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by Kiri Blakeley 2 hours ago
Reality TV has been dominated in the past decade by high-flying shows that focus on the stars' beauty, wealth, and life of luxury. Whether it's the Kardashians in their mansions or the Real Housewives with their real jewelry and fake boobs, reality TV is as far from most Americans' "reality" as it gets. Until recently. Suddenly, the latest reality show celebs speak with distinct twangs and drawls, live in trailers and swamps, and are more about hogs and pit bulls than race horses and Pomeranians. They also may or may not have seen a dentist -- ever.
Call it a backlash. Call it a desire to see a way of life that's slightly more "real" than what the one percenters live. Call it sketti. Call it a Redneck Renaissance. Here are 10 redneck shows that will have you embracing your inner Wranglers with plaid thermals, slapping your knee, and sayin', "Dern' tootin'!"
var UGC_HOST = "";var current_slide_num = 1;var slideshow_url = "";var short_url = "/entertainment/160429/10_gooder_than_grits_redneck";var slide_id = "";var from_social = "";var current_slide_id = '109750';Honey Boo Boo follows the adventures of 7-year-old Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson and her hillbilly-esque family, including Mama June and Sugar Bear. The names alone are redneck heaven: Besides Honey Boo Boo, there's Pumpkin, Chickadee, and Chubbs. Non-rednecks were horrified at Honey's "Go Go Juice" of Red Bull and Mountain Dew. It's one of cable's highest rated shows.
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