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Cause of Death for Hannah Anderson’s Mom Only Makes DiMaggio’s Motives Harder to Understand

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 20 augustus 2013 | 15:59

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by Adriana Velez 3 hours ago

james dimaggioA sad bit of closure has been reached in the case of abducted teen Hannah Anderson. The San Diego coronor's office has released the cause of death for Hannah's mother: Christina Anderson died from "blunt force injury of head." Her death has been ruled a homicide, and she was declared dead at 8:25 p.m. though police do not know at what time she actually died. According to a leaked arrest warrant, Anderson was found in family friend James DiMaggio's burned home next to a crowbar.

Since the coroner's report doesn't mention burns or smoke inhalation, we may be able to infer that she died before DiMaggio's home was set on fire ... but that doesn't make her death any less horrific or tragic. She was still murdered in a brutal way. And we still don't know why.

There are the allegations that Christina and her 8-year-old son, Ethan, were tortured before their deaths. There is no new information either confirming or refuting this. And there is still no report on the cause of Ethan's death. According to reports, his body was found badly burned. So a lot of questions are still to be answered -- and yet I'm not sure how much we really want to know.

But most puzzling of all, even if police do prove that DiMaggio killed Christina and Ethan, we may never know what his motivation was. Does Hannah even know? She says she didn't even know her mother and brother had been killed.

With DiMaggio also dead, police are left to piece the case together based on what they can find. With every new detail revealed, it's even more infuriating to know that DiMaggio will never have to answer for his alleged crimes -- if he really was responsible for the deaths of Christina, Ethan, and their dog.

Do you think police will ever figure out why Christina and Ethan were killed?

Image via San Diego Sheriff's Dept.

Adriana Velez ABOUT THE AUTHOR Adriana Velez

is a staff writer who dabbles in food, parenting, news, entertainment, molecular biology, and anything else that that pops into her head. She lives with her elementary school-aged son in Brooklyn, land of urban farms and artisan everything.  

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