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Farrah Abraham Is Trying to Keep Her Daughter Sophia Away From Her Grandma -- Not Cool

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 13 augustus 2013 | 04:06

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by Adriana Velez 13 hours ago

farrah abraham sophiaWatch out, Farrah Abraham -- it looks like Grandma Stormie is trying to get her hands on Sophia again. The mother of Sophia's dead father, Derek Underwood, sued Farrah for visitation rights in 2010, but the court ruled against her. Last week in an interview, Stormie Clark questioned Farrah's fitness as a parent and said she wanted at the little girl. But now she's clarifying that. NO, she is not suing for custody. (Yet.) All Stormie wants is the right to visit her granddaughter, she says.

After the rumors flared up last week, Stormie took to the comments section of WetPaint to set the record straight. And by the way, there goes her credibility as a rational, mature person if she's using the comments section to get her story out, but I'll overlook that for now. Apparently her strategy worked, because here I am, writing about it. Anyhoo! This is what Stormie says.

I would like to clear a few things up here. First and foremost, all I care about is Sophia's well being. There are always two sides to every story, and unfortunately my side of the truth has purposely not been aired.

I did not, and never would keep money from my own granddaughter. I am not profiting off of this article, and I could care less about being in ‘the limelight.’

I am not trying to get custody of Sophia. I am just very concerned for her well being. Sophia is all that we have left of Derek, and while still grieving his loss, we would like to be able to see his only child. Derek, not knowingly, left behind such a precious gift from God.

So there you go. For now, anyway, Stormie is not plotting a custody battle. All she wants is access to her granddaughter because by the look of things, time with Grandma Stormie might actually be an improvement over whatever Farrah calls parenting these days. I don't know, just because you're a sex worker doesn't mean your a lousy mother -- can we just acknowledge that? But I get what Stormie is saying.

She is, after all, the mother of Sophie's father. Sophie should grow up knowing something about that side of her family. It is sad that she lost her son and doesn't have contact with her granddaughter. And honestly, how crazy is Stormie's crazy compared with Farrah's and her parents' crazy? I kind of think it's bananas everywhere you look for these folks, so what's the difference? Farrah is in no position to judge -- she should go ahead and let Sophie bond with her grandma.

But I think Stormie might be a little more persuasive if she could make her case without insulting Farrah's parenting as she did in her earlier comments. Obviously Farrah's making some questionable choices in her life -- that's not lost on anyone. But pointing that out is just going to put Farrah on the defensive -- and in turn, that will make her less receptive to Stormie's request. Grandma needs to make this just about her relationship with Sophie, not about making up for Farrah's crappy parenting.

Do you think Stormie should get visitation rights to Sophie?

Image via Farrah Abraham/Twitter

Click "Like" for the latest on the Teen Moms. Adriana Velez ABOUT THE AUTHOR Adriana Velez

is a staff writer who dabbles in food, parenting, news, entertainment, molecular biology, and anything else that that pops into her head. She lives with her elementary school-aged son in Brooklyn, land of urban farms and artisan everything.  

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