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by Kiri Blakeley 18 hours ago
Cory Monteith will forever be known as clean cut musical jock Finn Hudson from Glee, but he had another side to him. Unfortunately, that other side cut his life too short. But it might also prove he could be a profound actor. Before he died, Cory filmed a role as a street hustler addict in a film called McCanick. Judging by what the director says, it wasn't Finn but the street hustler that Cory felt born to play. Director Josh Waller told US Weekly:
He was pretty open about his past ... he said that he'd never really been able to tap into his own personal history ... and I think he saw the character as a bit of a -- you know, here's that chance.
In fact, Cory inhabited the character so thoroughly that you wouldn't recognize him unless you knew it was him. Could this last role have grabbed hold of his psyche to the extreme, much in the way many blamed Heath Ledger's role as Joker for his untimely death?
Some actors can really take method acting to the extreme, and perhaps Cory felt that the role justified continued drug usage. After all, how could he convincingly portray an addict and get people to see him as something other than a singing, dancing high school kid, unless he truly lived that part -- had that part in his bones, in his eyes?
Waller was initially hesitant to cast Cory, but Cory practically begged for the role. Waller told Perez Hilton:
In my mind, I was envisioning a teeny little drug guy [for the role], but Cory Monteith is this tall, strapping man. But when I met with him, he wanted to do it so badly. He was very vocal about his past, and said he wanted to tap into things from his youth that he hadn’t been able to use as an actor yet. He didn't say it was a cathartic experience, but you could sense it.
Not every actor has to live their roles -- I doubt Meryl Streep does -- however, many do. They become that character. Not that the role would have made Cory start using drugs, he obviously had a long history with that, but it could have given him just the excuse he needed not to buckle down on sobriety the way he should have.
And once you've got that excuse, it can be damn near impossible to pull back.
It will be interesting how the movie does and if Cory is remembered for it. It will certainly be difficult for anyone who loved him to watch it. Here's a clip from the film. Will you go see it?
Image via Bleiberg Entertainment
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