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Lea Michele Gushes About Cory Monteith in Tearjerking Pre-Death Interview

Penulis : Unknown on woensdag 24 juli 2013 | 14:10

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by Emily Abbate 2 hours ago

Lea MicheleAs if my heart isn't heavy enough already from the details surrounding the July 13 death of Glee star Cory Monteith, there's a new interview out that's literally making it hurt. Back in June Lea Michele and Monteith took a vacation to Mexico where she shot photos for the August issue of Marie Claire Mexico. Inside the magazine, Lea touches on her relationship with Cory, saying that he made her life "incredible."

It's eery. In fact, there's no more appropriate word for the interview than heartbreaking. Marie Claire Mexico's editor-in-chief Ariadne Grant recalled Monteith showing up for the photo shoot in "great spirits," and told E! that the couple was obviously "happy and in love."

Go on. Read the highlights from Lea's last interview about her and Cory before he died, here:

It's more interesting having a relationship with someone you work with because we get more attention because we play boyfriend and girlfriend on the show and we are also in real life. But he is the best person I know, he has made my life so incredible and I am so thankful for him and not only to have him as a partner but also as a coworker.

Lea continues on to talk about the importance of being in a relationship with someone who makes you feel "unstoppable" and "encourages you." For Lea, that person was most obviously Cory.

It's been rumored that Lea and Cory were nearly engaged at the time of his death. The kind of love that they had, from the sounds of it, is the kind so many women hope for. The kind of love they had took years and years to develop based off of such a strong friendship. Sure, the couple played on-screen lovers for some time, but it wasn't until February 2012 (three years after Glee's premier) that they came out as a real-life couple. Maybe that's what made them so supportive of one-another, that time period where they were the closest of friends ... first.

My heart continually aches for Lea. My thoughts and prayers are with her and Cory's family and friends during this tough time.

How do you feel about Lea's interview with Marie Claire Mexico?

Image via Marie Claire Mexico

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