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Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici's Suggestive Photo Makes It Look Like They're Hiding Something

Penulis : Unknown on vrijdag 19 juli 2013 | 10:03

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by Mary Fischer 31 minutes ago

Sean Lowe Catherine GiudiciDude. What do you make of this sweet yet subtly sexy photo Bachelor Sean Lowe posted of himself and Catherine Giudici on Instagram? Ok, so I know upon first glance, it just looks like a cute photo that every couple takes a million different times in a million different places -- but look a little closer.

See how Catherine's fingers happen to be slipped underneath Sean's shirt, in between the buttons? Oh yeah, I should probably mention that he captioned the photo with, "My chick bad."

Yep. "My chick bad."

To which Catherine responded on Twitter, "This chick hood." (Which I'm guessing was meant to read, "This chick good." Can't fault her for making a typo. We all do it.)

OMG -- what is going on with these two?!? What exactly does Sean mean by "My chick bad"?

If I had to guess, I'd say it has something to do with her little slip of the fingers -- like she's being a major tease and it's driving him bonkers. That would make her a little bit naughty, right?

Or wait a minute, dare I say it? Could it be that Sean and Catherine have given up on saving themselves for marriage and are finally doing the dirty on a regular basis? Because that would be AWESOME. And it's really not as far fetched as it sounds.

Take a look at the photo again. Don't they both have sort of an evil grin on their faces? It's like they're doing something they're not supposed to -- something that's forbidden. (LOVE it.)

And that brings us back to Catherine's comment about the pic -- "This chick [g]ood."

Hmm. Is she good enough that she got Sean to cave on the whole born again virgin thing? If that's the case, then she certainly deserves to give herself a pat on the back because he's been pretty adamant about keeping his pants on until they say "I do."

Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill here -- but something tells me Sean and Catherine have some sort of secret they're hiding. (As they should.)

What do you make of this photo?

Image via Instagram

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is the writer behind The Mommyologist, and the mom of a future famous comedian. Her current loves include cosmopolitans, reality TV, and shoes that don't pinch her feet.

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