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Michelle Obama 'Scared' President Obama Into Quitting Smoking

Penulis : Unknown on dinsdag 24 september 2013 | 16:04

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by Maressa Brown 2 hours ago

president and first lady obamaWhen President Obama took office, he was thought to be many things -- a revolutionary, a change-agent, and a smoker ... Ick. But POTUS recently said that he's kicked the nasty habit -- and it's all thanks to FLOTUS Michelle Obama.

Obama was overheard yesterday telling a United Nations official, "I haven't had a cigarette in six years ... that's because I'm scared of my wife." Ha, oh jeeze. Whether or not that six-year timeframe is 100 percent true is up for debate. In 2009, Obama said: "I've said before that as a former smoker I constantly struggle with it. Have I fallen off the wagon sometimes? Yes. Am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No." Well, even if that's the case, it's still good news. And proof that Michelle has done a fab job encouraging her husband to lay off the death sticks.

Sounds like she called in for backup to get the job done. Last year, Michelle explained that Barack's motivation to squash his smoking for good was their daughters, Sasha and Malia. FLOTUS told iVillage:

I know that his ability to ultimately kick the habit was because of the girls, because they're at the age now where you can't hide. I think that he didn't want to look his girls in the eye and tell them that they shouldn't do something that he was still doing.

Interesting. So President Obama's "scared" of not just his wife but his daughters? Ha, hey, whatever it takes! Everyone has different reasons for finally quitting, but I wouldn't be surprised if one of the biggest, most common motivators is doing it for a loved one ...

I've been hounding reminding my parents for a couple of years now that there's no way my husband and I are going to be comfortable with them smoking the way they do and being around their future grandchildren. (Even if they do it outside, they're bound to bring the smell into the house, which I just can't see myself tolerating.) I'm not counting my chickens, but I think what I've been saying may have finally started getting through to at least my mom, who started using an e-cigarette just this week. Fingers crossed it's the first step in the right direction!

Like Obama, she may joke at some point that I bullied or "scared" her into quitting, but if she's no longer a smoker then, it'll have been well worth it! 

What have you done to urge loved ones to quit smoking -- or what have loved ones done to help you?

Image via jurvetson/Flickr

Maressa Brown ABOUT THE AUTHOR Maressa Brown

has enjoyed reporting and writing for a variety of entertainment and women's magazines and websites. More often than not, you'll find her blogging, hitting the gym, reading, researching something on her iPhone, laughing, chatting at an above-"normal" volume, or getting her caffeine fix.

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