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DIY Noodle Race Tracks: The Crafty Summer Plaything (VIDEO)

Penulis : Unknown on vrijdag 19 juli 2013 | 08:22

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by Kat Bouska 15 hours ago in Big Kid

noodle race tracks

There comes a time every summer when bored kids start to get a little fidgety. The heat is kicking in, they start to bicker more, and those dreaded two words are uttered repeatedly, "We're bored!"

Luckily for them, I happen to get all my great ideas from Pinterest and I saw that noodle race tracks are all the rage for bored kids. I loved the idea of the noodle race tracks because we already had pool noodles, both boys and girls could have fun with this activity, and most importantly, it was an inexpensive craft!

But would it really work?

Watch this video to find out if noodle race tracks were a Pinterest win or a Pinterest fail for our family:

Be sure to subscribe to CafeMom Studios on YouTube for more Pinterest-inspired projects from me and don't forget to follow along on Pinterest for more great summer style inspiration!

Would your kids love these noodle race tracks? 

Images via Kat Bouska

Kat Bouska ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kat Bouska

is a mom of three who is saving up for the therapy her kids will need when they find her YouTube channel, MamaKatTV. She provides weekly vlog and writing prompts on her blog Mama's Losin' It and encourages more people to create and share!

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