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Kristen Stewart Makes a Major 'Career' Move We Never Saw Coming

Penulis : Unknown on woensdag 14 augustus 2013 | 03:50

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by Mary Fischer 2 hours ago

Kristen StewartGet. Outta. Town! She must be experiencing a lull in her movie career, because Kristen Stewart reportedly enrolled at UCLA and plans on studying English Literature. Yep -- KStew's going back to school to get her degree and become intellectual and all that shiz.

Supposedly she still plans on taking film roles here and there and weaving her studies into her routine -- which may prove to be a bit of a challenge given how rigorous some college programs are these days. (But you know she'll get all sorts of extensions and special treatment from her professors. Lucky.)

Want to know the reason why she's interested in hitting the books again?

Supposedly she's "considering a life after film" and figures getting a degree from a prestigious university will pretty much set her up to do anything she wants in the future.

Life after film? What life after film? Doesn't she realize who she is? I mean, it's all well and good that she's making her education a priority -- but does she really think she'll have to worry about landing a job at any point down the road? I think not. She's Bella Swan/Cullen, for crying out loud, and she always will be. There's a certain degree of job security that comes along with her name.

And that's why I think going back to school probably has more to do with Kristen having a bit more time on her hands now than she did while filming the Twilight Saga -- and while dating Robert Pattinson. She needs something to do on all those lonely nights instead of gluing herself to the TV or reading about Rob's latest mystery blonde in the tabloids, so burying her nose in various text books will likely help fill the void, don't you think?

All jokes aside, however, I guess we have to give her credit for setting a good example by making the decision to continue her education even though she's financially set and all. Most young women in her shoes wouldn't even dream of committing to something as grueling as an English Lit degree, so maybe Kristen really is even more mature and grounded than anyone gives her credit for.

What are your thoughts on KStew going to UCLA?

Image via Splash

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is the writer behind The Mommyologist, and the mom of a future famous comedian. Her current loves include cosmopolitans, reality TV, and shoes that don't pinch her feet.

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