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Vicki Gunvalson Caught in Bed With 2 People -- Not Once But TWICE?

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 23 juli 2013 | 14:33

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by Nicole Fabian-Weber 2 hours ago

vicki gunvalsonWhen Real Housewives of Orange County star Lauri Peterson came out and said that she found Vicki Gunvalson in bed with a man and a woman, I've gotta be honest: I didn't buy it. The way Vicki reacted to the accusations -- and the way Lauri was reacting at Vicki's reaction -- it just didn't seem to piece together properly. But now Lauri is saying that she didn't just catch Vicki in bed with two people once; it actually happened twice.

Lauri, whose passions clearly include taking Vicki Gunvalson down, taking Vicki Gunvalson down, and taking Vicki Gunvalson down, told RumorFix: "I absolutely did see this. There wasn't just one occasion, there were two occasions." Peterson then goes on to detail each of the occasions, and I don't know, you guys, the woman would have to be a complete psycho to make both of these stories up out of thin air. I don't think there was necessarily sex involved, but there has to be some truth to these stories. As in, Vicki probably was doing something she's not super proud of on one of her insurance conventions.

For whatever reason, Lauri has been resurrected from her Housewives grave and has it out for Vicki big time. I wonder how Vicki is going to react to the claim that Lauri saw her in bed with a dude and a lady on two separate occasions. She's going to need to do a lot better than her usual yelling and screaming and calling Lauri a liar. Because I think people are starting to buy what Lauri's selling.

Do you believe Vicki or Lauri?

Image via Bravo

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