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Upcoming ‘True Blood’ Death: Which Character Will Die in Season 6?

Penulis : Unknown on vrijdag 19 juli 2013 | 08:43

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by Jacqueline Burt 16 hours ago


Deep breath: Not trying to be morbid here, guys, but I think it's safe to say that a MAJOR True Blood character is gonna die very, very, very soon -- in fact, I'm kinda surprised we've made it this far without sending a Bon Temps big shot to his/her grave! For over a month now, we've been waiting for the inevitable, ever since cast members including Ryan Kwanten and Joe Manganiello leaked some of the most spoiled spoilers in history.

Said Kwanten of the impending death:

It’s heartbreaking ... I was actually quite surprised that we had survived as long as we have without any true main cast dying. It was tough; even in the table read when we knew that this character was going to go, there were tears galore.

Manganiello added:

The table read was really sad, heartfelt. That person cried ... We all clapped, and then in 'True Blood' fashion, we had red velvet cake. When someone dies, they serve red velvet cake. Like, bloody cake, and you eat it ceremoniously, which is kind of what werewolves do.

Red velvet cake and Joe Manganiello, eh? Mmmmmmmmm. What were we talking about again? Oh yeah. Point is, somebody's doomed to meet the true death soon -- most likely one of these 12 characters! And while a few we could certainly live without, the rest would most definitely be missed ...

Which True Blood character do you think is going to die this season?

Images via HBO

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Seems like Tara's been on the verge of biting it since season 1 (okay, I guess she kind of did already), but with the vampire camp and all, she might REALLY be on her way out this time. 

Click the "Like" button below if you love vampires! Jacqueline Burt ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jacqueline Burt

has written for numerous magazines, newspapers, and websites. She is easily bored and often tired, so she requires constant entertainment to keep her awake. Dance, Monkey! Dance! 

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