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5 Google Earth Mistakes You Have to See to Believe (PHOTOS)

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 3 september 2013 | 15:53

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by Nicole Fabian-Weber 3 hours ago

google earth

It's news as disappointing as learning there's no such thing as Santa Claus: Google makes mistakes sometimes, you guys. I know. I'll hold while you process this and then subsequently collect yourself.

Although the Internet giant is smarter than god, they've been known to make a gaff -- at us users' expense -- from time to time. Particularly when it's come to their maps.

Here are 5 epic Google Earth mistakes. And don't worry, as far as I know, the Easter Bunny are Tooth Fairy are real.

1. Google Earth may be to blame for a murder. CBS News seems to think that a mislabeled home was the cause behind the 2010 murder of Dennis and Merna Koula in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Steve Burgess, the president of a local bank, had been receiving death threats for some time. Burgess lived next door to the Koulas, and his residence was mislabeled as the Koulas house. CBS insinuated that perhaps Burgess was the intended target, instead of the Koulas, and Google Maps is to blame for their deaths.

2. Google Earth happened to catch an unusually hilly road that looks like it's from an episode of The Jetsons:


Or, you know, it's just a computer glitch.

3. Google Earth erased the image of the White House roof. What's over Obama's head?! Just kidding. The erasure is intentional in order to obscure air-defense and security assets that are in place.

4. Google Earth discovered a bridge that no one should ever, ever drive their car across. Actually, just kidding again! Another glitch. Oh, Google.


5. Google forgot to blur out someone's license plate. As put it, "hysteria ensued". And I kind of can see why. With privacy concerns being what they are these days, who would want their license plate on an Internet map for all the world to see.

license plate

Have you ever spotted a Google Earth mistake?

Image via Postcards from Google Earth

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