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Kim Kardashian’s Leaving Her Family Behind -- What Does This Mean for Her Future?

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 17 september 2013 | 08:34

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by Rebecca Stokes 17 hours ago

kim kardashianThe times they are a-changing! If you had told me in 2010 that in 2013 Kim Kardashian would be the blonde mother of Kanye West's baby and that she occasionally posed for high fashion magazines covered in jam, I would have hospitalized you for insanity. Then I would have stolen your time machine. HA! (In this scenario, I am, apparently, quite devious.)

But that's how things shook out! Every move Kim's made over the past 18 months looks like an effort to separate from the family that helped make her career. What she's done now only makes her intentions even clearer.

Kim's fired her publicist and signed with someone else. It doesn't sound like there was any falling out with her former long-time rep, Jill Fritzo. The only real reason for the shift seems to be Kim angling to get away from her family, who are currently still handled by Fritzo.

If Kim's doing all this on her own, that's one thing. But if the pressure to break ties with her famous family is coming from Kanye, that's less cool. Kanye's wanted to make over Kim since they began dating. Remember how he trashed her wardrobe and eventually all but refused to continue being featured on Keeping Up With the Kardashians? It's almost like he's embarrassed of Kim. Helping your lady out professionally is all well and good, but trying to make her into someone she's not is a giant red flag.

Do you think Kim is bowing to pressure from Kanye?

Image via Instagram

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Rebecca is a writer who lives in Brooklyn with her cats. She is probably even at this moment spilling food on herself.

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