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'RHONJ' Recap: Did Teresa Giudice Imply That Jacqueline Laurita's Son's Autism Is Due to Bad Karma?

Penulis : Unknown on maandag 26 augustus 2013 | 06:51

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by Julie Ryan Evans 10 hours ago

Jacqueline LauritaIt was off to Arizona for the entire Real Housewives of New Jersey crew this week. It was Melissa Gorga's birthday, and they were determined to celebrate, relax, and continue the healing that began after their last group getaway.

The big confrontation between Penny and Jen and Melissa last week had stirred things up a bit. The Gorgas were more wary of Teresa Giudice and her involvement in the whole mess. "Something's fishy," Joe said. Still they decided to try and see if Arizona could bring about more resolution and bonding. 

For awhile it did. Rosie Pierri told Teresa she'd jump in front of a coyote for her, and they all were moved after an energy healer brought both Rich and Kathy Wakile to tears with messages from their deceased parents. 

As everyone but Melissa (who was sick) was out hiking, they stopped for a ceremony in which everyone was asked to write down something they wanted to let go of and then burn it. As one by one they all wrote down something seemingly related to Teresa, I was worried it was going to get ugly then. When it was Teresa's turn, she said, "I’m just really emotional listening to everyone who had a problem with me."

I thought that was going to be the beginning of a big brawl once again, but surprisingly, instead of her usually defensive attack, she called them all up to stand with her. Then she told them she was happy with how things were going with all of them, and that she wanted to keep working on things. It was very Kumbaya. 

Then she and Jacqueline stepped aside. Jacqueline had admitted how much she'd missed Teresa, and there was a hugfest coming on. Then with just a few words, Teresa put a screeching halt to the rekindling of their friendship. She said:

My thing is I never want to do anything to hurt anyone else because karma might not only come back to me but to my daughters.

Jacqueline's face froze, and previews for next week show her ranting about how Teresa was perhaps insinuating that her autistic son's problems were a result of her bad karma. Honestly, I'm not sure I would have made that leap had it not been for Jacqueline's reaction. Teresa really couldn't be that cruel, could she?

But the more I think about it, why else would she say that? We know she has a propensity for getting words and phrases wrong, but this seemed perhaps a little more well thought out. It could be one of those things that she's been dying to say, but can throw out there in this manner and claim total innocence. I can just hear her now calling Jacqueline crazy for even thinking she meant that. 

I'm honestly torn here. I don't want to believe anyone would go that low, but as we've learned time and again with these ladies, you just never know.

Do you think Teresa was making a dig at Jacqueline and her son with her remark about karma affecting your children?

Image via Bravo

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can be found writing from coffee houses wherever she may be. The quality of her days is largely influenced by the seat she nabs and whether a protein plate is available.

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