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7 Most Dreaded Mom Tasks Around the House

Penulis : Unknown on maandag 5 augustus 2013 | 18:09

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If I were pregnant -- which I'm not, thank goodness -- I'd obviously be in the midst of what's known as the "nesting phase."

With the kids in camp all day and no books to write or other big projects to tackle, it just seemed as good a time as any to play catch-up around the house ... and there's a ton to catch up on. Because as much tidying and organizing as I do on a daily basis, there are always the tasks that I put off, and the longer I put them off, the more daunting they become.

I'm slowly making my way through them, but the best part of all is that when I'm done, I can promptly return to ignoring them.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who puts off the below tasks for months, sometimes years, at a time?

1. Putting photos in albums. I love taking pictures, but they rarely go further than Facebook. So, I have a hard drive filled with photos, a few new ones in frames, and that's about it. It's actually nice to relive the moments as you file the pictures away for future generations, but somehow it just never seems to top my list of must-dos.

2. Matching Tupperware lids. I know that if I did this every time I unloaded the dishwasher, it would make my life easier, but there's just something about chucking every plastic container into one drawer that seems wiser in the heat of the moment.

3. Pairing socks. I threw away a box full of single socks last week and it was, dare I say, thrilling. Pathetic? You try it and tell me you don't feel liberated.

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4. Weeding through too-small clothes. I haven't had a toddler in years, so why on earth did I have a pair of 18-24 month shorts in my closet? Your guess is as good as mine.

5. Dealing with the kids' artwork. OMG, the amount of crap they bring home from school should be illegal. On a weekly basis, I put the best of the best in a trunk to save and sneak the worst of the worst out to the trash. But the rest of it? The 99 percent? Gets shoved in drawers and cabinets just waiting for the once a year purge.

6. Organizing the playroom. They ruin it the moment they actually play in it, but those three seconds when every dinosaur and Lego and Polly Pocket is in its own plastic box? It's a sight to behold. 

7. Rearranging my daughter's dollhouse. Barbies in the kitchen? Life-sized jewelry on the bed? Once in a while, even a doll's house needs a cleaning. (OK, fine. I kind of love this one.)

What task do YOU dread the most?

Image courtesy of Scary Mommy

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