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Jenna Dewan-Tatum’s Secret to Awesome Post-Baby Body

Penulis : Unknown on vrijdag 19 juli 2013 | 09:35

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by Kiri Blakeley 16 hours ago

Jenna Dewan-TatumIt was only seven weeks ago that Jenna Dewan-Tatum gave birth to daughter Everly and she's showing off that post-baby bod. I KNOW. That term. "Post-baby bod." Whyyyy??? Why are women judged on their bodies after a baby? BUT. Lemme talk about Jenna.

Jenna, who is married to the scorching hot Channing Tatum, looks good. Healthy. Not like she's been on the treadmill every waking moment since she pushed a human being out of her loins. And not like she's still got the baby inside of her. She just looks ... normal. Her black lace T-shirt shows a little heft and her gray jeans are a little more filled out, but it looks awesome.

Jenna said she had an intense craving for sweets during her pregnancy, and she obviously got bigger, but far from gigantic. Channing said of his wife while she was carrying:

She looks normal everywhere else, but she's got a little basketball up front. I think [pregnancy] is one of the sexiest things ever, for sure.

Aww, love that.

She must have not let the sweets cravings get the better of her though, as she was spotted carrying lunch during her pregnancy that was made by The Pure Package, a healthy gourmet food service popular with celebs that also has a pregnancy and post-baby diet plan. The company's website, founded by a mom, says:

Everyone knows it is important to eat healthily, especially when you are pregnant and eating for two or breastfeeding.

So Jenna must have been careful with her diet during pregnancy (and probably now), which can make all the difference after the baby is born in terms of getting your bod back. It's actually the main thing that determines how your post-baby weight goes ... eat healthy, exercise if you can, keep active as long as it's done safely ... and the weight should come off a lot easier than if you spend your pregnancy living off Krispie Treats.

Of course, celebs use all kinds of tricks to hide post-baby weight. Spanx. Corsets. (Paging Jessica Alba.) So Jenna might have a bit of that going on, but it doesn't appear so.

I think the rapidity with which celebs seem to lose baby weight can make regular gals feel insecure, but let's remember most of these photos are taken from a distance or even Photoshopped. Trust me, they've got wiggle and jiggle in places they didn't have before, they're just much better at hiding it.

Plus, celebs definitely have not only more incentive, but more resources to keep their weight down during pregnancy -- such as home-delivered specially prepared healthy meals like the one Jenna had -- and they've got trainers to help them afterwards. And most have nannies, so they've got time to hit the gym. Never compare yourself to a celebrity.

That doesn't mean, however, that we regular folk can't watch what we eat and how much exercise we get during pregnancy. There's no excuse for anyone to gorge all day and sit on your bum all night and then blame the weight on baby.

How fast did you lose your baby weight? How did you do it?

Image via Pacific Coast News

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