | 16:50

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by Mary Fischer 4 hours ago

Robert PattinsonHuh. Well that's kind of odd. Apparently Robert Pattinson has 1,000 suits hanging in a storage unit -- and admits that he's got some sort of a hoarding problem when it comes to business attire.

He says that once in a while, he'll give them to one of his friends, but most of the time, he keeps them because he "finds it really difficult to give things away." (There's a great opportunity for a KStew joke here, but I think I'll just leave it alone.)

Supposedly he can't stand donning a suit more than once, which is why he has so many -- but don't you wish he would get over it and change his mind?!?

I mean, he has all those beautiful, sleek jackets and ties wasting all that space in his storage unit. Why the hell doesn't he put them to good use instead of treating them like used goods? (Again -- insert KStew joke here.)

You can't argue with the fact that Rob's an incredibly good looking guy, but his choice of wardrobe most days of the week doesn't exactly do him justice. There's really no polite way of saying it -- he dresses like a homeless person.

Take a long, hard look at how handsome he looks in the photo above (all sorts of Christian Grey-like), and then compare it to his "regular" attire. Tell me which dude you'd rather jump all over.

Robert Pattinson

Duh. The guy in the suit. (And if not well, to each his own, I guess.)

Ok, so I know getting all dressed up every day isn't exactly normal for anyone, but considering how nicely he cleans up, it would be a total plus if Rob at least wore each one of his suits twice before adding them to his stash. It's really just such a shame to let them collect all that dust when they could be giving us all a much needed dose of eye candy like we deserve.

Do you think Rob should wear suits more often?

Images via Pacific Coast News

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is the writer behind The Mommyologist, and the mom of a future famous comedian. Her current loves include Pinot Grigio on ice and Harry Styles -- in that order.

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