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'50 Shades of Grey' Casting Confession Is the Last Thing We Want to Hear

Penulis : Unknown on woensdag 7 augustus 2013 | 16:20

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by Maressa Brown 2 hours ago

e.l. jamesIf you're itching for Fifty Shades of Grey movie casting news, a few words of wisdom ... Don't ask E.L. James for it! The author of the steamy series, who we can only guess must be engrossed right now with pre-production details, was fielding tweets from fans yesterday, and of course the #1 question on their minds was if actors for the roles of Christian and Ana have been chosen yet ...

All Erika had to say to that was, "No not yet." And when pushed by Twitter user @ElizeidaSanmor, who wrote, "whyyyy? We can't with this ))):" Erika replied, "You just have to wait." Geeeze, woman!

If I didn't know better, this would make me wonder if she occasionally fancies herself more dom than sub! Well, at the very least, she sure loves being in complete charge of when and how we catch wind of casting ...

We can't exactly blame her for remaining tight-lipped. The studio needs to do what they need to do behind closed doors before we can hear the official news. Still, at this point, fatigue really is setting in for even the loyalist Fifty Shades fans. Plenty have said they're losing interest in the film altogether, because it's taken so long, and they've since turned their attention to other entertainment. That said, Universal and Focus must know they've gotta keep some info flowing. And if anyone were to keep fans hooked with tiny details or teases, it would be E.L. James, right? But no, we get terse, unrelenting non-responses. Definitely a turn-off.

What's more, it's pretty clear that if they don't get this thing cast ASAP, that "tentative" August 2014 release date is falling by the wayside. And we'll be even more burned out on waiting ... and returns for the flick may not be what the studio had hoped. So enough already with the big mysterious, drawn-out process. Time's a'wastin'! It's about time they got this show on the road!

What do you think about E.L. James' response to her fans? Are you getting impatient with casting news or do you feel like the producers are just taking their time to get it right?

Image via Alexandra Wyman/Getty

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has enjoyed reporting and writing for a variety of entertainment and women's magazines and websites. More often than not, you'll find her blogging, hitting the gym, reading, researching something on her iPhone, laughing, chatting at an above-"normal" volume, or getting her caffeine fix.

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