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Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith Get Matching Clever Tattoos But Is It Too Soon?

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 17 september 2013 | 15:31

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by Nicole Fabian-Weber 1 hour ago

jenelle evansI suppose it was only a matter of time before it happened, but Jenelle Evans went and got a matching tattoo with her whirlwind romance partner, Nathan Griffin. They each got inked with a heart with the other's face inside of it on their foreheads. And while that's a bold place to get a tattoo, it actually looks really tasteful. Just kidding. But, no, they really did get matching tattoos.

According to Radar, Jenelle and Nathan both got tattoos of ambigrams that read "Jenelle" one way and "Nathan" the other way. No word on the locale of the ink, but I'm guessing it's somewhere really personal, if Jenelle hasn't yet bestowed it unto Twitter or Instagram. According to a source, "Jenelle really has fallen hard for Nathan and he feels the same way about her. She was totally excited the day she got the tattoo and she’s ready for everyone to see how much she loves him." Aw. That's sweet. But remember, Jenelle's ex-husband, Courtland Rogers, got her name tattooed onto his chest -- and look how that ended.

I'm all for getting the name of someone you love tattooed on your body. I, personally, wouldn't do it, as I'm kind of superstitious, but hey, live and let live. But that said, Jenelle and Nathan haven't been together all that long. To get their names inked on one another is a pretty bold move right now. Almost as bold as a heart tattoo on your forehead.

Do you have your significant other's name tattooed on you?

Image via Jenelle Evans/Twitter

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