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by Adriana Velez 10 hours ago
Is it me, or is there suddenly a lot of creative, scrumptious-looking ice cream sandwiches everywhere? Just last week or so, we spotted the strawberry Pop-Tart ice cream sandwich at Carl's Jr. And then just days after that, we spotted the ice cream donut sandwich, another great breakthrough in ice cream sandwiching. Hello, delicious inventions! It got me thinking -- couldn't I make these at home myself? Once I got started with these two, the ideas just kept flooding in. So here's some ice cream sandwich ideas for you to try. Enjoy!
First of all, a recommendation. Rather than letting the ice cream soften enough for you to spread it over whatever, I recommend slicing hard, frozen ice cream right through the carton with your heaviest serrated knife. Then you can trim the ice cream down to the right size. Wrap the sandwich immediately after you make it and put it right back in the freezer.

is a staff writer who dabbles in food, parenting, news, entertainment, molecular biology, and anything else that that pops into her head. She lives with her elementary school-aged son in Brooklyn, land of urban farms and artisan everything.
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